21 October 2021


Places and people
Are fused.
Twisted timelines,
Mixed up realities.
I punch someone
In the face to
Feel the same pain
In my gut.

Corner kick of 
Mine gets caught
By the goalkeeper
In me. 
The junkie I am
Is chased down
By the charade
Of a cop.

I drown in a 
Bucket of water.
But the coast-guards 
Fail to save.
I become a ghost
But no one is afraid. 
My fleeting soul too
Is a classic fail.

Einstein sentenced
Me to Auschwitz
For violating,
Newton's third law. 
The hangman 
Tightened the noose..

And I wake up in
My room. 


The letters you had written. Black trails etched on light blue paper. I've stashed them in a box upstairs. Maybe they're dusted. Possibly decomposed. But they're there.

The greeting cards. Flowers that I've dried and preserved between the pages of diary. Your aroma as scars on my skin and your caress in my humility.

I have preserved your smile too. On a shabby sketch on the wall of my room. There's a photo hung around to poke me in the night. Then lot of bits and pieces in the cupboard.

Sometimes, altogether they simmer. Go top, bottom and sideways and take a toll at what's normal and mundane. I get elevated or go down in an abyss. But I don't complain.

My days are long stretched fights with you in my head. They start with you and end with you. I don't like it. But I'm addicted. And I write about it daily. My diary is a rehab centre I guess. At least that's what I believe. 


Freedom is a bird
That hasn't seen
The sea.
From behind the
Cage it learnt
To sing instead.

Freedom is an animal
That hasn't seen
The wild.
From behind a fence
In the zoo, 
It made a kid laugh.

Freedom is my granny
Who hasn't been
Beyond the limits
Of a village.
From her own world,
The stories she told
Are best I've ever heard. 

The wings you flap
When you're fallen.
The dreams you 
Hold on even when
You're broken. 
Silence where words
Are not needed. 

The fight you put up
With bleeding gums
And broken wrists..
Freedom is not 
What you're or
Where are you from.
It's what you do
With what you've.

Laugh it out

I was down and
In a hundred feet
Deep trench.
Dark and gloom
With broken jaw
And a concocted

I was a miserable
Failure when I
Learnt to laugh.
And good god
I laughed my 
Way through.

Been battered,
Thrown to wolves.
Been fed lies
And feasted on
My vulnerability.

But I fixed my face,
Straightens my hair.
Summoned all
Courage and
Laughed my way. 

I laughed till
I cracked my
I laughed till my
Stomach gave up.
I laughed till my
Legs took me away 
From the abyss of
I laughed till
My hands faced
The pain in eyes. 

Now it's a habit.
Happy, sad, angry
Or just fine.
Arrogant, sorry,
Guilty or just
Lying around.

I laugh it out. 
I laugh it all out
To live.
I laugh it all away
To pick myself
To hold on.
I laugh it out
Even to move on. 

19 October 2021

I've Found You

When I looked 
In the mirror
And looked in 
My own eyes.
Not far down 
From the best of 
Life's realizations.
Not far away from 
The best of my 

I've found you. 
At the stroke 
Of midnight.
When the roof
Of my room threw
My past on my face.
I held a faded pic
Between my guilt
And prayers. 
In the clutches of
My humiliations..

I've found you.
Down in a 
Dungeon when 
I was lost.
Demons pranced
Over my chest 
And I had to hold
On to something.
Often as a final 
Ray of hope.

I've found you.
From the ticks of
The wall clock to
Folds of my bed.
The late night
Rumbling in my 
Head to the 
Post nut clarity..

You're not really
Like the rustle
Of dry leaves,
And the feable 
Ramble of my pen.
The steady kisses
Of the wind and
The ubiquitous
Strokes of emptiness..

I thought that love
Would last for ever..
But even in that 

I've found you.

15 October 2021


Time creeps like
Weeds in my backyard.
For no good.
Eats lots of space.

Last year.
Yester year and
Even before that..
I breathed fine.
There was room 
For sighs and 
Extra gasps.

Now the age thumps
On my chest, like
An elephant made
Of responsibilities.
Making me lonely
And breathless.

Is choking innate
To adulthood?

Shoul I be carrying
A ventilator and
Or just marry to 
Make my copies
Because there's 
No hope on 
The adult me? 

Main Hoon Na

I know you've
Built walls.
Thick skin.
Sharp eyes.
Iron-clad heart.

The glances 
You hide.
The words you
Give away..

Pics you refuse 
To send and
The songs you've
Stopped talking

If ever, from,
Over your roof,
The moon falls
And gets you
Soaked in starlight.

The cosmic 
Loneliness creeps
To your bed and
You turn vulnerable..

If you just wanna 
Cry it all away and 
Be real for a night.
Don't hold back..

Call me.
I am there.

Russian roulette

 And when the bluebird rides your thoughts and there is no way out. You take your pen and paper and scribble everything down like you wanna bleed it all out. But It's just a trail of mental diarrhea on paper. Nothing redeeming.

Then the bluebird pokes, chokes, and churns you to find a way out. Hours, days, weeks at the cost of coffee; you just waste ink, mocking, the trees lie in front of you as paper.

From morning to evening. You hang to the shades of despair. Hoping for some Redemption, but it's all just buying time to bottle up more frustration, but the bluebird demands and you have to obey.

So you decide to play Russian roulette. You have to. You against the bird. You put in a bullet, roll the cylinder and hold it to your head. A pen in one hand and in the left, the gun, to keep you at the edge. 

Then the pen moves.. some winds...some stars. moon rain. Fuck. Same Loop, and there is nothing new. The other hand takes and clicks. It's a blank. Deep breathe.. The right one goes again.. scribble.. scribble.

The dark the light and insecure nights...Then. What? Wait, wait what. That's all the bluebird demands. Then another click. Fucking Deer Hunter flashbacks, and then the right-hand moves without even waiting for a gasp. 

The lonely. The only... then what? Christiana Perry to George Clooney? you fucker, don't bring clichés curses the bird. Before you ride another thought, it's over. But not really. Three down and still not a proper sentence?

Writer's block, writer's block, I feel like a stopped clock. Hahaha. Let me complete that for you says the left one.

 Writer's block, writer's block. If not, by claustrophobia. You shall be killed by... There... No word. Click. Game over.

13 October 2021

Laid back

I imagine myself rolling from over a hill. Down over the slopes then to a flower laden valley. Just like a rhyme-less melody of a budding guitarist.

I imagine myself diving in the sea. Feel the cold and brush of the liberation. Everything washed away to come up clean.

I imagine myself living in a well. Walls collapsing, bringing upon me, all my fears. Then just flapping my wings to escape the demons.

I imagine myself in the sky like a kite. Wind at the helm and birds as companions. The clouds shower rains and thunderbolts applause. 

One of those days of June noons. When I'm confident enough catch moons. I imagine myself not doing anything and just watch the pouring rain.

Brought to life by my mom's chai. Thanking life for its vanities. I imagine myself, laid back, full of gratitude. Trying to find happiness in little things of life.

29 September 2021

New Home

Without any;
Twist and turn.
Devoid of any;
Warmth or cold.
My days rolled by 

Like a refugee 
From the past.
To seek an asylum 
In the future.
I was in a 
Perpetual exile.

While time dictated
My expatriation.
I had nowhere to 

Then you came

Hands clasped.
Fingers intertwined.
Head on shoulder.

You've warped time
To hold me 
In this moment.

And right now,
I'm not a refugee.
My exile has ended.
I've found a home..

