07 February 2023


ಕನಸಿನ ಲೋಕಕೆ
ವಾಸ್ತವ ಸಿಲುಕಿ,
ಮಂಚಕೆ ರೆಕ್ಕೆ 

ಮೇಲಿಂದ ಕೆಳಗೆ
ಧೋಪ್ ಎಂದು 
ನೌಕೆಯಾಗಿ ತೇಲಿದೆ.

ಅಂಬಿಗ‌ ತವಕದಿ
ಹುಟ್ಟನು ಹಾಕಿದ,
ನೀರೆಲ್ಲ ಹುಗ್ಗಿ

ಹಬ್ಬದ ಊಟದ
ಬಯಕೆ ಹುಡುಗನಿಗೆ, 
ಅಮಲಿನಲೆ ಆಸೆ 

03 February 2023


ಮೌನದ ಹೆಮ್ಮರ.

ಉದ್ವೇಗದ ಪರಿಮಳ.

ಮುಖಗಳೇ ಇಲ್ಲದ
ಜಾತ್ರೆ ಇದು,
ನಗುವೇ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಅಪಸ್ವರ.

ಇಷ್ಟೊಂದು ಗದ್ದಲ?

ಕಳೆದು ಹೋದವರ
ಸಂತೆಯಲಿ, ನಿಂತು 
ನಕ್ಕವನೇ ಜಂಗಮ.

01 February 2023

Give it a try

A mountain 
Might be wanting
You to climb it.
To see you gasp. 

The rain might
Be wanting you
Make your moves.
To see you dance.

Fear of the dark
Might just be
The delusion your
Mind has cast.

Who knows what
The devil wants.
He must have been
Waiting for you
To light a match.

A poem might
Be wanting to
Fall suitably in
Your lines.

A story might be
Wanting to take
Refuge in your
Diary all along. 

The distance of
Longing, might 
Just as well be
Deceit of mortal eyes.

Who knows what 
She might say.
Hurl a smile and 
Give her a try.

29 January 2023

The Wait

I wait for her.
Sometimes outside
My home.
Sometimes within
The contours
Of my brain.

Sometimes in 
What's app and
Sometimes in a
Longing that's 
Invoked by shadows
Of origami cast.

I wait for her,
On the brink of 
Fantasies I crave.
In the blink of
Moments I save.

Piece of me sits
On a chair.
Another on the 
Slow rotating fan.
A shattered little
One waits from
Behind the bookshelf.

From between
Unwritten letters,
Typecast feelings,
Half eaten roti
And an unopened
A couple more
Peep out for signs
Of her arrival.

And the days 
Have passed 
Without consequence.
Months and years.

As my reflection
Stands wearing
Concentric wrinkles,
Like I'm a
Worn-out tree.

As the moons die,
Oceans dry,
Time stands aged
And stars fall broken.

The signs haven't
Been dandy yet.
The wait hasn't
Come to rest.

27 January 2023

Good day

On a good day,

The fire is afraid
Of burning itself.
The huts have
Been saved.

Water is scared
Of cutting through
The ground.
The farmers have 
Been graced.

The storm has
Contained itself,
And the sailors 
Feel blessed.

And on a 
Good day like this..

As the sun shines
And the flowers 
Bloom fine.

The fate has 
Tumbled off a rock
And everyone is
Having a good laugh.

05 January 2023


Don't try,

To force
Your thoughts,
Against fragility
Of words.
Till they fit into
A noose and
Die dry on a
Sheet of paper.

Don't try,

To milk your
Emotion into
A jar of pretense.
Till they choke
Under a charade
And fail to evoke
Any real feeling 
Off them.

Let it come to
You like a 
Feeble caress of
A lover.

Let it come to
You like a 
Gentle brush
Of wind.

When you sit
Aloof and as she
Passes by in
Your mind like
A fagrance.

If a tiny spark
In your mind,
Materializes into
A thought to
Fall in love with
A word.

Maybe then.
Maybe then
Pick up that pen
To trace the

21 December 2022


ಒಂದು ಗುಂಜಿ
ಶಬ್ದರಾಶಿಗೆ, ಸಾವಿರ
ರುಪಾಯಿ ಅಂತೆ ಈಗೀಗ..

