30 December 2021

Shower Some Starlight

Shores of the sea
Are cleansed by
The touch of your

Winds seek 
At the behest of
Your cheeks.

The moon 
Has been jealous,
For over an 

The sun has been
Chasing the dark
To give meaning 
To his fondness. 

Feed this celestial 
Universe has been 
Lonely all along.

I've wished for a
A glance of you a
Million times..

Pass me through 
One of your 
Thoughts and shower 
Some starlight. 

29 December 2021

Olympic Dream

I open my zip
To take a piss.
I spit.

The spit and 
The urine collide.

My Olympic
Dream is still 

28 December 2021

Song of unity

We're not afraid
Of the tainted light.
Or distracted by
The lure of
Promising nights.

This is a beginning
Of our unity,
You can't stop.
We're gonna 
Paint our fate in
White tonight.

We've buried
Our vices beneath
A rocky surface.
Cast our hearts
In a smelting furnace.

We can't be dodged
By the vanities
Of the heavens.
Or the scared by
The cold fetters
Of hell.

The rage in eyes
Is awake.
The song of the
Black flags will
Be sung to
Sooth the wounds
Of separation.

From the cold
Embers a revolution 
Will arise and
That'll be you
Elitists' demise.

Beware of the 
Thorns, you wretches.
We feed blood to
The roses,
You preach 


This shade of loneliness 
Hits you in your late 20s.
Feeds on insecurities to
Make your life compliant.

You accommodate yourself
In family trips.
Suddenly try to socialize
With strangers with
Sips of cheap drinks.

You form political opinions,
To fit in a group.
Watch cricket to blend in.
The mainstream is an
Inevitable end it seems.

All the girls you could have 
Had in college.
The moves you didn't make.
The words you couldn't say.

A feminine touch can
Only redeem you,
But your mirror 
Rejects you again.

Your only friend 
Succumbs to a girl.
And now you're really
Fucked in the head.

The loneliness sacrifices 
You to a societal mess.
And you decide to
Get married for sex.

27 December 2021


There's someone 
In the Dark..
I see,
But I don't realise.

There's someone in
The heart.
I can feel.
Can't hold on.

Time always slips
From the cusp of
Moments do become

There's someone in
The dark,
I don't realise.
He or me 
Doesn't matter.

He does slip from
My fingers.
I do from time. 

Irrelevance is
Something of an
Ultimate demise. 

24 December 2021

Dear Loneliness

You cut wings of
Doves and force 
Them to fly.

Pluck dandelions,
Only to throw them
In fire.

Give hopes to
Ailing hearts
Then feed apathy,
To cripple their life.

The prayers that
Taste you turn
Into dirge.

The things you
Touch are declared
As spoils of war.

So ingrained are
Sins in you,
That even after 
Washing your soul 
In the volcano..

The taints still glow,
The guilt still grows.

Leaving you to
Wonder if that's 
Really a curse.
Your heart hangs
In the air now, 
With no one to hold.

Dear loneliness,
I will break from
Your shackles.
I shall not live in
Vain tonight.

Dear Comrade

With the stroke of
Of your tongue,
The words you weave.

The intoxication,
Your eyes spew..

Curl of your lip,
That slays hearts
And subjugates

Atheists, priests.
Philosophers and
And other fanatics.

How many 
You must have 
With just a curve
Of your smile.

Are you,
By any chance.
The incumbent

23 December 2021

If I'd never met you

If I'd never met you,
The food would have
Tasted the same.
The rains would have
Poured the same.

My desires wouldn't
Have taken a leap and
I'd have remained unsung,
Even in my dreams.
If I'd never met you,
The winds would have
Blown the same.
The sun would have
Still come up in the west.

My mind would have
Brooded on the idea of
A perfect past.
There would have been
A cacti infestation,
I'd have grown a fondness to.
If I'd never met you,
My heart would have
Pumped the same.
My blood would have
Rushed the same.

My room would still
Be dark. Walls be blank.
I'd have romanticized
Pain to write sad stories.
Where I'd have died
Again and again.
If I'd never met you.
My words wouldn't
Have flown.
Verses wouldn't have

With a block in in the
Mind intact.
My throat still would
Have been a graveyard of
The songs I never sang.


Sky is crying fire.
Winds are hurling
A storm.
Earth quivers in
Boggled awe.
As a revolution
Comes alive.

Icecaps are afraid
Of a wave of heat.
Mountains shiver out
In a cold that beats.
Seas too slosh
In scare,
To the revolution
That's in wake.

Forests have lost
Their cool.
Animals are as
Trees do anticipate
Something bad.
The revolution in
Wake, is not
Welcome at all.

Demons are
Running for life.
Angels are confused
Taking sides.
Gods sit coughing,
For being pleased
With lit-up cigars.

And the man lauds
The smoke,
He is breathing.
Lits another cigarette,
To celebrate the next 
Revolution he wanna
Bring to life.

20 December 2021

The Hunter

Dusk covers the sky.
Dust settles on the
Leaves of trees,
That are tired.

Claws clenched,
Unwavering sight.
A tiger sits in the shade.
In a calm composure,
The hunter is now live.

Rage simmering.
Hunger in the eyes.
Waiting is the only plan.
His patience is dangerous
Than the fangs.

Flies in the milieu
Are fried by his sigh.
Birds are stupefied,
Anticipating a storm.

Only wolves howl
In distance.
They understand
The gravity of the times.

Other biggies don't dare 
To breath a sound.
Mistakes can cost
Your life.

Even demons seek
A hiding.
No one wants to be 
A petty feast tonight.

And that's how hunger
Of a beast smells.
No-one will be spared.
Life is skeptical

This too shall pass

Sharp edges 
Will fade away,
Against the grate
Of passing time.

Shades will fill 
The divide,
Between the 
Black and white.

The right and 
The wrong
Will be occupied
With IFs and WHYs. 

The splits in the
Skin will be 
Braced by touch
Of a hand. 

The distance in 
Your eyes will be
Held with an 
Incessant desire.

Your sadness is
So is your happy

What's done will
Be undone..
Wounds will
Soon be dead.

Pain or pleasure.
Sharp edges will
Fall and this too
Shall pass.

16 December 2021


I got drunk at night. 
Smirked at the moon,
Challenged the night sky,
For some more gloom.

Of many other things,
Defaced walls and
Stoned the mirrors
In my room.

Torn my diaries,
To amend the past.
Puked enough to
Pass to at last.

Then you invaded
My dreams.
To kill me in my 

And I woke up
With a sigh,
Feeling my thing
Between the thighs.

This story of 
You and I, is a loop,
Of forgetting and

 I manage to escape
 You in the night.
 Only to be caught
 At the dawn.

Time is slow in Dharwad

Roosters are lazy.
Mornings are not
So early.
Time is slow in
No one here is in a
Real hurry.

You wake up,
Go in search of
Breakfast with friends.
Hours simply pass,
As sipping chai 
Takes a lot of laugh.

So comes lunchtime,
Roti, curd, rice and
Food here is a wormhole.
Noon-nap that follows
Is a blackhole. 
You just belch, yawn.
And mysteriously you
Slip to the evening.

Sleepy eyes as the
Light fades,
Can anything get slower
Than this sombre?
And some more
You're back to bed
After a fat dinner.

Dreams bore fruits
Only in sleep.
The monk who couldn't
Grow beard, 
Decided to leave..

Even leaves take
Their own time 
To fall..
Time does really pass
Slowly in Dharwad. 


The number of 
T-shirts has been
Reduced to two.
The jeans in my closet,
Are disappearing too.

The themed vests 
Are being replaced,
By white banyans.

Fit full-sleeved shirts.
And well stitched,
Formal pants have
Invaded my space.