In you.

25 September 2021

No Glory in Suffering

I blew my mind
And broke my
Spent sleepless
Nights to fix
My tone.

Cracked my 
A thousand times.
To show fate
A middle finger.

Even in a storm
I learnt to laugh.
Lying dead in 
Your room,
Collecting dust
As you brood..
There is no
Glory in suffering.

The light at the
End of the tunnel
Is just an unlit 
You just have
The matchstick
You've already got.

Time doesn't heal..
You need to put on
A mask or shed one,
To move on.

18 September 2021

Things will end

You may run like
A charging bull.
From place to
People to people.
Over the fence,
Over the fate.

But eventually 
All things end.
There will be 
A bend.

No-one left to
Lend you ears.
To douse your fears.
Nothing will be
Left to look back.
And ahead there
Will not be a 
Simple, straight track.

From a kid who
Just learnt to talk
To the granny who
Vents ghastly

The galaxies in
The far-fetched skies
To the quarks in
The depth of an atom.

The bull on run
Needs to gasp.
And eventually
Everything needs
To halt.

A bullet that has 
Left a gun to a
Flower that just
Lured its hunt.

A second has 
To eat an hour.
A day has to
Subsume a year.

The rage in your
Haughty eyes to
The mellow memory
Of her rose scented

From the faded pic
You hold between
Your guilt and 
To the life you've
Built in colorful

Your revolution will
Turn around.
Plan will fall will 
Fall apart.
And as you run out
Of breath and
Wait for a gasp..

There will be a bend.
And everything will 
Come to an end.

Hunter within

I gag my laugh,
And whack my
Mind to
Feed this night
To a lonely delight. 

I fight with my
Shadows to sleep
With tomorrows.
Throw myself to
Pretense, to deal
With my past.

I lie, I laugh.
I usually move on.
Till I see myself 
In a mirror.
Even in the dark,
It illuminates
To reflect my guilt.

These are the days
When I'm a game.
But the hunters is 
Who's doesn't 
Shoot to kill.
Stares instead.

He stares I feel.
He stares to
Make bleed.
Invokes in me
Self sabotage.

Maybe that's how
He hunts.
He convinces his
And sometimes,
Not elsewhere,
He's within.

I'm afraid..
The hunter 
Might be me.


A strand of hope
Is lost to the ruins
Of last evening and

Swine smells the
Dead to mock
Life that's left.

Gods watch the fun
While eagles dive 
Down unchecked.

Some out of hunger,
Some out of thirst.
Some out of ignorance.

Some didn't care
What was the need
And died out of greed. 

A blade of grass then 
Glistened with greens
And the devil..

And the devil did
What it's good at.
Ran for elections.

End of Childhood

When did your
Childhood end?

When first time,
Responsibly you
Took a piss? 
When you washed 
Your ass after 
Taking a shit? 

When you wore 
Your dress without 
A mess? or
When you
Counted all the
Numbers without
A guess?

When, mom sent 
You to school 
Without a kiss or 
When you consciously 
Noticed your 
English miss?

It must have
Ended somewhere..

The last day of
Gully cricket.
The day you noticed 
Your pubic hair. Or
When bathing daily 
Became a habit 
Out of compulsion?

Mine did,
At the age of 10.
When my uncle,
Who was always
Sweet and offered 
Me toffees, 
Became my ghost.. 
For touching me 

17 September 2021

Dead Room

As the ticks of
The clock,
Hammer through
The stillness of 
The night.

In a room that's
Sleeplessly rolls,
A person who has
Forgotten to fight. 

Flutters like a bird..
Corner to corner..
Poking old wounds.
Mocking budding

Of memories with
Wrinkled faces,
Feed on colours.
No shadows cast.
No legacy left.
It's a clean sweep.

Oblivion sticks on 
The walls to absorb
What you remember.
Even demons are
Anxious to make
Their mark here..
The dead are afraid
Of being forgotten.

But tonight,
I have decided to live.

I'll tame that bird.
Paint on the walls,
My fondest memories.
I shall invite all my
Demons for a feast.
No one will be 
Forgotten tonight.
No one has to die.

14 September 2021

Insomniacs are homeless

In this room where intensity of light penetrating the darkness is dwindling. Where only ticks of the clock fight the deafening silence..

I lay here suspending my animation. I roll restlessly on my bed like I've forgotten to fight long ago. I fiddle with chances of me able to make it or simply give in to fade away.

I don't respond to the mice that run around here. Neither to the suicidal noises that take a toll now and then. It's simply a long run of nothing. Pure emptiness. A vacuum.

Do you ever feel like you belong nowhere? Not to yourself, not to anyone or anywhere. Doesn't that send creeps sometimes? How to find a purpose in these sorts?

Then I look around and take my mobile. Put on the incognito and jerk off hoping to fall asleep. I do. But is that the answer? Or it's the only one? 

I suppose life is a really long journey to fall asleep. Finding ways to sleep daily to pass out ultimately. Maybe sleep is where we belong. Sleep is home. The only purpose. 

12 September 2021

Letters have come back

If kisses could have 
Been sent through
The winds and
Hugs through rain.

Little anger of mine 
In thunder and
Simmering care through
The lightening...

The clouds would
Have gathered and 
The air would have
Hauled heavy.

The sky would have
Conspired with 
A thunderbolt to
Flood her city.

But no..

She refuses to open
Her window and
The letters I had sent
Have come back.

A spell of drought too
Has been added now,
To my longing.

Go ahead and Smile

Her razor sharp
Eyes feast on 
Mellow evenings.

Her soft hands lull
Early mornings
To sleep. 

The deep desires
Of an ocean, 
Stand shaken by her 
Naughty lips.

The light beyond
The stars, bows down 
To the elegance of
Her cheeks.

Even Lord Indra 
Is impressed by 
The rhyming stance
Of her gait.

What else is 
Required to kill
A boy like me?
Go on darling..

Go ahead and

(Translation of previous poem)

ನಕ್ಕು ಬಿಡು

ತಿಳಿ ಸಂಜೆಗಳ 
ಕದ್ದು ತಿನ್ನಬಲ್ಲ
ತೀಕ್ಷ್ಣ ಕಣ್ಣುಗಳವು.

ಎಲ್ಲ ಮುಂಜಾವುಗಳ,
ಸವರಿ ಮಲಗಿಸುವ
ಮುದ್ದು ಕೈಗಳು.

ತವಕ ಮೀಟುವ
ತುಂಟ ತುಟಿಗಳು.

ಬೆಳಕ ಭಕ್ಷಿಸುವ
ಮೋಹಕ ಕೆನ್ನೆಗಳು.

ಇಂದ್ರನೂ ನಾಚಿ
ಅದೆಂತಾ ನಡುಗೆ..

ಬೇರೇನು ಬೇಕು
ನನ್ನಂತಹ ಹುಡುಗನ

ನಕ್ಕು ಬಿಡು.

07 September 2021

You're the master

Fate is a spectator
With lots of 
Disregard for your

You alone make 
Your destiny.
Series of choices
Is what you are.

High was never
In the bottle.
Neither in the

Flight was never
In the wings.
Nor in the assured

Cooking is an act
Of a craving toungue.
A murder is first
Committed in head.

The trigger of the
Gun is often mind.
Hilt of the knife
Is always your hand.

For better or worse
You alone are 
Responsible for your

As, even the Gods
You worship can
Turn out to be 
As dumb as you are.