ಹಣದುಬ್ಬರದ ತಡೆಗೆ
ನಾಯಕರ ಆಶ್ವಾಸನೆ-
ಎಲ್ಲರ ಬಾಯಿಗೆ ಬೀಗ.

ಆರ್ಥಿಕ ಹಿನ್ನೆಡೆಗೆ
ಸೂತ್ರಗಳ ಪ್ರಕಾರ.

ದುಬಾರಿ ವ್ಯವಹಾರ.
ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ ಬೆಲೆ ಅದಕೆ
ಮುಗಿಲೇರಿದೆ ಈಗೀಗ.


The sky wants to
Be painted in red.
The river wants to
Fall off an edge.

The wolves howl
To be tamed,
And dogs want a
Salary raise.

The tiger is 
But water is not 

A feast on a 
Live deer, might 
That be right
To thaw its rage?

Held in a 
Similar page.
Brooding in just 
Another cage.

You think you too
Are the same but
That's a blatant 

15 December 2022


ಕುಂಟು ಆಸೆಗೆ,
ಎಂಟು ಸುಳ್ಳಿನ

ಗುಂಟೆ ಜಮೀನಿಗೆ
ಹಂಡೆ ಸೊಕ್ಕಿನ 
ಬಂಡ ಬದುಕಿಗೆ
ಅಂಟಿದ ಶನಿಯ

ಇರಿದ ಹೋರಿಗೆ
ಹರಿದ ಕುಂಡಿ
ತುಂಟ ಕವಿತೆಗೆ
ಮಿಂಡ ಗಂಡನ

ಗಿಂಡಿ ಐಶ್ವರ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ
ತಂಟೆ ತಕರಾರಿನ
ಜಗದ ಉಳಿವೇ
ಅರಿವಿನ ಮಾಯೆ.
ಅಳಿವು ಮರೆವಿನ

ನಾಲ್ಕಾಣೆ ಮನುಷ್ಯನ
ಎರಡಾಣೆ ಬದುಕಿನ
ಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ಶಾಶ್ವತೆಗೆ..

ನಶ್ವರ ಅನಂತವೇ

12 November 2022


ಕೆರಳಿದ ಒಲವಿನ
ತರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸಿಗದ

ಹರೆಯ ಅಬ್ಬರಕ್ಕೆ 

ಜಿಗುಟಿನ ಈ
ಒಗಟು ಬಿಡಿಸಲು,

04 November 2022


ದೂರದ ಊರಲ್ಲಿ
ಯಾರದೋ ಒಂದು
ನೋಟ ಕದ್ದ ಭಾಸ.

ಯಾವದೋ ಕಥೆಯ
ಕೊನೆಯ ಅಧ್ಯಾಯದ
ಮರೆತ ಗದ್ಯವಾದ ಭಾಸ.
ಮಾತುಗಳ ಬತ್ತಿದ
ಮೌನ ಬಿತ್ತಿದ ಭಾಸ.

ಮುಖಗಳೇ ಇಲ್ಲದ
ಮುಖವಾಡವಾದ ಭಾಸ.
ಭಾವನೆಗಳ ಮರೆತ
ಉದ್ವೇಗ ನೆಟ್ಟ ಭಾಸ.

ಪಾತ್ರಗಳೇ ಇಲ್ಲದ
ಕಪಟ ನಾಟಕದ, 
ನಿರೂಪಕನಾದ ಭಾಸ.
ಏನೋ ಪಡೆಯಲು
ಓಡಿ ಹೋಗಿ, ಸಿಗದೇ
ಸೋತು ನಿಂತ ಭಾಸ.

ಗಮ್ಯವೇ ಇಹದ
ಮನೆ ಹುಡುಕುತ,

ನನ್ನಲಿ ನಾನೇ..
ಅಲೆಮಾರಿಯಾದ ಭಾಸ.