Clean shaved face,
Thick mustache.
A tuft of grey hair,
Left un-attained..

Beer belly is a
New reality.
Self-acceptance is
Now a philosophy.

Age stole my 
Ripped jeans,
Adulthood is gone..

A kid in the street
To call me uncle..
I've become
My father.

10 December 2021

Come Again

The garden of 
Our muse,
Has lost its charm.
Come again,
To shower a bloom.

The moon flaunts
Too much,
In your absence.
Come again to
Show him,
Who rules the eve. 

I've forgotten to
I have forgotten
To feel.

From the ruins of
Our love..
Bring some thorns,
While you pass by..
I might need a 
Prick to bleed.

Come again, 
To make me breath.
Come again,
Let me feel.
Come again, darling
To show me another 

09 December 2021

Dead Inside

Longing for you
Even after 
Our separation..
If its not enough
Of a devotion.
Then yes.
I'm an atheist.

If still hoping for
Your return is 
Not enough of
Then yes.
I'm a cynic.

In the middle of
The night.
When I wake up
Gasping your name.
The stroke of
That shock..
How can I 
Describe it?

To put it all in 
If I've not bled
Then, yes.
I'm apathetic.

07 December 2021


From deep oceanic
Till the vast expanse,
Of the sky.

Collapsing neutrons
In the core.
Till the doused light
In dying stars.

From a widow's
Eyes to
Sinking hopes in
Hospital corridors.

Loneliness prances
Like a
Hell sanctioned,
Demonic Avatar.

And when it
Joins hands with,
The freak of
Re-enforcing silence..
The noise it makes
Is much more quieter.

Like it's a vacuum.
Sheer Emptiness.

Dust of separation

Dust of separation
Has smothered
My verses.
Stories prematurely

Has stacked 
Pile of time.
Colors have 
Abandoned my realm.
It's pitch dark.

A veil is spread
On my eyes.
Sight is murky,
I'm almost blind.

Dust of separation
Has taken over
My mind...
Thoughts are
Sense of perception
Is gone.

Has opened some
I scream your
Name.. but
You're not around.

The dust must
Have settled on
You as well.
Are you too
Screaming aloud?

06 December 2021


Some stories are
Written in blood.
Deep trails and
Sharp edges.
They're too much
Of a trudge.

Some are written
On water.
So forgettable,
That, they almost
Don't exist.

So brief was
Our union.
Yet, so intense.
That it was etched 
On a rock and
Later fed to lava.

Dead poets must
Have painted it.
Our story is just smoke.
It doesn't really exist.
But does it?

Save a Spark

Burn a mountain
If you want.
Chase away all
The cold wolves
On summer night.
Tame the dragons,
Or tumult yourself
In a sea that
Cries fire.

But save a spark,
For the winters.
To light the 
Vulnerable nights.
To fight the blue
Of the dark.

Aid of Divine

Her face is
Her heart,
The blue sky.

Eyes are wild,
Tone is mild.
Her blush is
A killer when 
She becomes
A child. 
As sweet as
A butterfly.
As brave as
The late night.

Down the
Alleys of my
Confused mind
She seems to be
The Answer...
To all my
If and Whys.
She's such
A joy.
A touch of
A miracle,
I'm not gonna

A reason for
My loneliness'
An inspiration,
Who makes me 
Beyond the 
Close to Gods.

She's a fantasy
Divised by 
The aid of divine.


These bruises 
And scars.
Half-cut smiles, 
And broken stars.
Little insides that 
Die daily to 
Humiliation and

The taints we 
Nourish to grow
A slang from you,
An Arrow from
Our palette,
Full of blame 
Is pretty much 

We're poets sire,
We paint in words,
Take on nerves and
Live in shadows.
You may not 
Recognize us.
We don't reside in
Hearts that are hollow.

Come and see us,
If you've time.
We're just a 
Thought away.

If you peep in 
Your head, 
In search of aesthetics 
In the dust 
Of your mind..


05 December 2021

Bday Gone Wrong

It's her birthday
And she must
Be expecting a

And I'm all
Caught up in
My head,
Preparing a list.
The song I
Wanted to write
Hasn't come in

For the train I've
Been waiting,
The signs haven't
Been so dandy.
My rhymes are
Still broken.

The tones are
Out of sync.
I have run out
Of ink.
It's been three
Sky is turning

She must be
Waiting for
Her hopes
Shouldn't sink.
The train did
Reach late and
She didn't quite
Really wait.

But I did sing
A ballad on 
How they kicked me
Out of her
Hostel gate.


Take off the veil
In your eyes.
Brush away the shade.
Color your gaze.
Tickle your desires,
And to the off-key
Music of your
Let yourself go.

It's time for you
To dance.
Breakaway from
The restraints.
Tear off the
Snares you wear.
It's time to stretch
Arms, to grow wings.
To the tunes of
Euphoria that
Bounces off from
Your redemption..

It's time for you
To dance.
Let go of the
Bondage of
Wash clean the
Slate of your sins.
Look yourself in
The mirror.
Hold yourself in
A prayer.
To chimes of
Promises you wanna
Make to yourself..

It's time for you
To dance.


Sadness is my
Old-time homie,
We eat for breakfast,
Our misery.

We go shopping
When needed,
Plan a heist to
Loot pain from
People's treasury.

Demons lend
Ears to our jokes,
Death wants with
Us a fair duel.

The cold blue
Is our fuel.
Guileful smiles
Elevate our pleasure.

We kill ourselves
In our own stories,
To listen to fancy

Gods bet against
Our fate.
People distance
Vulnerability is
What they hate.

You seem to be
Keen though.
Hurt? or hungry?
Burnt dandelions 
Must have prepared
A feast.

Let's have dinner-
On the other side 
Of a grave.

03 December 2021


Embrace yourself.
They said.
Opening my arms,
I wrapped myself.

It wasn't warm.
Loneliness is cold.

In desperation,
I rubbed my hands 
They caught fire.

I'm all burnt.
The deep blue of winter
Is not yet gone. 

02 December 2021


Went to school via
An enchanted forest.
Fought with a 
Demon which is 
Still infamous.

A plot he missed
Decades ago is
Worth crores.
Could have married 
Someone better.
But was hitched to
My mother.

Snores so loud,
Roofs can collapse.
Belches so hard,
Even Jet engines feel 
The drag.

Shameless farts,
Deep thrust toothpicks.
Hunts ear-wax with
Almost anything 
That's sharp.

Head buried deep 
In news channels,
He has defaced
Won wars against 
China and has
Defeated Corona
With blessings of
A local baba. 

With holes adorned 
White vest. 
Big belly is his 
Net worth.
Lungi as his Cape.
My father is a 
Superhero, who
Always swears. 

Desert of my solitude

In the desert of 
My solitude,
Winds are strong.
I fly kites.

In the desert of
My solitude,
Water is scarce.
I dig wells.

In the desert of
My solitude,
Roses are sullen
In memory of 
Your lips.

Sparrows have
Stopped chirping.
In absence of your

So I string and
Un-string my desires
To place them in
Desolate tunes.

But I fail.

Nothing grows here
In the desert of
My solitude.
Especially hope.

ft Dasht-E-Tanhai by Faiz

01 December 2021

Conditions Apply

What if our 
Thoughts collide.
Our footprints align
While we walk.

When filled with 
Desire, what if 
Our heartbeats

Overcoming all
Our imperfections.
What if our fingers
Perfectly intertwine.

What if my verses
Rhyme to
The tone of your 
Sweet voice.

Will you love me
Then? Or
You'll wait till..

Your mother agrees,
Father approves.
And the family dog
Sniffs out suspicion
For everyone in home?


Thousand nails pierce
Through roof of my
It rains fire shortly,
Everything is charred.