Mom Always Cooks

It's Saturday, mom is on fast.
Her offering to Lord Hanuman.
Still, she cooked.

A few days back she was sick.
Fever took over. She shivered.
Could hardly stand. 
Still, she cooked.

Months back it was her birthday.
Everyone wished. 
There were gifts.
A celebration and a party.
Guess who prepared the feast.

On Mother's Day, she cooked.
On Father's Day, she cooked. 
When she was pregnant she cooked.
On the day she delivered me,
She must have cooked.

Maybe when the nascent earth was
Born. When the planets aligned and 
The big bang happened.
Even then she must have been cooking.

Through the world wars and 
Through terrorist attacks.
Through earthquakes and
Volcanic eruptions..

Even when my father abused
And when I made her cry
She still cooked.

Maybe that's how she expresses.
See how conveniently I say that.

She cooks when angry.
She cooks when she's sad.
She loves me by cooking.
The salt is perfect even when
She hates. 

Global warming hasn't stopped her.
Neither has the feminist movement.
Maybe the future of flying cars and
Sarcastic robots will make her wonder
And make her laugh and she'll
Still cook.

One day she will die and 
In her own funeral, she'll be 
Compelled to cook.
And that'll be the last meal 
The world will ever have. 


Between your ears
There is a prison.
Down your throat
There's a whistle.
Clenching your chest
A pump dictates
Terms of your life.

The thing between
Your thighs cries
Purpose of your life.
While two beans around
Same region has
Mocked it all the while.

The words that 
Quiver in your hand
Are in search of a
Place to safely land.
And how nice it is
If your redemption
Comes via the verses
You write.

She Rains

Moon was made
A canvas to
Paint a dream.

Sun was tamed
To find my way
To heaven.

Stars were just
Another excuse,
The reason is same.

My desires always
Take off from
Depth of the oceans..

Destination is her.

Some fantasies
Crash land on 
Barren swamps..

Points of my despair. 
They eventually
Become poems.

It has rained here
She must have
Opened her window
And kissed the winds
Of Punjab. 

Monsoons are her
Grace in my place. 

Loneliness Everywhere

I've soaked and
Wrung my brains.
Been hung in the
Backyard to dry.
The sun hasn't
Come up.


My dead room is
Averse to light.
Repungent to hope
Or any kind of 
Laugh. Has been
Dust laden and
Cries for help.
But the brooms have
Gone on strike over
Salary hike. 


The pen in my
Hand is unmoved
By empty pages.
The nib chokes
The ink.
My thoughts quiver
And evaporate
Failing to find a 
Safe passage 
Of life.

There's loneliness

The dried rose petals
Between the pages
Of my old diary,
Have forgotten it all.
Now I search 
Relentlessly for
My past.
Adrift, aloof...

I'm Lonely

The thing between
My thigh to the
Pump between
My ribs.
The syrup in my
Veins to the 
Wires till brain.

All ask me questions.
Searching answers
I've run out of life. 

And like hell 
Sanctioned act of
Blight, it prances
Over my chest. 
Like the little kid 
Of my elder sister.

Effing loneliness

07 August 2021


Bit by bit,
Ain't no shit,
He did have
With his
Sense of wit.

Was it my 
Face that's lit?
Or my 
Protruding tit? 
May sound 
Weird, but
I liked his way,
Every bit of it. 

Lips are craving
My desires are
Head is on
Wet is my clit.

I want his chin,
Deep in my bin.
Win me over
And conquer
My will.

Days full of
Restaurant bills.
Nights soaked
In drips of 
Routine drills.
I want him by
His neck to
To burn what
Rests in his wick.

Don't judge me
Just yet,
I haven't told
This is just a
Brick in the 
Construct of
Of my kink. 

But I'll easy.
Let the things
Unfold slowly.
Till then,
Let the room
Remain lit dimly.

Neglected Child

My shiny yellow ball
Was stolen by
The neighboring
Fat old aunt. 

The crayoned sketch
Was eaten away by
The white wash of 
The front wall.

Our dog that went
Behind dad to
Send him off,
Never came back.

Sister got into 
The wheels and
Shortly, ceased
To breath.

My brother always
Got the better half.
Mom loved him more,
I don't know why.

Bullies in
Hostel rooms.
Teachers in school.
Even dad care 
For me didn't last

All my memories
Are traces of tears.
Places of 
Good old fears.

Can the tamed bird
Not sing in the
Do children not
Deserve God's grace?


I like the way
Your lips lie
About what
Your hips might

A tight slap.
Maybe a
Rough squeeze.

Then there's that
Glint your eyes
That wants more
Than just that. 

A jerking pull,
A forced kiss.
A batista bomb..
Or breaking bed

The way you 
Fool me with
Your eyes..and
Taunt me with
Your poking nose,
Makes me force
My desires.

Let's not waste 
This night darling.
Let's unleash
Our madness
And bask in
Carnal wildness.

Souls are tough
To touch they say.
Let's dive deep
To find out if
Bodies are portals
To an astral life.

06 August 2021

Be a Metador

Give a makeover
To your diary.
Your dreams 
Needn't be silent.

Save pain for the
Paint your nights
In red while you
Still can.

Spring may not
Be as pleasant.
Neither your 
New job.

Endings are not
Always sunsets.
New beginnings,
Not that simple.

There's no shame
In painting, 
On a canvas that's

You face your 
Demons by 
Taking them by

You may not be
A metador, but
When a bull pokes
It's face..

What options,
Do you have? 

Story Barter

Each time sea-waves
Break on the beach.
A story is left to be

Well stirred.
Well thought and
A well crafted story
Is left in the sand
To be gone.

I dipped my feet
To forget my own.
Ended up writing
Another instead.

A story absorbed
To abandon another.
Against the one I wrote
To let another float.

The one that came 
Out as ink is fine. 
Mine must be a
Giant-sad-wave by now.  

Reminiscing is a Full meal

Memories have a 
Wrinkled face.
Nostalgia feels 
Like grandma's

Cosy, comfortable.
Worry free and
Free, fat food at

Reminiscing is
A full meal. 

And I've been
Dipped in the 
Trance of past
For so long that..

Now, I'm an 
Overweight ass.
My mind may break 
Bearing all my past.

Doctors advised me
To exercise and run...

But in the end,
It took some writing 
To shed calories 
From my head. 

Tipping Points

I've saved you on
Edges of my brain.
On the peripherals
Of my ribcage.

Have paused you
On a song that
I've left unplayed.
On the last pages
Of a diary and
Final episode of
The series, Friends.

In the first glow
At the dawn.
Last shade of
The dusk. 
Pizza crusts and
In the late night
Rush of lust.

In a quest I 
That didn't last.
In a eulogy I
Wrote for my past.
On the stretches
Of that coastline,
Where our love
Stood divided
By our caste.

Windowpanes to
Broken earphones.
Lost wallets to
Half burnt memories.
On the creases of 
A faded photo.
On the verge of 
A loaded gun.

Sweaty frustration,
Of a summer to
Unsettled longing
Of winter nights.
Even at the brink
Of my suicidal
Mind and on the
Swivel of creaky
Old fan...

I have saved you
On every tipping point,
As my shattered soul
Needs a holding.
As, only the
Reminiscences of
Moments with you
Keeps me going.

You know you're in love

You know you're in love.
When the smile on your lips
Starts transcending down
In your eyes then to the nights.

When rainbow changes colors,
You know you're in love,
When questions in your mind
Seek answers in heart.