25 October 2022

ಕಾಲ ಚಕ್ರ

ಬೆಳಕು ನುಗ್ಗಿದೆ.
ಹೊಸ ಆಸೆಗಳು
ವಸಂತದ‌ ಕೋಗಿಲೆ
ಹಾಡು ಹಾಡಲು,
ಮುದುಡಿದ ತಾವರೆ

ಒಣಗಿದ ಮರ
ಜೀವ ಹುಟ್ಟಿದೆ.
ಕಣ್ಣ್ ತೆರೆಯಲು,
ಅಂಗೈಯಲಿ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿದೆ.

ಮೊನ್ನೆ ತಾನೆ
ದಿನಗಳ ಕಳೆವುದು
ವರ್ಷಗಳು ಸರ್ರನೆ

ಪುಡಿ ನೆನಪುಗಳು
ಒಲವು ಮಳೆಯಲಿ 
ನೀರೆ, ಧಗ-ಧಗ‌ 

24 October 2022

Other Side

Roses want to
Chit-chat but 
No-one wants to

Beetles want to
Have a blast.
No-one is ready
To laugh. 

Forgot all their
Songs to fly away 
In the sky. 

Elephants gave up 
On Spelling-Bee 
To join a
Circus instead. 

Grass is
Greener on the 
Other side
They say..

Some left the
Mainland for
The lure of the
Coastal breeze.

While many
Unfurled their
Sails to persue
Similar dreams.

ಕಾಣದ ಕಡಲು

ಗುಲಾಬಿಗೆ, ಚಾಡಿ
ಹೇಳುವ ಬಯಕೆ.

ಕೇಕೆ ಹಾಕುವ ಆಸೆ.

ಕೋಗಿಲೆ ಹಾಡು
ಮರೆತು,‌ ಹಾರುವುದ

ಆನೆ‌ ಘೀಳಿಡುವುದ
ಸರ್ಕಸ್ ಸೇರಿದೆ.

ಕಾಣದ‌ ಕಡಲ
ಸೇರುವ ಆಸೆ 

ಕಡಲ ತೀರವೇ

ನೌಕೆಯ ಸವಲತ್ತು?


ತಿಳಿ‌ ಸಂಜೆಯ‌ ಮುಸುಕು
ಸುತ್ತಿ ಸೋತು ಧೂಳು
ಎಲೆಗಳ ಮುತ್ತಿದೆ.

ಹಲ್ಲಿನ ಬಿಗಿತವ,
ಉಸಿರಿಗೂ ತಿಳಿಸದೆ.
ಅಚಲ ಹಿಡಿತದಿ,
ಮರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕುಳಿತಿದೆ.

ಹುಲಿ, ಬೇಟೆಗೆ

ಹಸಿದ ಕಂಗಳಲ್ಲಿ
ಕೋಪ ಕುದಿಯುತಿದೆ.
ಕಾಯುದೊಂದೆ ಅದರ 

ತಾಳ್ಮೆ, ಪಂಜಿಗಿಂತಲೂ,
ಮಾರಣಾಂತಿಕ ಎಂದು
ಅದಕೆ‌ ತಿಳಿದಿದೆ.

ಆಪತ್ತಿನ ನಿರೀಕ್ಷೆಯಲಿ,
ಕಾಗೆಗಳು ಶೆಟೆದು 
ಸುತ್ತಲಿನ ನೊಣಗಳು,
ಬೆಂದು‌ ಬೆಂಡಾಗಿವೆ.

ತೋಳವೊಂದು ಕೂಗುತಿದೆ.
ಪರಿಸ್ಥಿತಿಯ ಗಾಂಭೀರ್ಯ
ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ತಿಳಿದಿದೆ.

ಬೇರಾವ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಗೂ,
ಪಿಸುಗುಡಲೂ ಧೈರ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ.
ಇವತ್ತಿನ ರಾತ್ರಿಯೂಟಕ್ಕೆ
ಬೇಟೆ ಅವುಗಳಾಗ ಬೇಕಿಲ್ಲ.

ಜೀವ ಹೋಗುವ ಮುನ್ನವೇ,
ಸೂತಕದ ಛಾಯೆ ಆವರಿಸಿದೆ.
ರಣ-ಬೇಟೆಗಾರನ ಹಸಿವಿಗೆ
ಇಡೀ ಕಾಡೇ‌ ಶರಣಾಗಿದೆ.