Oh! Pain is an
Old friend.
He has a stylish entry.

You should see him 
Leave though.

Like an exit wound
Of a high caliber gun.
He snatches a pound of 
Flesh for his dinner.

He cooks it fine.
But the amount of
Salt he puts is extra hurt.
For which I'm not
That prepared.

I love shade

I love shade. 
Things with some
Degree of fade.
Worn out here 
And there.
Bruised, blemished,
Still their 
Entirety Intact,
Oozing life somehow 
From around 

Like setting sun's 
Red on blue inlay. 
a memory on rampage..
Sometimes a pain,
Sometimes sweet
As rain.

On a stormy night, 
The ship that
Went on a sail.
Trails of longing,
On faded pic.
A lost love that
Sneaks past mid-night
To evade sleep.

Like the tunes of 
A song on tip of
My tongue,
That I fail to
The days of
Childhood that
That seems to be
Escaping from
The clutches
Of my mind.

Blessing in 
One way,
From the other, 
A disgrace.
I love shade.
Things with some
Degree of fade.

In your town

The longing
That fleets in
These words.

The loneliness
That hangs in
My thoughts.

The insecurity
I often talk
About and

The sadness
I always
Reflect has

Shades of
Missing you.

A feeling of
Being lost..
Always clung
To the past..

Perception of
Reality is lost,
My reflection in
The mirror
Has started
Wearing masks.

I have been
Waiting on the
Park bench
For years now.
Can you come
And meet me
This time?

The seed of
The apple I ate
Is a tree now.

Prison of Perception

There's nowhere to go
But everywhere.
The moon and the sky
Seem dope but
The cosiness of this room
Is also fine.

There's nothing to 
Think about,
But everything.
Our nothingness in
The universe.
Death is inevitable.
But this material urge
Is beautiful too.

There's nothing to eat
But everything looks
Veg, non-veg and
The way I want to eat you,
Even cannibalism seems
Like an option.

This, that,
Either, or.
Neither, nor.
To the sway of mind,
Everything to nothing..
What's right and
What's wrong?

Upside down, even
Sea is an open sky.

30 November 2021

All of you

No I don't want a 
Part of you.
Not the face,
Cheeks, hands or
Just thighs.

I want you in your 
All the shades from
Red to gray.
Sweet to cold.
Colourful to bland.

The smiling, sad,
Loving and horny.

Lift you at red lights
Kind of love. 
Miss you in bathroom
Kind of love.

Forehead kiss and
Unconditional kind
Of love to
Tounge grazing
All over you..
Savoury of your moan
Kind of love.

Crying when you're
Sad kind of love.
And loving you when
High kind of love.

Head on my shoulder 
Kind of love.
Steady caress kind
Of love.
Reason for your laugh
And wiping clean
Your sins kind of

Cuddles and hugs
And lots of hickies.
Finger up your clit,
Taste your sweat
Kind of love.

Either it's all or
None of it.
Sunsets, starlight
And muse of the
Moon, against
Blank stare at
My wall..

All against one,
One against all
Kind of love. 

29 November 2021

Wake of Revolution

Termite infestation
In my heart.
Creeping everywhere,
These dusty burrows
Tell me that they're
A piece of art.

Leaches feeding
On my soul.
Purge of my mind,
The Holi I'm part of
Is a bloody war. 

Gag on my mouth,
Flies in my head.
Blood has turned
A nuclear fission
In wake.

These words,
Crawling inside.
Before they 
Burst open and
Write a revolution..

Give me my pen.

26 November 2021

We're United by Pain

Masons laying bricks,
Miners in dark pits.
Mothers in kitchen.
Farmers in a field or
Workers in a factory.
All sweat the same.

We're united by pain.
Down and dusted.
Sad and lonely.
Smothered by the
Dread of darkness.
All the tear stains
On pillows stink 
The same.

We're united by pain.
Viscous fluid of
Crimson red with,
Ashy metallic taste. 
Under the hide of
White, Black, Albion
And brown..
When hurt, oozes,
All the same.

We're united by pain.
Thirst in Alaska,
Hunger in Africa.
Siberian cold to
Desperate Asians
Seeking an identity.
We all bleed the same.

We're united by pain.

25 November 2021


When I looked in 
The mirror and 
Stared into my eyes.
Not far away from
The back of my head,
A stranger I did find.

I asked him questions
He ripped me apart.
To his queries 
Silence is all I had.

An eye for an eye.
Arm for an arm.
The duel turned
Into a bloody war.

I'm on run now.
I can't face myself
In the mirror.
There's nowhere to go.

Can you do me
A favor?
Can you place me in
A thought and hide
Me your mind?

Tag me with an
Unsual moment
And stash me
In your memory?

Give me a refuge
And save me 
From myself..
Till I can look you 
In the eye and find
A home in myself. 

Tea Boy

The high castle
Of central vista.
Hosted a meeting
To shape country's 

Business tycoons
And diplomats.

Missiles to 
Nuclear heads.
To power plants to
Mission to moon.

Winning wars to
Invading oceans.
Reclaiming deserts
To colonising Mars.

All plans laid out.
Argued, discussed,
Consensus reached
And concluded.

A little boy in 
Chaddi and vest,
Brought tea for
Everyone present.

Some ignored him,
Some felt pitied.
Anyway the chairman
Called the day...

Mission 2024,
Hailed everyone,
To not look back

I'm Half a Poem Old

As the darkness
Chased whatever
Seemed to shine.
I took a refuge
In whatever that
Would glow.

A child of desires.
Student of reveries.
A protege of 
Whatever hits the 
Roof of my mind.

I was born three 
Nights ago.
Two rains and 
Half a poem old. 

I'm learning to
Survive a game,
That's rigged in
Favour of adults,
Who have forgotten
To laugh.

I wish

I wish I could
Hold you now.
I wish I could
Smell you.

I wish I could
Let these fingers,
Savor the fire of
Your skin.

I wish I could
Tickle your cheeks,
Kiss your forehead
And Surrender
My sanity to 
Your entirety. 

I wish I could
Recline on our
Comfortable silence,
As your slimy hair
Slip through my 

I wish I could have
A peck on my neck
As you grab me to
Embrace me in 
Your arms.

I wish you wouldn't
Have gone.
I wish I could have
Stopped you.

Bidding adieu was
Your choice.
But letting you go
Was my mistake. 

Gone Missing

Did it slip off 
My pocket or
Jumped out of
My wallet.

Did someone
Steal it or
It has gone in

I've searched

Ransacked my
Room and 
Grazed up my

In my home,
Around the village.
Under the ground
And over the clouds.

I don't know who
Stole my smile..

Maybe the hefty 
Loan in the bank or 
This abject pain in
My intestine. 

Tired, I reached
My home.
Wife opened the door.
And now I know.

24 November 2021

Paint of Penury

You say you're an artist who
Fancies to paint my penury.
Would like to put on a screen to
Capture my dilapidated luxury.
But I assure you, the portrait
Won't be clear or colorful.

All you'll have is my hazy face
Shredded by my helplessness.
Dust-stricken hair and sunburnt skin.
Clench of my look and the doused
Hope in my laughter.

The misaligned, tainted teeth and
Beetel juice that oozes from
The sides of my lips.
The hesitant eyelids flapping from
My sunken eyes-- they demand
Too much, don't they?
Might fall heavy on your paintbrush.

You may gauge skin tone of my
Belly, it still looks human.
But do you have enough in your
Palette to portray my hunger?

The weight of my empty pockets,
That droop my shoulders and
These creases that run restlessly
On my hand, do you how much
Blood they want?

Butterflies in the stomach are
Overrated sire. For some hunger is
Not that colorful.