When the luminance of her face
Wards off the darkness of your life,
You know you're in love,
Seeing the moons even in noons.

Everything is walk on water, sail through wind.
When the world is defined in music 
And you're a poem in making..
You know for sure that you're in love.

P.S- viator style 

Let the storm pass

The chaff will
Be sieved away
And grains will
Be yours.

At the break of
The dawn,
The remains of
The night will be
Done away to
Offer you warmth.

Reds are beautiful
Shades on the
Pauses are needed
For something to

Let the remains
Of the past crumble
Like Berlin Wall.
Haze in your mind
Be scared away
By Cuban missiles.

Like the
Sea-waves break
On the beach,
Leaving bits of its
What belongs to
You, will remain...

Just hold on.
Let the storm pass. 

01 August 2021


Your days
Might be starker,
Nights must be

Saturn might
Be brooding
Over a wrong

A black cat
Must be frequently
Cutting your,
Routine way.

But hang in.

A moon may,
Flirt with your
Ill fate.

Some fortune 
Just be offered
In your dinner

A red might
Hit your bed.
Might as well
Parent your kid.

You're just
Twenty five,
It's not too late.

Good thing 
Needs waiting,
A beautiful life
Might indeed be
In making. 

30 July 2021


Stars born.
Then doze off.
Even the 
Galaxies die.

Demons are
Gods are 

Predators to
Blue whale to
A Sting-ray-

Only time
Is immortal.
Rest all are
Its victims.

Doesn't matter
At what end of
The gun you're.

In the end-

You too will be
A good hunt
For a
Better hunter.

Got a Quill instead

I'm no bird that
Can soar high,
With flap of

I'm no animal
To survive the
Wild and breath

I'm no mantis 
To disguise my
Prayer and
Find my game.

And I'm no microbe
To to grow my
Appendage at

I'm just a human 
With aspirations.
Myriad dreams 
To fullfill.

They said, I can't fly. 
To prove them wrong,
Stretched my hands.

A wish for wings
To go wrong..
God offered me a
Quill instead of
A fancy frill.

29 July 2021

Proper Romance

Let's kiss till
Our lips bleed.
Fuck till hearts

Rub off this
Between friction
Our skin.

Let's hold on
To one another
Till we're lost
In a dream. 

Love is but a
Leap from
Somber to 

Lust is our 
To polish our

Smile is for
Meek, we'll
Laugh till we've

Wild is our 
Thing but 
This is not a
Random fling.

Beyond the 
Ideals of true love
And confines of
Bare lust..

This is a 
Proper romance. 
A bollywood


Gone is tide,
Blown is wind.
A second that
Has passed,
Has sunk down
In an abyss.

Fallen is leaf,
Dead is a sheep.
A river to go
A mother is
Afraid for her kids.

Bygones are
Mown grass
In the lawn.
A sailor has no
Business with
A person,
He once was. 

Sunsets in the
West are surely
Our point of rejoice.
But the horizon 
Of the east is
What we desire. 

Hope is a thing
That drives life.
Past is a rust
To move on from.
A new day is ahead
At the break of dawn,
Let me meet you

As a new man.
In a new form.

More than ever

On the days
When it will
No longer rain..

The wind will be
Too haughty to
Soothe my pain..

The paths to
Chose would
Be pitch forked..

Louder than 
My mouth..

The silence
Noisier and 
Bitterly cold..

I'll remember you. 

From dark dusted
Corners of 
My mind to

Cob-web and
Crown-nest laden
Heart of mine.

I'll remember you.

Like the fleeting
Fragrance of 

Like the sober
Morning of
January first.

The winters
Of December

Rains in

I'll remember you..

To hurt myself.
Remind myself.
Forget myself.

To write you 
On a paper.
Burn it to ashes.

To douse these
Usual mindless
Clashes to 

Finally realise,
How much I miss you.
More than ever.

28 July 2021


Dreams beyond
Window panes,
Are stuck in 
Narrow lanes.
Some at edges
Of brain.
Others at social

Staring eyes,
Complaining cries.
The rain that
Falls here is meant
In a stinky drain
Of prejudice.

The broth in the
Cooker is 
Purposefully spoilt. 
Light outside
The room is meant
Only to the flies.

A bird that 
Learnt to fly is
Just a good hunt
For over a night.
The one that sang
Looks beautiful
Only in a cage,
Saree is a disguise.

Dreams are rare
Ceramics for
Visitors' display.
Teen Girls in 
Colors are reserved
For slave trades.

Either you die
As a wife or
Live long enough
To be aborted.
Between two 
The girl that lives
Here is a curse.
If she's manly enough
To dream, 
It can get worse. 

Broke, Single in 30s

Two roads diverged
In the wood.
The one you took
Didn't offer much anyway. 

You tripped down
From over a stone,
And your front 
Teeth are gone.

As a teen,
You had gotten
Your share of grey,
In 30s you're bald.

Crush said, you ugly.
Even your mom
Must love you out
Of compulsion.

Your dad is your
Reflection. Judges you.
The same way,
You would have.

You're single and
Prisoner of your hand.
First half is gone,
But should you be sad?

Remove your shades
And look at life-

If fate didn't make
You laugh.
You really didn't
Get the joke man.

Lies of Love

A moon-ful of
Paradise in a
Full-blown daylight. 
He assured me
White Lilies on an
Abandoned island. 

Stars would grow
Wings one day
He said.
Riding the winds
That spread colors,
Fairies would
Come to ward off
Blues of winter.

Fireflies in the 
Month of December,
Bike rides by the
Coast, over break
Of monsoons.

Oh! Stop it.

Serving starlight
In ceramic saucers,
To force hope
In deserted islands.
Is bad mannerism.

Planting dreams
In somebody's
Mind is an act
Of terrorism.

26 July 2021

Show Stealer

Earth is bothered. 
Looks up in
Thirsty rhymes.

Clouds have 
Conquered the sky.
The sunshine
Has been smothered.

Sun puts up a 
Worthy fight.
A thunderbolt strikes.

Raidrops like 
Small nails,
Gush down with rage.
Cut and pierce, 
Yet, they douse 
The unquench.

Fresh light is out, 
The clouds are
Done with.
Sun has regained
The sky.

With green sheen,
Earth is poised
With a fresh gleam.
Ready again!
For her affair
With the moon. 

On a stage set by
Sun put up his act.
But the moon 
Stole the show. 

Radioactive Cascade

Termite infestation
In my heart.
Crawling everywhere,
These dusty burrows
Tell me that they're
A piece of art.

Leaches feeding
On my soul.
Purge of my mind,
The Holi I'm part of
Is a bloody war.

Blood has turned
My veins might
Cry a revolt..
A nuclear fission
In wake,
My mind might

The decay I'm 
Undergoing better
Be radioactive.

Thorium and 
Radium cascades 
Are fine.
Even radon and
Polonium can be
A bearable delight.

Till the isotope,
I'm gonna be is a
Another piece of
Even a nuclear
Armageddon is
A tequila shot.

22 July 2021

People pass. Not their flight.

Crouched behind
A veil, the eyelid
Is a tiny boat.
Running wild and
Conquering highs,
Sea-sized animal 
Is a sight.

Under dim-light,
A pen in little
Girls' hands,
Has challenged
A blood thirsty
Sword's might.

A kid's fist that
Turned tight,
To take a stand,
Has outlived
Many lives.

From roofs to
The backyards..
Kitchens to graveyards.
The battles mom's
Pallu has seen,
Has outweighed,
Both world wars. 

