Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

24 December 2018


Love, longing,
Letting go.
Why is life this
Obliviously rude?

Why this limerence,
All little emotions,
Were meant to
Fade away one day?

Beyond our emotions,
What are we?
Just stacks of bones,
Sacked in rags of skin?

Tables Turn

A good, a bad.
A strong, a weak.
A demon, an angel.

It doesn't matter,
At what end of
The gun you're.

In the end you will
Also be a good hunt,
For a better hunter.

Predator to a prey.
A matter of time.
In between lies life.

28 August 2018

Black, White and Fifty Shades of Grey

The days of black and white,
Are long past gone.
These are the testing times of
Fifty shades of grey.

Speak the truth, you're ruthless.
If you lie, you're shameless.
Just spill right shades of both,
You're a righteous person.

Sometimes, you need to say
What others want to hear.
Ignore the things ,
You don't want to listen.

Trying to convince is a futile effort,
People hear what they want to hear.
You need to wear a mask or shed one
To move on and live contently.

22 February 2018


Between Truth and Lie,
I would choose Sarcasm.

Between God and Satan,
I would choose Joker.

Between Success and Failure,
I would choose sleep.

Between Love and Hate,
I would choose Apathy.

Between Left or Right,
I would choose Satire.

Between Me and You,
I would choose a Dog.

If you want me to take Sides,
I would choose a better one-
The redicule of both.

22 May 2017

The Ordinary Man

Who am I?
The good me? The bad me?
I'm both. I'm either.
Also, I'm neither of the two.

A victim of time,
Picking up myself,
Crawling, aging,
But still, standing,
To make a living.

Drowning, crumbling'
In this sweep.
Yet, in a momentary lapse,
Cheating the mighty time,
To nail some moments.

I'm me, wondering who's me?
Through the sweep of time;
Fighting, flying and sighing,
I'm a warrior, a survivor.
I'm, the usual, ordinary man.

03 July 2016


I don't know, what I know and
What I don't know.?

Don't know what I'm and
What I'm not.?

Neither what I want to be nor
What not to be.?

Do I have a purpose or
This is one.?

Am I confused? 
I don't know.

I simply wonder!
All these are questions or answers themselves.?

16 February 2016

Good- Bad

A bad man, a good man.
Who decides reason?

A wrong deed, a good deed.
Who defines destiny?

He's theist, me atheist.
Does it matter?

I'm smart, she's dumb.

World isn't black and white.
Colourful it is.

Reality is our perceived illusion.
World is beyond our calculations.

We're prisoners of our thoughts,
Our lives are beyond all rationality.


21 January 2016

Days of Our Lives

We're men,
Running from the life's truth,
In search of a convincing lie.
Busy, wasting time to earn,
Again spending it to waste time.

How we live?
Revolving around consumerist ethos,
Doomed in convincing ourselves this lie,
When we already know what's the truth.

And finally, here we're
Obsessed with future,
Regretting wrecked past
While present is in crisis.

01 November 2014


Truth is a dangerous thing,
For its variable in space and time.
When a man speaks a truth,
The person targeted understands it in one way,
Others perceives it other way.
And in process of convincing all,
It becomes a different truth.

Not all truths bring happiness,
Not all lies hurt.
I suppose,
The truth that hurts is more than a lie,
The lie that keeps happy is a better truth.
Since no one knows absolute truth,
It's only convinced in different versions.

18 July 2014

Sometimes Just Relax and Say....

Not always we should be happy,
Sometimes let sadness break the monotony.

Not always we should be clear,
Sometimes confusion adds great memories.

Not always we should judge people,
Sometimes let's walk in their shoes to behave matured.

Not always we should be charming,
Sometimes being absolutely boring gives us freedom.

These ups and down add life to our days,
Otherwise stagnation is almost death.

Running like a rat is everyone's fate,
Sometimes just relax and say, fuck it....the feel will be great.

15 July 2014


Caress of flowers hurt,
Thorns soothe me.
Thunder behold me,
And rain turns me lackadaisical.
Some lies have buoyed,
Truths have torn me apart.
Exhaustion has inspired,
My potency turned me lazy.
The only thing I realised each time was,
With bondages I was maniac,
This freedom alone has kept me lively.


24 February 2014

"Flying Together"

Giving someone a hug,
When you yourself need it,
Can be a most courageous moment of your life.

Being the reason for a smile on someone's face,
When your own smile is lost,
Can be a greatest ethic you posses.

Comforting someone,
When you yourself are frustrated,
Can be a greatest venture you can ever do.

And sharing your time with someone,
Even when you're too busy to look back,
Can be a biggest favour you can do to someone.

Because, Life is not a competition,
Neither we're competitors.
It's a journey and we're Pilgrims.

(Thanks to my junior. A SMS sent by her is impetus for this poem.)

07 January 2014

"I'm a Theist within"

God is not just a statue,
He's a virtue within.
He's not a concept,
A belief within.
Neither he's prophet nor religion.
He's a religiousness,
Meant to make you  humane.

He's not a master,
Nor you're his puppet,
To follow his orders.
He's but a friend to be understood.

For some god may be love,
And for some truth.
Compassion for one,
And honesty for other.
Some see him in others,
And some within.

You can call me atheist,
But I'm a thiest.
Since my god can never be your god.

21 October 2013

Being Positive

When you're down,
When dark clouds of bad luck take over you,
When all your plans remain only as plans,
Try to smile.
Not to show that you dont have problems.
But, to show, you have confidence to crush them.

When a man seems argumentative,
When his words seem assaultive,
When you're irritated by that.
Before it turns into a fight, you give it up.
Not to admit your weakness.
But, to show you're more civilised.

When you're bored with your routine,
When you feel like celebrating,
Dance in rain even though you're bad at it,
Sing out loudly even if that irritates other.
Don't give up because others laugh at you,
But, do that to miss not such ecstatic moments.

When you're near the peak you destined,
When all  your crew is exhausted completely,
When even you can't pace further,
Get up and give a call to your boys.
Not to show your superiority.
But, to fill courage, to rejoice at such heights.

When you're hit by a worst cancer,
When death is at your door step,
When you're about to die,
Long to live desperately.
Not to show your desire to celebrate your centenary.
But, to inspire others, to not give up even at worst times.