A little cat 
Shredded a library 
After reading 
String theory.

Angels got drunk
And were wasted.
Dogs leaped to
Heaven, to boost
Its morale.

A throat-less goat,
Scared a faceless
Man elsewhere.
Somehow, it felt
Relatable and 
The idiotic audience

Sea turned thirsty
And gulped the
Tourists lost their
Trashed the place
To amend the 
Their deeds.

Demons and gods
Played a game of
Fought over the
Queen in the end.
Dispute was resolved
Over a rap battle.

Music was bad anyway.
But whoever lost,
Blamed the EVMs.


As the calendar on
The wall turns to 
You decide to bid me
A goodbye.

I wait scratching
My old scars..

To remind myself..
Of my fresh thirst. 
That only you could
Have thawed.
The fresh etch of
Yearning that only
You were worthy of.

And how through
The groove carved
By the fate itself,
You came in like
The wish granted
By a shooting star.

My soul can go
Adrift now as 
You'll soon be gone.
Might need something
To hold on.

Give me a moment
I can tag it with.
Maybe a kiss to
Leave a mark.
Or you would like to
Stab again?
A scar has a bit more

20 November 2021


To have glistened
Daily in your
Elegant shades.
Like a canvas,
I wish I were
The evening sky.

Woven in the blues
Dim, dusky and
Yet, pleasant.
To have embraced
You in my arms,
Like a lover lost in
Fondest reveries.
I wish I were
Close to you. 

To be curled up, 
Intimately messy.
To have experienced
A life with you.
I wish we were together.
If not here, somewhere.
If not in this timeline,
In another.

Wrapped in each other.
We could have 
Warped realities.
Stopped time. 


You're eyes are 
Cheeks, fleeting
Feathery clouds.
Nose a distant mountain. 
Lips, abode of
Flooding desires.

Arms are such
A comfort.
A refuge in 
Your bosom is a 
Craving hard to pass.

Your back is point
Where my longing,
Turns restless.
Your navel is 
The reason I fight
My demons.

Trails on your skin
Take me places..
Such a feast for
My hands.

The stardust is
Less appealing.
And the sky
Is a bore tonight.

The revelations
Realized in the
Wrap of your thighs.
Have made my
World insignificant
And the cosmos
Smaller tonight. 

18 November 2021


ನಾನು ಕಣ್ಣು ಮುಚ್ಚಿದಾಗ,
ನಿದ್ದೆ ಬರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.
ಸೋತು ಶರಣಾಗಬೇಕಾದ,
ದೇಹ ಮಲುಗುವದಿಲ್ಲ.

ಮನೆಯ ಮಾಳಿಗೆ
ನನ್ನ ವೈಫಲ್ಯ ಮುಖಕ್ಕೆ,

ಅಂತರಾಳವ ಕೆರಳಿಸಲು,
ಗೋಡೆಗಳು ಪಿತೂರಿ

ಕತ್ತಲಾಚೆಗೆ ಕರೆದೊಯ್ಯುವ
ಮಹದಾಷೆ ಆ ಫ್ಯಾನಿಗೆ..
ಕೈಮಾಡಿ ಕರೆಯುತ್ತದೆ.

ಮಂದ ಬುದ್ದಿಯ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ,
ಕೈಗೆ ಹೂವಾದರೇನು?
ಕೊರಳಿಗೆ ನೂಲಾದರೇನು?
ರಾತ್ರಿಯಿಡೀ ಸಾಂತ್ವನ

ಕಾಡ ಕತ್ತಲಿನ ನೀರವ 
ಮೌನದಲಿ, ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ,
ಚಂದ್ರ, ನಕ್ಷತ್ರಗಳ 
ಮಿನುಗುವ ಕನಸುಗಳಿಗಿಂತ..

ಅತ್ತ ಇತ್ತ ಹೊರಳಾಡುತ್ತ,
ನಾನೇಕೆ ಉಸಿರಾಡಬೇಕೆಂಬ
ವಾಸ್ತವಿಕ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಗೆ ಉತ್ತರ
ಹುಡುಕುವುದೇ ದೊಡ್ಡ 

17 November 2021

Love can Happen Twice

She'll pass by you
As the wind blows.
And the ache in your 
Heart will be 
Just enough to
Infect you with
Her smile again.

Ground would slip 
From your 
Resolute mind to 
Make you afloat.
A song from around
The time will be
Hooked to all your

New perspectives
Will be painted.
With different horizons,
At her behest,
You'll be a fool with
Feelings again.

Love happens twice.
Yes! It can happen
Several times.

It's just a fresh wound 
On an old scar.
Old roots giving way
To a new plant.

Love is a perpetual
Itch of the heart,
That always wants 
To be scratched.

A Personified Fantasy

She has the cheeks of 
My niece. The nose of 
An evening breeze.
Eyes of a Storm and
Lips of someone 
I knew in the past.

The radiance of the girl 
I had a crush in class five.
A lingering smile of 
A lady who passed by.

She's the dew drops, 
And the starry nights.
The warmth of the summer
As the winter grows tight.

Decades of longing 
Hidden in Bollywood songs.
A slow-burn-mystery
Of Alfred Hitchcock's. 

A euphoria. 
A melodrama.
She's an array of 
Fleeting thoughts.
An idea beyond 
Mortal demands..

A perpetual reverie.
An enigmatic melody.

Beyond words, 
Beyond definitions.
Of everything I say and
Everything I don't.
Sometimes mighty. 
Sometimes mellow..

She is simply a SHE.
A personified fantasy.

Artistic Paranoia

For a 
Half baked soul 
In a fully grown
An overcooked
For this night
Feels heavy.

The Ill lit humour,
This sweet 
Dessert carries..
Can subsume
A galaxy..
Can't take it
I'm really sorry.

Those compositions
Are musical
Your paintings,
Artistic malaria.

Is this the way
World's gonna end?
Apocalypse will
Just be an artistic 

I don't know,
You tell me.
Starting with mine.
You're putting all
The lives at risk.

14 November 2021


As we danced to 
A slow song,
My hands creeped
Over the chimes of
Your navel.

The sky lit up
While you breathe
Passionately over
My neck.

The evening was of

I got a little drunk.
You did a lot and
Passed out.
I sat watching you 
All night.

Morning did break
With high hopes.
But you were gone,
Without any sign.

I wrote a 
Little something to
Lock you in a metaphor,
And preserve you in
My diary.

Of the promising eyes
And enchanted smile.
Hope you're not
Another tourist..

Who hitchhikes with
Trashes hearts,
To be forever gone. 

Myths of Snowfall

Uncle says
Gods plough
The clouds
To grow cotton
In the sky.
Winter is their
Harvest time.

Hence the snowfall.
Mom opines that
All the cats in
Heaven caught a cold.
To allergic pollens,
They sneezed their
Furs out.

Hence the snowfall.
My grandma tells
Me otherwise.
Angels tried a
Mortal recipe,
To satiate a kid's 

A snowfall hence is 
A Cotton-candy
Gone wrong. 
My lover is a
Science grad.
She talks about
Inversion of 
Temperature and

I believe she's
Not right...
Maybe the sky is a
Romantic flirt who 
Desperately wants 
To impress Earth..

Snowfall hence
Is a Patronus spell
Awkwardly cast.

09 November 2021

Unloving Demands Blood

Falling for her
Would have needed
No reason,
Her smile was enough.

Like the slide of knife
On butter.
Slip of tongue as
You stutter.
Love pretty much
Is a work of gravity. 

But un-loving..
Demands blood.
A work of iron with
Deliberate thumps.

You may have to
Chop your tongue,
Vomit your guts.
Stab your heart to
Suppress thoughts.

Kill your mind
With sanity,
Slap your fantasies
With a purpose,
To hold onto reality.