Drenched in sweat,
Guts twisted,
Fathers that slashed
The skies to usher
Sunlight are the
Bravest knights.

Birds might forget
To fly, their wings
Might eventually
See a blight.
But never redundant
Is their flight.

People pass but
Dreams transcend.
Eyes are just an
What matters is
Their sight. 

17 July 2021

Freedom Paradox 2

Husbands slashed
Open the sky.
Cutting onions,
Housewives cried.

To come out of it's 
Flying spree..
Outside the village,
A kite cut itself free..

As a kid stood in protest
To eat his meal.
An old man declared 
He'll not sleep.

Why can't men be
Angels? Just asking,
A single father,
Breaths in guilt.

Freedom isn't free
Said the known.
Knowing nothing
A fool took a 
Casual breath.

Absolute freedom
Is lonely. Too much 
Bondage, a slavery.
Between lies our
A wiseman
Before he wasted
His life on wine.

A joke someone
Cracked,  anyway
Landed on Mars.
And those who laughed
Didn't survive. 

13 July 2021

All Over Again!

Distant memory,
Of a faded face.
Left to be forgotten
In an abandoned

Each trace that
Was etched is
Done with.
Every scar is
Masked and
Left to be choked.

All half baked
Stories thrown 
To the embers.
Unwritten songs
Fed to the 
Cold wolves.

Each memory
Rubbed off with
Lemon and salt.
Washed clean in
The sea that was

But salt water is
A good preservative
They say.
Maybe that's why
She's all over,

12 July 2021

Whores of Desire

In a cramped part of
Town, down the
Unfriendly road.
Charm is high..
Red lights' tone.

Apathy lingers,
In mismatched gowns.
Under hooded 
Everyone here is
Just a collective 

Bare bodies,
Often untouched.
Their loneliness
Still unquenched.
People tread adrift.

Hotels, motels
To petty brothels..
Drought everywhere.

Half baked souls
In full-grown bodies.
Restless minds of
Thirsty genitals..

In search of
Between thighs,
All are whores of
Their own desires.

Lost Love

Churning flashbacks,
Restlessness in heart.
Should the longing have
Taken birth in me alone..
Oh! mighty God.

Why did you depart?
My love, my heart.
Should you have 
Gone away abruptly?
It's such a quagmire.

Death awaits every
Moment in the
Graveyard of my mind.
Should you have 
Buried our love alive?

It's just your play,
Should you have
Cried such a havoc?
Done with living,
God! Enough of
This life.

Corporate Life

Blood knows 
No enemies.
Thirst remembers
No friends.

The money you've
Lent is as good as
An address-less
Letter you've sent.

The time you've
Spent with her,
Will turn bitter.
Sleep is on sale,
For the restless
Nights ahead. 

Dead are favourites
Of the devil.
The one surviving
Are just tax paying
Cogs of a wheel.

Remind me later,
If you find free air 
To breathe.
What's the point
Of living without
A bit of greed?

In the corridors
Of your office.
An unseen enemy 
Has let you win.

For all the 
Uncommitted sins,
You now douse
Cigarettes butts 
On your skin.

Uncertainty Principle

We're the bike
That broke down
On the highway.
Sweat off the 
Brows in mid-day.

The sulphated
Tears while
Chopping onions.
Heated arguments
Over political 

Capsized paper
Boats down the
Victims of 
Pouring rain.

A mystery on 
Run on a wide
Awake day.
Unwanted luminance
In late night's

To the souls 
Made for each other
We're just devils,
That douse hope
And dance to the
Blue flame.

Of a love story
That hanged itself
With a rope.
Took a bad leap
Off an untrusted

We're just usual 
Scenes of a
Twisted script.
Overacting tropes
Of an un-hurled

Don't trust us..

We're the haze
Beyond the 
Morning mist.
Fate beyond 
Calculated grip.

We're agents of
Heisenberg's bravoes.
We're mirages that 
Are just to be 
Passed by.
The obvious that you 
Shouldn't be 
Bothered with.

If you look back..
We'll hunt you.
We’ll haunt you.
Get to you in
Your sleep to eat
Your dreams.

11 July 2021


I'm a flower.
Bee is my

Shoot is
My father.
I'm fruit's

Bud is my

My grandchildren
Feed the worldly

You call them
I call them 

Aid of a Kiss

She looks at me
With lots of
I look back with
Ton of puzzles.

Like fire and ice.
Red against blue.
Each gaze,
Reinforces a
Raging embargo.

Till it becomes,
Driven by desire.

The rage of eyes
Is doused by
The aid of lips,
We kiss.

We kiss and
All the questions
Are answered.
Mysteries are

There we stood
Tall. Fully high..
With happy sighs.
Like mountains
That just conquered
The heights.

Until, she looked 
Back again.

By then,
The world had
Turned smaller.
We had jumped
Off to space to
Peg a tent.

Life on Toenails

Mornings bring
Battlefields and
Make me take

I shoot birds 
Of hope with

Burn budding
Stories with
Half smoked

I've ruined my
Room's walls
With the stains
Of my blood.

Have hit the
Rock bottom
With a pretty
Good thud.

Blue skies are
Just empty wells.
I've chosen death
As my winter wear.

Sorry, you seem
To have something
Else to say..
I wasn't listening..

I've a day to pass,
A war to win.
And prepare myself
For a apocalypse
By night. 

A turmoil in head.
Shipwreck in ribcage.
Tremors to run-down 
My legs..Life stands 
On toenails.

09 July 2021

Freedom Paradox

Can there be 
Freedom without
A sight without
Shade of the

Life without
Fear of death?
Or a desire 
Devoid of 
Incessant threat?

Isn't poetry a
Bondage of
Music confined
In pauses of

A white page
Is of million
Plain paint,
Of myriad

Standing still,
How withheld
Is a tree?
Cut-lose kite can
Ever be free?

Liquor isn't the
Only tool,
Eyes are 
Intoxicating too.

Birds can be 
Prisons too 
Can be
Someone's envy.

07 July 2021

Wouldn't I Be Wanna

When it's cloudy,
Wind, steady..
Drizzles a bit to the
Background of a 
Long lost song..

Why wouldn't I
Be wanna slashed
By your smile. 

Why wouldn't I be
Wanna caged in
Your arms. 

Like a cut lose desire,

Why wouldn't I be
Wanna, at the behest
Of your enchanting

22 June 2021

Mercy of a Woman

Time passes 
In the clutch 
Of her arms.
Hopes take
A steady birth,
In the sweetness 
Of her talk.

Gravity is nill 
By the side
Of her neck.
Body is afloat 
By the aid of
A peck. 

Vaccum in here,
Her hand is 
On my chest.
By the shine in 
Her eyes...
My darkness is
Done away with.

Light years is
How she measures
Her longing.
Supernova attack
For her rage is 

She's a 
Multiverse of
Feels and storms.
Reels and norms. 
Of passion and
Luring forms.

She's Galactus...

While stars play her
Pleasing charms.
I'm just lucky 
To sit side by..
At the mercy of 
A woman,
How wouldn't,
The wine taste fine? 

21 June 2021


I sleep in a 
Wake up
In a bubble.

Eat for
My day-to-day

All my plans,
Hanged to the wall.
They wriggle.

I don't have
A wand, to be
Done away with
My troubles.

Magic is a 
Luxury sold to us 
For us to watch
And giggle.

Hey there, 
Wizard, under the 
On the streets-

I'm just a Muggle. 