23 October 2022

Post-Nut Clarity

To be or 
Not to be
Is a different kind
Of sanity.

You either have it,
Or you don't.
There's nothing
Called vanity.

You may brand
This generalisation,
As a flawed

But I know, 
You'll be convinced.
If I tell you,
It's just

Post-nut clarity.

Dead Words

We don't talk
These days.
Yet some silence
Lurks around,
In bits and pieces,
In Appeal.

We don't see 
Each other
These days.
Yet this longing
Hangs tight
Like a hungry bird
Poised to peck.

Memories of your
Creases of your 
It's hard to sit
Idle with you 
All-over my head.

So I try to force
My thoughts,
Into fragility of
Some words. 
They eventually
Fall prey,
To fit into a noose 
And die dry on a 
Sheet of paper.

There's nothing
Blander than 
Watching dead words
And I'm swimming
In the smoke of 
My own funeral pyre.


ಇವತ್ತು ಶನಿವಾರ.
ತಾನು ಉಪವಾಸ ಇದ್ದರೂ,
ಒಲೆ ಉರಿಸಿದಳು, 
ಅವ್ವ ರೊಟ್ಟಿ ಬಡೆದಳು.

ಮೊನ್ನೆ ಹುಷಾರಿರಲಿಲ್ಲ.
ಎದ್ದು ಕೂರಲಾಗದಷ್ಟು ಜ್ವರ.
ಆದರೂ ಹಿಟ್ಟು ನಾದಿದಳು.
ಪಲ್ಯ ಮಾಡಿದಳು.

ಕೆಲವು ತಿಂಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ
ಅವಳ ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ ಹಬ್ಬ.
ಬಂಧುಗಳು, ಕೆಲವು ಆಪ್ತರು
ಹರಿಸಲು ಬಂದಿದ್ದರು.
ಉಡುಗೊರೆ ತಂದಿದ್ದರು.

ಔತನಕೂಟದ ಸಾರಥ್ಯ,
ಆವತ್ತೂ ರಜೆ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿರಲಿಲ್ಲ.
ಅನ್ನ ಬೇಯಿಸುವುದನ್ನು

ಹಬ್ಬ ಹರಿದಿನಗಳಲ್ಲಿ,
ಮದುವೆ, ಮುಂಜಿಗಳಲ್ಲೂ,
ಈ ರಗಳೆ ತಪ್ಪಿದ್ದಲ್ಲ.
ಅವಳ ಪಾಕಶಾಲೆಯಲಿ,
ಗೈರು ಹಾಜರಿಗೆ ಜಾಗವಿಲ್ಲ.

ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಹಡಿದಾಗಲೂ,
ಒಲೆ ಉರಿಸಿದ್ದಳಂತೆ.
ಅವಳು ಹುಟ್ಟಿದಾಗಲೂ ಅವಳೇ
ಅಡುಗೆ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಳೇನೊ.

ಅಪ್ಪ ಬೈದಾಗಲೂ,
ನಾ ಸಿಟ್ಟಾದಾಗಲೂ.
ಅಜ್ಜಿ ಜೊತೆ ಜಗಳವಾದರೂ,
ಉಪ್ಪು ಜಾಸ್ತಿಯಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ.

ಕಾರ್ಪೊರೇಟ್ ಕಟ್ಟಡಗಳು,
ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ ಯಂತ್ರಗಳು,
ಸ್ತ್ರೀವಾದಿ ಚಳುವಳಿಗಳು.
ಅಡುಗೆ ಮನೆ ಹೊಸ್ತಿಲು ದಾಟಿಲ್ಲ.
ಅವಳನ್ನ ತಡೆಯಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

ಮಹಾ ಯುದ್ಧಗಳು,
ಪ್ರವಾಹ ಪ್ರಳಯಗಳೂ,
ಅವಳ ಸ್ಥಿರತೆಯನ್ನ
ಅವ್ವ ಯಾರನ್ನೂ ಖಾಲಿ
ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಯಲಿ ಮಲಿಗಿಸಿಲ್ಲ.