Nights become a
Graveyard and of
Obsolete souvenirs,
You become a dump-yard.

Un-loving is like
Digging a well
In the desert to
Forget thirst..
Heat takes a toll later.
But hope will
Kill you first.

08 November 2021

Tear Stains

I'm midnight of 
Forgotten memories.
Abode of redundant

A purposeless beast.
An incomplete dream.

On any given day,
I'm a bird that has lost
Its way in the Tear-stains
That scream.

06 November 2021


The pain you've stashed in that box. The dark shades on the walls. The nightmares you've grown fondness to. Buried in contemplation, the way you count the ticks of the clock...

The pillows you fight. The way you think about right and wrong. The times you made shapes with your fingers wishing they were a loaded gun... 

The tear stains, blood thump and the labyrinth you traverse full of regrets. The emptiness you bask in and sadness you romanticize.

Everything needs an atonement.

Don't stare at the fan. It's not worth it. Don't try your wrists. It's not worth it. Here, have a hug. Let everything melt away for good. Here, have some warmth. You don't deserve cold floors.

The sky is yours, so are dreams. So is pinch of happiness against the load of hopelessness. May you carve a smile on your bed and have a happy sleep. May you liberate yourself from your own embrace. 

31 October 2021

An Oblivious Day

This is a good day. A normal day. A content day. Also a very very insignificant day. No politician has died today. No major war or a tragedy to tag it with a name.

To be attached to a ritual..No demon was slayed or a god was crucified on this day. Neither I was born nor did she. And everyone in my family did fine I guess..no one has to mourn.

Pretty much no one will remember this day. Down in the history, this will be day written in water on glass. An oblivious day. A forgettable day. A day dreaded by everyone.

Gods, because they're not needed. Demons because they're forgotten. And humans, because of sheer boredom. They've to deal with their individual selves today.

This is a most insignificant day because on this day, time is truly dominant. It doesn't let anyone steal any souvenirs, any memories. It has just swept everything in the abyss of oblivion. A job well done. 

22 October 2021

Heart Shaped Mistake

Maybe one day. In a far a away place. I will randomly see you. Like I see you daily in million other faces. This one time, fortunately, I suppose it will be really you.

Maybe you'll greet me as a familiar stranger. Like the fading traces on an old paper, you faintly recall my name. Or maybe you'll remember just more than that. 

I might fantasize for a while. Those strands of hair that run beside your brows. The eyes that knock down the shyness in mine. And the faint carve of your lips that bruise my senses.

And in that moment. While it lasts. While the nostalgia rushes cutting all the walls. While the sanity takes a back seat to believe what's infront of me is actually you.. 

A car would honk to invite me back to the actual reality. And I would realise again, about my heart shaped mistake of seeing you everywhere. 

21 October 2021


Places and people
Are fused.
Twisted timelines,
Mixed up realities.
I punch someone
In the face to
Feel the same pain
In my gut.

Corner kick of 
Mine gets caught
By the goalkeeper
In me. 
The junkie I am
Is chased down
By the charade
Of a cop.

I drown in a 
Bucket of water.
But the coast-guards 
Fail to save.
I become a ghost
But no one is afraid. 
My fleeting soul too
Is a classic fail.

Einstein sentenced
Me to Auschwitz
For violating,
Newton's third law. 
The hangman 
Tightened the noose..

And I wake up in
My room. 


The letters you had written. Black trails etched on light blue paper. I've stashed them in a box upstairs. Maybe they're dusted. Possibly decomposed. But they're there.

The greeting cards. Flowers that I've dried and preserved between the pages of diary. Your aroma as scars on my skin and your caress in my humility.

I have preserved your smile too. On a shabby sketch on the wall of my room. There's a photo hung around to poke me in the night. Then lot of bits and pieces in the cupboard.

Sometimes, altogether they simmer. Go top, bottom and sideways and take a toll at what's normal and mundane. I get elevated or go down in an abyss. But I don't complain.

My days are long stretched fights with you in my head. They start with you and end with you. I don't like it. But I'm addicted. And I write about it daily. My diary is a rehab centre I guess. At least that's what I believe. 


Freedom is a bird
That hasn't seen
The sea.
From behind the
Cage it learnt
To sing instead.

Freedom is an animal
That hasn't seen
The wild.
From behind a fence
In the zoo, 
It made a kid laugh.

Freedom is my granny
Who hasn't been
Beyond the limits
Of a village.
From her own world,
The stories she told
Are best I've ever heard. 

The wings you flap
When you're fallen.
The dreams you 
Hold on even when
You're broken. 
Silence where words
Are not needed. 

The fight you put up
With bleeding gums
And broken wrists..
Freedom is not 
What you're or
Where are you from.
It's what you do
With what you've.

Laugh it out

I was down and
In a hundred feet
Deep trench.
Dark and gloom
With broken jaw
And a concocted

I was a miserable
Failure when I
Learnt to laugh.
And good god
I laughed my 
Way through.

Been battered,
Thrown to wolves.
Been fed lies
And feasted on
My vulnerability.

But I fixed my face,
Straightens my hair.
Summoned all
Courage and
Laughed my way. 

I laughed till
I cracked my
I laughed till my
Stomach gave up.
I laughed till my
Legs took me away 
From the abyss of
I laughed till
My hands faced
The pain in eyes. 

Now it's a habit.
Happy, sad, angry
Or just fine.
Arrogant, sorry,
Guilty or just
Lying around.

I laugh it out. 
I laugh it all out
To live.
I laugh it all away
To pick myself
To hold on.
I laugh it out
Even to move on. 

19 October 2021

I've Found You

When I looked 
In the mirror
And looked in 
My own eyes.
Not far down 
From the best of 
Life's realizations.
Not far away from 
The best of my 

I've found you. 
At the stroke 
Of midnight.
When the roof
Of my room threw
My past on my face.
I held a faded pic
Between my guilt
And prayers. 
In the clutches of
My humiliations..

I've found you.
Down in a 
Dungeon when 
I was lost.
Demons pranced
Over my chest 
And I had to hold
On to something.
Often as a final 
Ray of hope.

I've found you.
From the ticks of
The wall clock to
Folds of my bed.
The late night
Rumbling in my 
Head to the 
Post nut clarity..

You're not really
Like the rustle
Of dry leaves,
And the feable 
Ramble of my pen.
The steady kisses
Of the wind and
The ubiquitous
Strokes of emptiness..

I thought that love
Would last for ever..
But even in that 

I've found you.

15 October 2021


Time creeps like
Weeds in my backyard.
For no good.
Eats lots of space.

Last year.
Yester year and
Even before that..
I breathed fine.
There was room 
For sighs and 
Extra gasps.

Now the age thumps
On my chest, like
An elephant made
Of responsibilities.
Making me lonely
And breathless.

Is choking innate
To adulthood?

Shoul I be carrying
A ventilator and
Or just marry to 
Make my copies
Because there's 
No hope on 
The adult me? 

Main Hoon Na

I know you've
Built walls.
Thick skin.
Sharp eyes.
Iron-clad heart.

The glances 
You hide.
The words you
Give away..

Pics you refuse 
To send and
The songs you've
Stopped talking

If ever, from,
Over your roof,
The moon falls
And gets you
Soaked in starlight.

The cosmic 
Loneliness creeps
To your bed and
You turn vulnerable..

If you just wanna 
Cry it all away and 
Be real for a night.
Don't hold back..

Call me.
I am there.

Russian roulette

 And when the bluebird rides your thoughts and there is no way out. You take your pen and paper and scribble everything down like you wanna bleed it all out. But It's just a trail of mental diarrhea on paper. Nothing redeeming.