18 June 2021


Where words 
Are shackles.
And silence 
Does the work.
Speaking is a
Heavenly sin.

Birds needn't
Always sing.
Clouds needn't
Always precipitate.

A guitar can lay
Idle for while.
Incessant peddling
Will not take 
You far.

Must a child 
Always be named?
How does it matter
Even if the egg 
First came? 

Just sit and
Watch the rain.
Recline and enjoy
A little pain.

You don't need
To always comply
Or complain.
Love is overrated

When empty
Pages have more 
Possibilities to
Offer.. why do you 
Have to pick up 
A pen in vain? 

Miss You

I love her smile.

If and Whys
Inbetween the sighs.
Unexpressed love
In angry disguise.

Ready blush after
Every random praise.
Signs of tears in
Pirated cries.

Her curiosity to know
What'll I do if she 
Suddenly dies?
Hidden longing in
Saying goodbyes..

Peck on neck and
Bites on forearm.
Perches of her nails,
Are sweet designs.

It's almost a years 
After we got apart..
But she still fleets
In my mind like a

Gone rogue desire.

17 June 2021


Dreams on a
Mountain to
Go in vain.
Birds in the
Valley think..
Wings are 
Such a shame.

Breaths are 
Traded to
Outlive a gain.
For an 
Outcome unsure,
A given try
Can attract

Talk outright
You'll be 
Called names.
Be silent,
They'll think
You're lame.

Where it does
Rain without
The harvest
Of brain.
A good season
Is just a dump
Down the drain. 

Dreams need 
Nursing even
When you fail.
Pack your bags
And leave 
The place.

As long as you
Keep flying..
It doesn't matter
From where
You came.

06 June 2021

Fed Up

A dried up
Rose petal.
In a decade
Old diary.

Cries out
A story that's
Bruised and

In a room
That has died,
Sitting alone!
It's damn weary. 

The stopped
Clocks often
Tell me a story
That's scary

All abused,
Cock protests.
My hand is
Not sorry.

Tell me,
If you wanna
Rescue, I'll be 
Packed and ready.

Or else, there's
Enough hate to
Torch myself
And be done
Without a worry. 

Search for Art

In the dust-laden dirty rooms.
A flight that's born,
Is an answer to the vast sky.

In a pain-ridden lonely heart,
The melodies that linger are
Replies from the mighty gods.

On a bitterly blue night,
A sunny smile is such a
Revenge on the satanic lord-

The faded photograph in
In the corner, Is a put-up fight
Against oblivion's havoc.

A tug-of-war in my head
Has spilled enough blood on
A paper- a poem is carved.

A pair of wings can be
Cooked in the kitchen,
Redemption now has a recipe.

Existence is cold but we're bold.
Art is our mark, against the
Challenges cosmos throws--

Drums and guitars against
The raging fire. Flutes and
Pianos to choke the volcanic ire.

If the apocalypse is the
Bigger picture--

The music that's brewing in
Our cookers shall be our
Preferred mode of answer.

17 May 2021

Just Smile

A mountain has
Died somewhere.
Birds have staged
A mourning.

An ocean seems
To have dried up.
Men seem have 
Stopped crying. 

A lover's caress
Has lost its glow.
Act of listening,
Is a gone now.

A stranger to 
Feed a stray dog,
Trust in humanity
Has been restored. 

Strange is time,
Changed have
The rhymes.

For all our petty
Chimes, Gods 
Have stopped
Giving hearty whines.

Don't worry you'll
Soon be fine.
Just buckle up..
Wear a smile. 

16 May 2021

Poem Currency

Broken pens
Don't have 
A say.

Empty papers
Are as good
As a hope
That's nay..

For a war
That's waged
In head,

Poetry is a
Price I gotta

04 May 2021

Lois Lane

She's a story
Broken out 
Of an empty

Freshly out 
Of a 
A dance down
My memory

First sign
Of summer
Between the
White lies
And charred

A perspective
She can paint, 
Drives me 
For the person
I've been.
She has
Little to gain.

I'm no
Clark Kent.
But she's my
Lois Lane. 


Mother raised
Me by working
In a furnace.

Father named
Me after all
The brothels
He visited.

For the sky
I slashed open
There was
No luminance.

To the 
Bondage I'm fed,
Darkness is
All I can sell.

If you've
Don't just
Start to bark.

For me,
You just might
Be a to be
Squished wart.

While the 
White Doves
Are just a
Playful feed.

For me,

Life is a
Funeral pyre.
Peace is just 
Another sham. 

Empty Page

Shooting stars,
To run down
In vain.
Wishing bones
Are writhing in

For a story 
I wanted to write
I've forgotten 
My own name.

Colours faint
Out of boredom,
On the canvas
I want to paint.

Melodies stand
Divided for a
Song that's
On it's way.

Before I could
God has stoned
My fate...

For the 
Between my

I'm just a 
Tale in a
Torn out page.


Like distorted
Melodies of 
A grieving

She speaks
As if we're
In love.
Like clouds
Would cry
For death 
Of a crow.

Trees would
Feel for a
All nights
She paints
Our memories
In black.

Shoots down
Our stories,
Stacked in
The rack.
For the 
Stones she is
Throwing at
Our fate.

The fruits
Offered will
Surely stink 
Out a dirge..

28 April 2021

Forsaken City

Poets have
Cried in

Tears of
In dyes.

Wail while
Singers sit by.

In a hopeless
Regime. Of
Homeless desires..

Words written
By little boys
To collapse...

Even the 
Sea breeze

In the city
Of forsaken

27 April 2021

I was born when

I was born when..

Sun was gone by.
Moon was bit shy.

Only stars were
Around to twinkle,
Before it got 
Cloudy and
Rained all night.
I was born when..

With a pinch of 
Yellow and 
Shade of green.
The spring was 
Bidding goodbye..

And from around
The corner,
Summer was 
A proper Hi.
I was born when..

Metaphors were
Cast in volcanoes.
Swords were 
Given to men to
Think aloud and
Pen-down verses.

A revolution brew
In great minds.
A spirit of enquiry
Deep down.
I was born when..

Even gods 
Would cry. 
Mothers would
Laugh and sigh.
Girls still,
Stole hearts. 
Kids ran around
Fine and wild.

Love grew in
Our backyards
And traveled 
I was born when..

Humanity hadn't
Lost its way.
Dogs had an
Equal say.
For the good
Deeds no-one
Took credit and

Heaven did go
By merit.

26 April 2021


The sky is
On fire.
Invokes in me,
A bold desire.

Should I just
Flap my hands
And fly higher?

Or take leap
And swim in
A sea that's dire?

Something in
The air that 
Makes me aspire.

A spirit of enquiry
Is driving me,
Let me just take

A taxi for hire.


Beast of the
Can ever be

A boy high
On love,
Will ever be

For the 
In his

He has drunk
All year to
Forget her

Misery is
Is pain.

For our own
Acts of vain.
It's we who
Should stand
In shame.

For the sins
Of wine,
Can the gods
Ever be blamed?

Smile a little

Smile a little,

In Saharan Africa,
It just might rain.

Out in an ICU,
You might soothe
Some pain.
Smile a little,

A man in a
Lonely room,
Might not go 

A Jane Doe 
At the brink. 
Might start 
Living again.
Smile a little,

To not let
Soldiers' efforts
Go in vain.

An orphan 
Might feel
To our cold
Let's not let
The world wane.

Ye, all.
Smile a little,
It ain't a bane. 

Ink Flow

He can't write,
Thoughts have
Gone rogue.