ಮುಂದೊಂದು ದಿನ
ಅವಳು ಅಸುನೀಗಿದರೂ,
ಅವಳ ತಿಥಿ ಊಟ ಅವಳೇ 

ಬಹುಶಃ‌ ಜಗತ್ತಿಗೆ 
ನಮ್ಮವ್ವ ಉಣಬಡಿಸುವ 
ಕೊನೆಯ ಅಡುಗೆ ಅದೇ ಏನೋ.


The cheeks of the 
Skies, been intoxicated 
By the Damsels of 

The gushing winds 
Have been tamed by 
The Daisies of
Scented chimes. 

The moon was too
Mellow and the
Jasmines have
Tamed him tonight.

Lavenders have
Replaced the stars,
Roses been luminiscent
For quite some time.

Bless us with your
Elegance dear love.
The laurels are 
Forever waiting..

For the lullabies
Of your glance.


Does the silence 
Know about the 
Scream of the words?

The paper be aware
Of the bondage as
We write?

A tiny pebble has sent 
A rippled storm across 
A sea that was calm.

The vast darkness,
Is now afraid of the oblivion 
It might face by a spark. 

Does the emptiness know?
About the conspiracy of
Rampaging thoughts?

Even god's existence
Has bounced off from 
The fragility of human mind. 

15 October 2022


ನೀರಡಿಕೆಯಲಿ ಹುಡುಕುತ 
ಹೋದ ಕೆರೆ, ಬತ್ತಿ ಹೋಗಿತ್ತು.
ಮುಂಚೆ ಕಂಡ ಮರೀಚಿಕೆ,

ಆಸರೆ ಬಯಸಿ ತಲುಪಿದ
ಸೂರು, ಬಿದ್ದು ಹೋಗಿತ್ತು.
ತಿರಸ್ಕರಿಸಿ ಬಂದ‌ ಪಾಳು

ಅಂಟಿಕೊಂಡ‌ ದಾರಿದ್ರ್ಯ 
ನನ್ನಿಂದ ನಾನೇ ಓಡಿದೆ.
ಯಾರೂ ಕಾಣದ‌ ದೂರದ 
ಯಾರ್ಯಾರೋ ಸಿಕ್ಕರು.

ತ್ಯಜಿಸಿ ಬಂದ ಆ ಅಯೊಗ್ಯ 
ನಾನೇ ಆಗಿದ್ದೆನೆ?

14 October 2022


ಮುಗಿಲ ನೋಡುತ 
ಬೆಳೆದ ಹೂವು,
ಮಣ್ಣಿನ ವಾಸನೆ ಮರೆತಿದೆ.
ನೀಲಾಕಾಶದ ಜೊಳ್ಳು 
ಗಿಡದ ಹಂಗು ತೊರೆದಿದೆ.

ರೆಂಬೆ ಕೊಂಬೆಗಳೇ
ಪಂಜರ ವಾಗಿವೆ ಇದಕೆ.
ಅದ್ಯಾವ ಅಮಲಿನಲಿ 
ದಳಗಳೇ ರೆಕ್ಕೆಗಳೆಂದು 

ಬಾನ ಏರಿಗೆ, 
ಏಣಿ ಹಾಕಲು 
ಇಷ್ಟ ಇಲ್ಲ ಯಾರಿಗೆ?
ರೆಕ್ಕೆ ಇದ್ದರೂ ಸುಮ್ಮನಿಲ್ಲವೆ,
ಅದರ ಮಿತಿ‌ ತಿಳಿದ

ತನ್ನ ವಾಸನೆಗೆ ತಾನೇ
ಕುಂಟು ಸೊಕ್ಕು ನಮ್ಮ
ಮೀಸೆ ಬಂದಾಗ, 
ದೇಶ ಕಾಣದು.
ಮೊಲೆಯೂ ಬಂದಿದೆಯೇ?
ಈ ಲೌಡಿಗೆ.

12 October 2022


ಮೌನಕ್ಕೆ ತಿಳಿದಿದೆಯೇ,
ಮಾತುಗಳ ರಗಳೆಯು.
ಬಿಳಿ ಹಾಳೆಗೆ ಪರಿಚಯವೇ,
ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳ ಬಿಗಿತವು.