Then the bluebird pokes, chokes, and churns you to find a way out. Hours, days, weeks at the cost of coffee; you just waste ink, mocking, the trees lie in front of you as paper.

From morning to evening. You hang to the shades of despair. Hoping for some Redemption, but it's all just buying time to bottle up more frustration, but the bluebird demands and you have to obey.

So you decide to play Russian roulette. You have to. You against the bird. You put in a bullet, roll the cylinder and hold it to your head. A pen in one hand and in the left, the gun, to keep you at the edge. 

Then the pen moves.. some winds...some stars. moon rain. Fuck. Same Loop, and there is nothing new. The other hand takes and clicks. It's a blank. Deep breathe.. The right one goes again.. scribble.. scribble.

The dark the light and insecure nights...Then. What? Wait, wait what. That's all the bluebird demands. Then another click. Fucking Deer Hunter flashbacks, and then the right-hand moves without even waiting for a gasp. 

The lonely. The only... then what? Christiana Perry to George Clooney? you fucker, don't bring clichés curses the bird. Before you ride another thought, it's over. But not really. Three down and still not a proper sentence?

Writer's block, writer's block, I feel like a stopped clock. Hahaha. Let me complete that for you says the left one.

 Writer's block, writer's block. If not, by claustrophobia. You shall be killed by... There... No word. Click. Game over.

13 October 2021

Laid back

I imagine myself rolling from over a hill. Down over the slopes then to a flower laden valley. Just like a rhyme-less melody of a budding guitarist.

I imagine myself diving in the sea. Feel the cold and brush of the liberation. Everything washed away to come up clean.

I imagine myself living in a well. Walls collapsing, bringing upon me, all my fears. Then just flapping my wings to escape the demons.

I imagine myself in the sky like a kite. Wind at the helm and birds as companions. The clouds shower rains and thunderbolts applause. 

One of those days of June noons. When I'm confident enough catch moons. I imagine myself not doing anything and just watch the pouring rain.

Brought to life by my mom's chai. Thanking life for its vanities. I imagine myself, laid back, full of gratitude. Trying to find happiness in little things of life.

29 September 2021

New Home

Without any;
Twist and turn.
Devoid of any;
Warmth or cold.
My days rolled by 

Like a refugee 
From the past.
To seek an asylum 
In the future.
I was in a 
Perpetual exile.

While time dictated
My expatriation.
I had nowhere to 

Then you came

Hands clasped.
Fingers intertwined.
Head on shoulder.

You've warped time
To hold me 
In this moment.

And right now,
I'm not a refugee.
My exile has ended.
I've found a home..

In you.

25 September 2021

No Glory in Suffering

I blew my mind
And broke my
Spent sleepless
Nights to fix
My tone.

Cracked my 
A thousand times.
To show fate
A middle finger.

Even in a storm
I learnt to laugh.
Lying dead in 
Your room,
Collecting dust
As you brood..
There is no
Glory in suffering.

The light at the
End of the tunnel
Is just an unlit 
You just have
The matchstick
You've already got.

Time doesn't heal..
You need to put on
A mask or shed one,
To move on.

18 September 2021

Things will end

You may run like
A charging bull.
From place to
People to people.
Over the fence,
Over the fate.

But eventually 
All things end.
There will be 
A bend.

No-one left to
Lend you ears.
To douse your fears.
Nothing will be
Left to look back.
And ahead there
Will not be a 
Simple, straight track.

From a kid who
Just learnt to talk
To the granny who
Vents ghastly

The galaxies in
The far-fetched skies
To the quarks in
The depth of an atom.

The bull on run
Needs to gasp.
And eventually
Everything needs
To halt.

A bullet that has 
Left a gun to a
Flower that just
Lured its hunt.

A second has 
To eat an hour.
A day has to
Subsume a year.

The rage in your
Haughty eyes to
The mellow memory
Of her rose scented

From the faded pic
You hold between
Your guilt and 
To the life you've
Built in colorful

Your revolution will
Turn around.
Plan will fall will 
Fall apart.
And as you run out
Of breath and
Wait for a gasp..

There will be a bend.
And everything will 
Come to an end.

Hunter within

I gag my laugh,
And whack my
Mind to
Feed this night
To a lonely delight. 

I fight with my
Shadows to sleep
With tomorrows.
Throw myself to
Pretense, to deal
With my past.

I lie, I laugh.
I usually move on.
Till I see myself 
In a mirror.
Even in the dark,
It illuminates
To reflect my guilt.

These are the days
When I'm a game.
But the hunters is 
Who's doesn't 
Shoot to kill.
Stares instead.

He stares I feel.
He stares to
Make bleed.
Invokes in me
Self sabotage.

Maybe that's how
He hunts.
He convinces his
And sometimes,
Not elsewhere,
He's within.

I'm afraid..
The hunter 
Might be me.


A strand of hope
Is lost to the ruins
Of last evening and

Swine smells the
Dead to mock
Life that's left.

Gods watch the fun
While eagles dive 
Down unchecked.

Some out of hunger,
Some out of thirst.
Some out of ignorance.

Some didn't care
What was the need
And died out of greed. 

A blade of grass then 
Glistened with greens
And the devil..

And the devil did
What it's good at.
Ran for elections.

End of Childhood

When did your
Childhood end?

When first time,
Responsibly you
Took a piss? 
When you washed 
Your ass after 
Taking a shit? 

When you wore 
Your dress without 
A mess? or
When you
Counted all the
Numbers without
A guess?

When, mom sent 
You to school 
Without a kiss or 
When you consciously 
Noticed your 
English miss?

It must have
Ended somewhere..

The last day of
Gully cricket.
The day you noticed 
Your pubic hair. Or
When bathing daily 
Became a habit 
Out of compulsion?

Mine did,
At the age of 10.
When my uncle,
Who was always
Sweet and offered 
Me toffees, 
Became my ghost.. 
For touching me 

17 September 2021

Dead Room

As the ticks of
The clock,
Hammer through
The stillness of 
The night.

In a room that's
Sleeplessly rolls,
A person who has
Forgotten to fight. 

Flutters like a bird..
Corner to corner..
Poking old wounds.
Mocking budding

Of memories with
Wrinkled faces,
Feed on colours.
No shadows cast.
No legacy left.
It's a clean sweep.

Oblivion sticks on 
The walls to absorb
What you remember.
Even demons are
Anxious to make
Their mark here..
The dead are afraid
Of being forgotten.

But tonight,
I have decided to live.

I'll tame that bird.
Paint on the walls,
My fondest memories.
I shall invite all my
Demons for a feast.
No one will be 
Forgotten tonight.
No one has to die.

14 September 2021

Insomniacs are homeless

In this room where intensity of light penetrating the darkness is dwindling. Where only ticks of the clock fight the deafening silence..

I lay here suspending my animation. I roll restlessly on my bed like I've forgotten to fight long ago. I fiddle with chances of me able to make it or simply give in to fade away.

I don't respond to the mice that run around here. Neither to the suicidal noises that take a toll now and then. It's simply a long run of nothing. Pure emptiness. A vacuum.

Do you ever feel like you belong nowhere? Not to yourself, not to anyone or anywhere. Doesn't that send creeps sometimes? How to find a purpose in these sorts?

Then I look around and take my mobile. Put on the incognito and jerk off hoping to fall asleep. I do. But is that the answer? Or it's the only one? 

I suppose life is a really long journey to fall asleep. Finding ways to sleep daily to pass out ultimately. Maybe sleep is where we belong. Sleep is home. The only purpose. 

12 September 2021

Letters have come back

If kisses could have 
Been sent through
The winds and
Hugs through rain.

Little anger of mine 
In thunder and
Simmering care through
The lightening...

The clouds would
Have gathered and 
The air would have
Hauled heavy.