She has 
Gone away,
His heart chokes
In a morgue.

A drought 
In in his mind, 
Hardly anything 

It's been ages
Any of his words
Have last flown.

He's a poet
With a plough.
Tills himself to
Keep the Ink aflow.

But it has stopped
Raining there.
Is there a 
Way out? Bro.

16 April 2021


Time and again,
He scrolls 
Through memes.
Tick by tick,
Every minute ends
With a shriek.

Doesn't take 
A peek at
The work that's
Pending from
A week..

Completed a
The hour hand
Vents a cautionary

He overlooks
As if time ain't,
His means.

Day ends with
A screech,
The work has
Gone out of reach.

Gets between
The sheets,
To declare, again,
How tomorrow 
He'll not have
A breach. 

At its peak.
Another day is
Added on to
The fifteen day 

Hero with a Cape

Too much to care.
But I'm left with
No capes to 

Most are torn.
One that's left
Is is hung in
The backyard
To dry, I swear.

You're welcome,
To judge.
This how I look
When I ain't brave.

Bitterly blue and
Cold. Stuck in a
Room, with no
Courage to dare. 

Couple of more
Hours, if you may.
Once it dries,
I'll have a mask 
To wear.

After that,
Upon my pants,
Even I can pull on
My underwear. 

13 April 2021

Netflix and Chill

Jack and Jill,
Did a Netflix
And chill.
Came close
At will, then,
Forgot to take
A pill.

Born was Bill.

To fullfill.
Sleepless nights,
A daily drill.
Drama was a
Emotional grill.

Life turned

Of that night,
Both are 
Horrified still.
There's a moral
Here, to instill.

If you have time 
To Kill-

Any fancy frill,
But never a
Netflix and Chill.


Each day..
What remains
Of her fades,
A little.

Her hair.
How she looked
In a winter wear.

Yesterday day,
It was her 
Second base.
Day before,
Her her curves
Of a flower vase.
Today, I forgot
Her name.

Only a half
Painted face
Remains in the
Of which
I hardly care.

Few more days,
Done and dusted,
She'll be nowhere.

Someone is an
Emotion so rare.
Self love is 
Buddy, you too, 
Take care.

Way Back

Last night's
Hangover is
Hard to pass.
I can hardly
Make it to the 
First class.

Ain't a good
Student I once was.
She left,
Now I'm an
Empty bottle
Of glass.

Days are
Nights are 
In exam halls
I often hit a

Ran out of luck,
Life's a
Absolute fuck.
This habit is
Hard to check.

Just behind
The rack,
There's another
Bottle of
Daniels Jack,

Enough for today,
To find a
Way back. 

12 April 2021

Naughty Game

Night is up.
Guards are down.
For the game
We're gonna play,
These robes
Are a shame.

My lines are
Yearning to be
Your curves must
Be longing for
Some chimes.

Let me pull
Your hair,
Pat your rare.
Shift my gear to
Squeeze your
Rounded pair.

Holding back,
Is a mistake
So grave.
Your urges are
Mine to to care.
Sometimes up,
Sometimes down.
Let the battle of
Breaths sway.

We're gonna
Ride today, till
We can hardly bear.

A GB still left

Why won't a 
Shooting star 
Come down,
While I make 
A wish?
It's been long
Since I had
A fish.

The astrologer
Did blurt.
The Saturn does
Always hurt.
With one of his 
Moons, did I 
Ever flirt?

I don't recall.
Can be an 
Interesting quest.
She left, then,
The bike broke.
Even in the lame
I do choke.

Ain't proud.
Uncles always
Mother too
Looks me down.

Guess that's all
There's to own.
The curd-sugar
Combo hasn't
Helped yet.
Visited a witch,
Taveez too
Had a glitch.

Life's such
A bitch.
Everything has
Been put to test,
God knows,
When he gives
My case a rest.
Let him take 
His time,
There's no haste.

A new day is
Here, for me
To waste.
Lots of work,
I'll do my best.
There's reading,
There's Writing,
Physics, Chem,
Creb's cycle and
Fucking Sin
Minus cos theta.
I'm Still left with
A GB of data.

Incognito is on
Jai Vaishno mata.

11 April 2021

Self Introduction

I'm a light
Hearted bloke.
Little drowsy.
Little woke.
Bit haughty,
Totally broke.

Too ugly for
That matter.
Are the only
Things I own.

Laugh at others
Is all I do..
Humour is the
Only emotion,
I understand.
Sarcasm is a
Routine attire.
My life is a
Tragic satire.

Through the ups
And downs,
Picking myself
Up very loosely,
I don't think, I've
Much to offer,
But, if you insist,

How about..
Another joke?

08 April 2021


The winds are
Moon, bit more

Birds, chirping to
Seek attention.
Trees, clapping
Out of compulsion. 

A mountain
Must have died.
A river might
Have dried.

A shooting
Star to go in

A lover might
Have cried.
A dreamer must
Have woken up
With a sigh. 

I'm just a
Disappointed guy..
Sometimes a 
The sky.

A dreamer by day.
A seeker by night. 

07 April 2021

War in Head

I sell mirrors
In a kingdom
Of blind.
Words of wisdom
To a crowd
Of deaf.
Finding order
In chaos is
One thing.

A knack for
Stoning the
Still waters is
The other.
Mundane choices,
Usual noises.
Between extremes.
Lost in the grey-

Hot iron's been
Cast in shape.
The sword 
That's cast has
Waged, heck of a
War in my head.

And the blood that's
Split has sung the
Same rhymes again.

15 March 2021


Dil ki baat,
Dil mein nai rehti.
Mann ke pinjare 
Mein bandh rehti nahi.

Teri nazar ki
Bansuri chalti rahi,
Purane ghavon pe
Waar badta gaya.

Thi talash 
Ummeedon ki.
Bhook mithi nahi,
Pyaas bhuji nahi..

Jis Roshni ke 
Talash mein,
Hum tere gali mein
Phirse chale aaye the.

Waha shaam ho 
Chuki thi.

15 January 2021

Wounded Pen

My blood gets 
Skin turns thick.
Mind goes blank,
Pain becomes 

Empty walls 
Blank papers 

Solitude turns 
Into a mirror.
My reflection, 
A failed 

I keep stabbing
Myself to make 
My pen bleed.
Ink-trails are 
The only way out
It seems.

Wounds are 
Portals to
When the soul
Does freeze.

Quill is the key.
And the bird that
Flies away is,

A poem indeed.

11 January 2021


Each day, 
I make your 
Burn them
By night.

From the 
You're born 
By dawn.
Phoenix is 
A bird that's 
Born out of 
And burnt
In loss.

About the 
It cycles in,
It doesn't 
Know at all.
I think
That's how
I'm losing 
Each day...

Hope in 
A prison,
Is not good 
After all.

10 January 2021

Poem is a Flight

Mind took me
Hovered on
Dreamy lands..

Thoughts took
A shape.
A Blue Bird
Was born.

It grew wings.
Was meant to
Fly high..
But my throat
Is a graveyard
Where words
Often die.

A standstill.

Fluttered wings.
Poked my mind.
And hit
Some walls.

A frustration
Set in. 

Each day an
Attempt was made.
But how do
You make..

A Dumb person

A pen
With a paper
Was such a 

And at the 
Behest of 
Ink trails,
Emancipation came.

Thoughts flew
Off my brains.

Peace is just
Another bird.
Poem is a flight.