ಕಿಡಿಯೊಂದರ ಕೆಚ್ಚನ್ನು
ಅಂಧಕಾರವು ಕಡೆಗಣಿಸಲು..
ಕಲ್ಲೊಂದರ ತವಕದಿ ಚದುರಿದೆ,
ಅಚಲ ಸಾಗರದ ಶಾಂತತೆಯು.

ಮನಸ್ಸೆಂಬ ಖಾಲಿ ಪಾತ್ರೆಯಲಿ 
ಕುಣಿದ, ಕುಂಟು ಕಲ್ಪನೆಯ ಆರ್ಭಟಕೆ..
ದೇವ ದಾನವರ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವವನ್ನೇ
ಹೊತ್ತಿದೆ, ನಂಬಿಕೆಯ ದಾರವು.

ಶೂನ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ತಿಳಿದಿದೆಯೇ?
ಭಾವನೆಗಳ, ಈ ಹಾದರವು.

01 October 2022


ಸುಡು ಬಿಸಿಲಿಗೆ
ಅಡ್ಡಲಾಗಿ ನಿಂತು..
ಮೂಡಿದ ನೆರಳನು,
ವರ್ಧಿಸಿ, ತ್ವರಿತಗೊಳಿಸಿ,
ಚೊಗಚಿ‌ ಮರಗಳು.

ಆ ಕಡೆಯಿಂದ
ಉತ್ತರ ಬಂತು.

ತಿಳಿ ಮುಂಜಾವಿನಲಿ
ಸೆಟೆದು ನಿಂತ,
ಚೊಗಚಿ‌ ಮೇಲಿತ್ತು
ಕತ್ತಲೆಯ ಕಣ್ಣು.
ಮಧ್ಯಾಹ್ನನದ ವರೆಗೆ
ಮತ್ತೆ ಬಿಗಿಯಾಗಿತ್ತು,
ನೆರಳಿನ ವರ್ಚಸ್ಸು.

Translation of Recovery by
A R Ammons

29 September 2022


Guns are for the weak,
Pens are for the meek. 
The real machoism lies
In the eyes..

That's why girls slay
Us with their smiles. 

28 September 2022


ಸಿಹಿ ನೆನಪುನಳು 

ರಾತ್ರಿ ಕರೆದ
ಕೆನೆ ಕೆನೆ ಕವಿತೆಗಳು,

ಅವಳ ನೆನಪುಗಳೇ 
ಮೈ ಮರೆಸಿ,
ಹುಳಿ‌ ಹಿಂಡಿ ಬಿಡುತ್ತವೆ.


All logic ends in the
Middle of the kitchen.
Where arguments with
My wife often begin.

Wall paint in small
Bottles, to apply
On the face can
Cost a fortune.

While the theory of 
The earth being flat 
Is sold at the worth 
Of a Brinjal.

Einstein must have
Died waiting in a 
Shopping mall before
Proposing relativity.

Van Gogh must have
Sliced his Is ear in protest.
He didn't have a wife.
But I understand the

Use your head 
For once, I said 
Out of frustration.

She did. 
Poured all her logic,
To make a point.

Earth didn't quake.
Her head didn't explode.
But she got to dictate
Her terms again.

Starting with
I volunteering to
To drain my scotch
Down the toilet.


Lies in gold-foils
Are spoils of war..
Offered, out of pity
To the young widows..
Saying everything
Is fair in war.

Pics with filters,
Pretentious poses.
Fix your nose,
Mind your tone.
Burning fat is more
Important in love.
So are fake promises,
With red roses.

Possibility of love 
Going wrong 
Shall not be talked.
Healing is banned.

A band aid for heart
Is time. 
But wasting time
Is not advisable.
As recycling is 
Harmful to capitalism.


Unke naram zubaan se 
Aise lafz nikle,
Ki phoot pade hai 
Khayalon ke gubbare.

Hoton se aise teer
Cahalaye hai jaise
Khamosh zakmo pe
Thande angare.

Shaitan bhi tik na
Paye, Lazawab,
Hai unke tej

Hum toh phir bhi
Insaan hai..
Ek jhalak kaafi thi..
Fana hai..