The sky would have
Conspired with 
A thunderbolt to
Flood her city.

But no..

She refuses to open
Her window and
The letters I had sent
Have come back.

A spell of drought too
Has been added now,
To my longing.

Go ahead and Smile

Her razor sharp
Eyes feast on 
Mellow evenings.

Her soft hands lull
Early mornings
To sleep. 

The deep desires
Of an ocean, 
Stand shaken by her 
Naughty lips.

The light beyond
The stars, bows down 
To the elegance of
Her cheeks.

Even Lord Indra 
Is impressed by 
The rhyming stance
Of her gait.

What else is 
Required to kill
A boy like me?
Go on darling..

Go ahead and

(Translation of previous poem)

ನಕ್ಕು ಬಿಡು

ತಿಳಿ ಸಂಜೆಗಳ 
ಕದ್ದು ತಿನ್ನಬಲ್ಲ
ತೀಕ್ಷ್ಣ ಕಣ್ಣುಗಳವು.

ಎಲ್ಲ ಮುಂಜಾವುಗಳ,
ಸವರಿ ಮಲಗಿಸುವ
ಮುದ್ದು ಕೈಗಳು.

ತವಕ ಮೀಟುವ
ತುಂಟ ತುಟಿಗಳು.

ಬೆಳಕ ಭಕ್ಷಿಸುವ
ಮೋಹಕ ಕೆನ್ನೆಗಳು.

ಇಂದ್ರನೂ ನಾಚಿ
ಅದೆಂತಾ ನಡುಗೆ..

ಬೇರೇನು ಬೇಕು
ನನ್ನಂತಹ ಹುಡುಗನ

ನಕ್ಕು ಬಿಡು.

07 September 2021

You're the master

Fate is a spectator
With lots of 
Disregard for your

You alone make 
Your destiny.
Series of choices
Is what you are.

High was never
In the bottle.
Neither in the

Flight was never
In the wings.
Nor in the assured

Cooking is an act
Of a craving toungue.
A murder is first
Committed in head.

The trigger of the
Gun is often mind.
Hilt of the knife
Is always your hand.

For better or worse
You alone are 
Responsible for your

As, even the Gods
You worship can
Turn out to be 
As dumb as you are.

Mom Always Cooks

It's Saturday, mom is on fast.
Her offering to Lord Hanuman.
Still, she cooked.

A few days back she was sick.
Fever took over. She shivered.
Could hardly stand. 
Still, she cooked.

Months back it was her birthday.
Everyone wished. 
There were gifts.
A celebration and a party.
Guess who prepared the feast.

On Mother's Day, she cooked.
On Father's Day, she cooked. 
When she was pregnant she cooked.
On the day she delivered me,
She must have cooked.

Maybe when the nascent earth was
Born. When the planets aligned and 
The big bang happened.
Even then she must have been cooking.

Through the world wars and 
Through terrorist attacks.
Through earthquakes and
Volcanic eruptions..

Even when my father abused
And when I made her cry
She still cooked.

Maybe that's how she expresses.
See how conveniently I say that.

She cooks when angry.
She cooks when she's sad.
She loves me by cooking.
The salt is perfect even when
She hates. 

Global warming hasn't stopped her.
Neither has the feminist movement.
Maybe the future of flying cars and
Sarcastic robots will make her wonder
And make her laugh and she'll
Still cook.

One day she will die and 
In her own funeral, she'll be 
Compelled to cook.
And that'll be the last meal 
The world will ever have. 


Between your ears
There is a prison.
Down your throat
There's a whistle.
Clenching your chest
A pump dictates
Terms of your life.

The thing between
Your thighs cries
Purpose of your life.
While two beans around
Same region has
Mocked it all the while.

The words that 
Quiver in your hand
Are in search of a
Place to safely land.
And how nice it is
If your redemption
Comes via the verses
You write.

She Rains

Moon was made
A canvas to
Paint a dream.

Sun was tamed
To find my way
To heaven.

Stars were just
Another excuse,
The reason is same.

My desires always
Take off from
Depth of the oceans..

Destination is her.

Some fantasies
Crash land on 
Barren swamps..

Points of my despair. 
They eventually
Become poems.

It has rained here
She must have
Opened her window
And kissed the winds
Of Punjab. 

Monsoons are her
Grace in my place. 

Loneliness Everywhere

I've soaked and
Wrung my brains.
Been hung in the
Backyard to dry.
The sun hasn't
Come up.


My dead room is
Averse to light.
Repungent to hope
Or any kind of 
Laugh. Has been
Dust laden and
Cries for help.
But the brooms have
Gone on strike over
Salary hike. 


The pen in my
Hand is unmoved
By empty pages.
The nib chokes
The ink.
My thoughts quiver
And evaporate
Failing to find a 
Safe passage 
Of life.

There's loneliness

The dried rose petals
Between the pages
Of my old diary,
Have forgotten it all.
Now I search 
Relentlessly for
My past.
Adrift, aloof...

I'm Lonely

The thing between
My thigh to the
Pump between
My ribs.
The syrup in my
Veins to the 
Wires till brain.

All ask me questions.
Searching answers
I've run out of life. 

And like hell 
Sanctioned act of
Blight, it prances
Over my chest. 
Like the little kid 
Of my elder sister.

Effing loneliness

07 August 2021


Bit by bit,
Ain't no shit,
He did have
With his
Sense of wit.

Was it my 
Face that's lit?
Or my 
Protruding tit? 
May sound 
Weird, but
I liked his way,
Every bit of it. 

Lips are craving
My desires are
Head is on
Wet is my clit.

I want his chin,
Deep in my bin.
Win me over
And conquer
My will.

Days full of
Restaurant bills.
Nights soaked
In drips of 
Routine drills.
I want him by
His neck to
To burn what
Rests in his wick.

Don't judge me
Just yet,
I haven't told
This is just a
Brick in the 
Construct of
Of my kink. 

But I'll easy.
Let the things
Unfold slowly.
Till then,
Let the room
Remain lit dimly.

Neglected Child

My shiny yellow ball
Was stolen by
The neighboring
Fat old aunt. 

The crayoned sketch
Was eaten away by
The white wash of 
The front wall.

Our dog that went
Behind dad to
Send him off,
Never came back.

Sister got into 
The wheels and
Shortly, ceased
To breath.

My brother always
Got the better half.
Mom loved him more,
I don't know why.

Bullies in
Hostel rooms.
Teachers in school.
Even dad care 
For me didn't last

All my memories
Are traces of tears.
Places of 
Good old fears.

Can the tamed bird
Not sing in the
Do children not
Deserve God's grace?


I like the way
Your lips lie
About what
Your hips might

A tight slap.
Maybe a
Rough squeeze.

Then there's that
Glint your eyes
That wants more
Than just that. 

A jerking pull,
A forced kiss.
A batista bomb..
Or breaking bed

The way you 
Fool me with
Your eyes..and
Taunt me with
Your poking nose,
Makes me force
My desires.

Let's not waste 
This night darling.
Let's unleash
Our madness
And bask in
Carnal wildness.

Souls are tough
To touch they say.
Let's dive deep
To find out if
Bodies are portals
To an astral life.

06 August 2021

Be a Metador

Give a makeover
To your diary.
Your dreams 
Needn't be silent.

Save pain for the
Paint your nights
In red while you
Still can.

Spring may not
Be as pleasant.
Neither your 
New job.

Endings are not
Always sunsets.
New beginnings,
Not that simple.

There's no shame
In painting, 
On a canvas that's

You face your 
Demons by 
Taking them by

You may not be
A metador, but
When a bull pokes
It's face..

What options,
Do you have? 