05 January 2021


I hum over 
The mundane.
Sing when happy.

Seek ink trails 
When sad.
Carry stars in
Pockets to
Swim through
The darkness.
Giggles in the
Not so uncommon
Dark humour.

At will.
Long stare at
The ceiling fan.
You know..
Just incase...
Quite unusually,
The radio plays
An unfamiliar song.
Maybe Italian.
But who cares

Death has 
No color. 
The crowd and
Empty rooms,
Are the same.
Silence and
No difference.

The same strand
Of thought,
Which gave me
Has recocheted 
From the edges
Of my brain.
The fine line
Between black
And white is
Now lost in 

And right now,
Even if you
Stab and say
"Trust me".

Maybe I will.
Right away.

22 December 2020

Topsy Turvy

Suddenly everything turns dark. Sounds fade away. You drift into a tunnel. A dungeon of unending narrow walls. Life seems to have suspended.

Storm of questions. Mismatched answers. For a moment a streak of light appears, then nothingness. A voice shrieks in head and suddenly throat clenching vaccum.

Then the ground from under your foot slips. What was in head gets a shape. The mindful experience turns physical. Tospy turvey, you just cascade down. Then a sudden jerk. A halt. 

A faint sound from somewhere hits your ears. You open your eyes. What a relief. You wish that was just a dream.

But was it? 

11 December 2020

No Nut

November ends 
And I haven't
Written a thing.

Such a losing

Or is it my
Way of
No nut 

Either way.
Not having an
Orgasm is

10 December 2020

Place to Belong

The storm
In me has
Gone athirst.

Shattered and
Helplessly lost.
It takes me

Hills to broken
Oceans to
Empty minds..

Lonely rooms
To nostalgic past.
Rugged roads to
A future
That’s lost.

From pens to
Papers, then
Moon to a

Hasn’t found
A home.

With the thirst
Still intact.
A refuge is
All it wants.
But is there a

To tame its
Brush its hair.
A hot water
Bath and
Of broth.

A lullaby
At night to
Sleep without
A fight.

An easy dawn.
A lazy day,
And for a
Shady evening,
Full of play.

Is that much
To ask?
A place to
Bask all day

A place to

06 December 2020


With the roads 
And rhymes of
April and May..

Summer is
Rooms and
May and

Bid goodbye.
With reds and 
Yellows gone..
Dust like
Thoughts brood..
On December now.

And I'm sure..
January will 
Stink the same.

20 November 2020

The Late Night Rush Hour

It was past midnight and like any other night; I sat reading in my house. Facing the wall, sitting on my sanduk with a clipboard on my lap, I sat there trying to ingest whatever it was written in the book I was holding. All around me there were my classmate and juniors in their deep sleep. The winter that was set in was demanding some warmth from within me and it was almost time by then- I was seventeen- to give away myself to the hormones that were agitating inside me.

It surely wasn’t the first time I was sensing the poke of my beak. I knew its sensitivity but I had never really paid it any attention. I knew this word hasta maithuna from the adult books I had read. Which is a Kannada word for masturbation. I knew what it meant and what will be the resultant. But I hadn’t really had given it any thought until now.

The clipboard that was on my thigh had acted on the sensitivity of my thing. When I became conscious about it I deliberately started pressing it against my beak. It felt good. I could feel it stiffen against the fiber of my underwear; sending slight tremors around my body. I did it often while I turned the pages of my book. It was a novel relieving feel.

Then I turned around my head to check if someone was awake. Everyone was fast asleep. Then I wanted to explore this fantastic pleasure. Surreptitiously I pulled it out from the side of the shorts I was wearing. For my surprise, it wasn’t dark as it usually did. It had a light complexion, the color of my palms to be precise. I could see faint bluish-green veins through the foreskin. Which suddenly reminded me of what biology teacher had said, “Erection is due to rush of blood to the spongy tissue penis contains”. Then, I held it in my hand, pressed it gently. Good heavens! It felt awesome.

Now things were in a flow. Just like that, I was sliding it back and forth which enlarged it further. The tiny little dark thumb-like projection had stood up in an obtuse angle. All fluffy, tight and handful. My whole body had its center of gravity shifted at my shank. Now and then watching around for random eyesights that might put me in an embarrassment, I played with my shaft; as it was assuring a kind of salvation at that moment.

After a while of playing with it, I felt it might throw up. It felt like a strong urge to urinate like urine is pushing from inside. Not that I was that naive. I had heard and studied about the semen that comes out. But had never seen it. For that time I suppose I had only urine in my mind.

Before I spilled it all around my place. I covered it partially by the seam of my short and walked to the toilet. I stood there shaking it in its full glory, occasionally watching how it behaved. Each stroke added some extra pleasure which pushed me to shake it more rigorously. The moment was intense, heated. I was going into a kind of trance. While there was a strong push from within and my eyes were squinting, I was like ahhhh! The ooze came out. It was whitish sputum like. After the throw-up, I was out of the trance that had engulfed me for a very brief time. I was back to the drab reality of standing in the toilet. Then it started to shrink in a relaxed manner.

When I was back, I was exhausted a little and sleepy. The thing that started that day remains an addiction till date on daily basis. Sometimes acts as a sleeping pill.

14 October 2020

War for Sleep

The loneliness
Has conspired,
With the dark 

My fluttering eyes
See myself reflected
In the ceiling.

Melancholia rhymes,
To the tones,
Of a long lost,

Unrelated answers.
Made up scenarios.
Top class illusions.

Insecurity plays
Video games.
A street dancer.

Nights like these,
Are tough. 
Total fuck-ups.

I wage a 
Full fledged war
On myself to
Slip into sleep.

01 October 2020


Beyond the
Of flesh and 
Of your walk
And talk.
The radiant
Smile and
The playful

I've a imagery 
Of you.
Carved out of
With carefully,
Chosen words;

There's a 
Painting of you. 
A rhyming nose.
Rhythmic eyes.
Cheeks and
A chin that 
Just fits fine.

A face full of
Van Gogh's
Starry night.
'Tum Ho' laden,
A blend of 

Northern lights
To swirling
An eternity 
Dances down
Your curves.
Through the
Lanes of 
My mind.
When you
Down to
You grow wings
To take form
Of an angel.

What's left
There after;
Is just your
Radiance and
My insignificance.

A Warm Goodbye

We're not on 
Good terms.
I know.
The longing
Is gone.
Glittery fantasies
Are worn off.

There's just
Haughty sarcastic
Taunts and
Lot of blame.

The castle
We had built,
Is grounded.
Brick by brick.
We have 
Managed to
Find a place
In its ruins. 

But can I ask
You something?
Beg for a 

Can we love
Properly for
Another week?
Can we relive
Some moments,
Just for the 
Sake of it.

Let's giggle
And cry.
Take the 
Mountains to
Breath and sigh. 

Allow me to
Smell you.
Play with your
Hair and
Just for a night,
Let's become
Vulnerable and
Drown in each 

Take me to
Your favourite
I'll believe in
God for a day
And pray.

Let the fresh
Smell of coffee
Pass past our
And an elated 
State make us


Let's not fade
Away like
Let the parting
Not stink with

Let's undo
This properly.

On a weekend,
Let's sit around.
Layer by layer.
Let's wear this off.
When we've
Enough memories
To fuel 
A campfire.

Rather than
Letting our
Bare souls,
Forget each other
Out of cold

My love..
Let's hate.
Let's fight.
Let's get dirty..
And kiss a
Good bye..
On a
Warm note.