Story Barter

Each time sea-waves
Break on the beach.
A story is left to be

Well stirred.
Well thought and
A well crafted story
Is left in the sand
To be gone.

I dipped my feet
To forget my own.
Ended up writing
Another instead.

A story absorbed
To abandon another.
Against the one I wrote
To let another float.

The one that came 
Out as ink is fine. 
Mine must be a
Giant-sad-wave by now.  

Reminiscing is a Full meal

Memories have a 
Wrinkled face.
Nostalgia feels 
Like grandma's

Cosy, comfortable.
Worry free and
Free, fat food at

Reminiscing is
A full meal. 

And I've been
Dipped in the 
Trance of past
For so long that..

Now, I'm an 
Overweight ass.
My mind may break 
Bearing all my past.

Doctors advised me
To exercise and run...

But in the end,
It took some writing 
To shed calories 
From my head. 

Tipping Points

I've saved you on
Edges of my brain.
On the peripherals
Of my ribcage.

Have paused you
On a song that
I've left unplayed.
On the last pages
Of a diary and
Final episode of
The series, Friends.

In the first glow
At the dawn.
Last shade of
The dusk. 
Pizza crusts and
In the late night
Rush of lust.

In a quest I 
That didn't last.
In a eulogy I
Wrote for my past.
On the stretches
Of that coastline,
Where our love
Stood divided
By our caste.

Windowpanes to
Broken earphones.
Lost wallets to
Half burnt memories.
On the creases of 
A faded photo.
On the verge of 
A loaded gun.

Sweaty frustration,
Of a summer to
Unsettled longing
Of winter nights.
Even at the brink
Of my suicidal
Mind and on the
Swivel of creaky
Old fan...

I have saved you
On every tipping point,
As my shattered soul
Needs a holding.
As, only the
Reminiscences of
Moments with you
Keeps me going.

You know you're in love

You know you're in love.
When the smile on your lips
Starts transcending down
In your eyes then to the nights.

When rainbow changes colors,
You know you're in love,
When questions in your mind
Seek answers in heart.

When the luminance of her face
Wards off the darkness of your life,
You know you're in love,
Seeing the moons even in noons.

Everything is walk on water, sail through wind.
When the world is defined in music 
And you're a poem in making..
You know for sure that you're in love.

P.S- viator style 

Let the storm pass

The chaff will
Be sieved away
And grains will
Be yours.

At the break of
The dawn,
The remains of
The night will be
Done away to
Offer you warmth.

Reds are beautiful
Shades on the
Pauses are needed
For something to

Let the remains
Of the past crumble
Like Berlin Wall.
Haze in your mind
Be scared away
By Cuban missiles.

Like the
Sea-waves break
On the beach,
Leaving bits of its
What belongs to
You, will remain...

Just hold on.
Let the storm pass. 

01 August 2021


Your days
Might be starker,
Nights must be

Saturn might
Be brooding
Over a wrong

A black cat
Must be frequently
Cutting your,
Routine way.

But hang in.

A moon may,
Flirt with your
Ill fate.

Some fortune 
Just be offered
In your dinner

A red might
Hit your bed.
Might as well
Parent your kid.

You're just
Twenty five,
It's not too late.

Good thing 
Needs waiting,
A beautiful life
Might indeed be
In making. 

30 July 2021


Stars born.
Then doze off.
Even the 
Galaxies die.

Demons are
Gods are 

Predators to
Blue whale to
A Sting-ray-

Only time
Is immortal.
Rest all are
Its victims.

Doesn't matter
At what end of
The gun you're.

In the end-

You too will be
A good hunt
For a
Better hunter.

Got a Quill instead

I'm no bird that
Can soar high,
With flap of

I'm no animal
To survive the
Wild and breath

I'm no mantis 
To disguise my
Prayer and
Find my game.

And I'm no microbe
To to grow my
Appendage at

I'm just a human 
With aspirations.
Myriad dreams 
To fullfill.

They said, I can't fly. 
To prove them wrong,
Stretched my hands.

A wish for wings
To go wrong..
God offered me a
Quill instead of
A fancy frill.

29 July 2021

Proper Romance

Let's kiss till
Our lips bleed.
Fuck till hearts

Rub off this
Between friction
Our skin.

Let's hold on
To one another
Till we're lost
In a dream. 

Love is but a
Leap from
Somber to 

Lust is our 
To polish our

Smile is for
Meek, we'll
Laugh till we've

Wild is our 
Thing but 
This is not a
Random fling.

Beyond the 
Ideals of true love
And confines of
Bare lust..

This is a 
Proper romance. 
A bollywood


Gone is tide,
Blown is wind.
A second that
Has passed,
Has sunk down
In an abyss.

Fallen is leaf,
Dead is a sheep.
A river to go
A mother is
Afraid for her kids.

Bygones are
Mown grass
In the lawn.
A sailor has no
Business with
A person,
He once was. 

Sunsets in the
West are surely
Our point of rejoice.
But the horizon 
Of the east is
What we desire. 

Hope is a thing
That drives life.
Past is a rust
To move on from.
A new day is ahead
At the break of dawn,
Let me meet you

As a new man.
In a new form.

More than ever

On the days
When it will
No longer rain..

The wind will be
Too haughty to
Soothe my pain..

The paths to
Chose would
Be pitch forked..

Louder than 
My mouth..

The silence
Noisier and 
Bitterly cold..

I'll remember you. 

From dark dusted
Corners of 
My mind to

Cob-web and
Crown-nest laden
Heart of mine.

I'll remember you.

Like the fleeting
Fragrance of 

Like the sober
Morning of
January first.

The winters
Of December

Rains in

I'll remember you..

To hurt myself.
Remind myself.
Forget myself.

To write you 
On a paper.
Burn it to ashes.

To douse these
Usual mindless
Clashes to 

Finally realise,
How much I miss you.
More than ever.

28 July 2021


Dreams beyond
Window panes,
Are stuck in 
Narrow lanes.
Some at edges
Of brain.
Others at social

Staring eyes,
Complaining cries.
The rain that
Falls here is meant
In a stinky drain
Of prejudice.

The broth in the
Cooker is 
Purposefully spoilt. 
Light outside
The room is meant
Only to the flies.

A bird that 
Learnt to fly is
Just a good hunt
For over a night.
The one that sang
Looks beautiful
Only in a cage,
Saree is a disguise.

Dreams are rare
Ceramics for
Visitors' display.
Teen Girls in 
Colors are reserved
For slave trades.

Either you die
As a wife or
Live long enough
To be aborted.
Between two 
The girl that lives
Here is a curse.
If she's manly enough
To dream, 
It can get worse. 

Broke, Single in 30s

Two roads diverged
In the wood.
The one you took
Didn't offer much anyway. 

You tripped down
From over a stone,
And your front 
Teeth are gone.

As a teen,
You had gotten
Your share of grey,
In 30s you're bald.

Crush said, you ugly.
Even your mom
Must love you out
Of compulsion.

Your dad is your
Reflection. Judges you.
The same way,
You would have.

You're single and
Prisoner of your hand.
First half is gone,
But should you be sad?

Remove your shades
And look at life-

If fate didn't make
You laugh.
You really didn't
Get the joke man.

Lies of Love

A moon-ful of
Paradise in a
Full-blown daylight. 
He assured me
White Lilies on an
Abandoned island. 

Stars would grow
Wings one day
He said.
Riding the winds
That spread colors,
Fairies would
Come to ward off
Blues of winter.

Fireflies in the 
Month of December,
Bike rides by the
Coast, over break
Of monsoons.

Oh! Stop it.

Serving starlight
In ceramic saucers,
To force hope
In deserted islands.
Is bad mannerism.

Planting dreams
In somebody's
Mind is an act
Of terrorism.