Hum pagal diwane.

ಅರೇಂಜ್ಡ್ ಮ್ಯಾರೇಜ್

ಅದು ದೇವರ 
ಮೈತಾಗಿ ಹುಟ್ಟಿದ ಒಲವೋ.

ಇರುಳ ತಂಪಿನಲಿ,
ದೆವ್ವಗಳ‌ ಅಣಕಿಸಿ,
ಪಿಸುಗುಟ್ಟ ಸಲುಗೆಯೊ?

ಜಿಗಿ ಜಿಗಿದು 
ಹಿತ್ತಲ ಹಾಳು ಮಾಡಿದ 
ಮಂಗನ ಮೇಲಿನ, 
ಜಂಟಿ ವೈರತ್ವವೂ 

ಗಿಡದ ದೈತ್ಯಾಕಾರಕ್ಕೆ,
ಹೂವು ಹೆದರಿಲ್ಲ.
ಒಂದು ಸಾರಿಯೂ
ಅದರ ಮೇಲೆ,
ಕಾಯಿ ಬೀಳಲಿಲ್ಲ.

ಒಂದು ಕಾಕತಾಳೀಯ
ಬೇಕೆಂಬ ಊಹೆಯೋ.

ಒಟ್ಟು, ಹಿತ್ತಲಿನ 
ಬಟ್ಟಲ ಹೂವಿಗೂ,
ಗಿಡದಲ್ಲಿನ ತೆಂಗಿಗೂ,
ಏನೋ ಒಂದು 

ಚಳಿಗಾಲ ಶುರುವಾಗಿದೆ
ಹಾಕೋಣ ಅವುಗಳಿಗೆ

09 July 2022


The little Aaru, grew fondness for balloons. She would play with them all day. She would walk with them, talk with them and even slept hugging a couple of them. 

Her fondness kind of grew into an obsession. The desire for few turned into demand for many more. And her very loving father made it a point to satisfy her wishes at all cost.

Day by day, her adamant need became so compulsive that the supply of balloons dried up in the block, then in the area and eventually in the entire city. But there was always a demand for more. 
So her father decided to take her to another city in search of more balloons. Once they boarded the car, he would buy her balloons all along the way. 

She would say more, he would buy more. She would say some more, he would pull the car to buy many more. More, more, more...she would say, and he lost it at a point. 

He lost it completely and crashed the car into a wall. 

Amidst the chaos, her bloody face made way for her fluttering eyes. And hugging the airbag and she said, some more.

20 June 2022

Begin Again

Sometimes things will work.
Sometimes they won't.
Sometimes you'll be angry
And I'll not be ready enough
To make amends.

The TV will run on its own,
As even in each other's company,
We'll be on our own.

There will be an invisible line
In the bed.
The food and the unwashed 
Dishes will hurl a storm into
The day-to-day mess.. 

Cuddles and hugs would 
Become redundant.
Conciliation would be 
Another war we can't afford.

The grumpy, The haughty,
Apathetic and egoistic.
And unapologetically,
When we slip down into an abyss..

If you feel like talking again.
Send me a song.

14 June 2022


ಆದಿಯೂ ಇಲ್ಲದೆ 
ಅಂತ್ಯವೂ ಇಲ್ಲದೆ,
ಅಂಕು ಡೊಂಕಾಗಿ

ಪಕ್ಷಿ‌ಯೊಂದು ಅದನ್ನು
ಮೇಲೆ ಕೆಳಗೆ
ಬೀಸೋ ಗಾಳಿ
ಅತ್ತಿಂದಿತ್ತ ಎಳೆದಿದೆ.

ರಸ್ತೆ ಇದು ಎಲ್ಲಿಗೂ
ಸೆಟೆದು ನಿಂತ
ಗಿಡವೊಂದು ತಿಳಿದರೆ.

ಎಡ ಬಲ‌ಗಳ 
ದಾರಿ ಹುಡುಕುತ್ತಾ,

ಅತ್ತ ಇತ್ತ, ಸುತ್ತ 
ದಿಕ್ಕು ಹುಡುಕುವ 
ಅಲ್ಲಿಯೇ ಉಳಿದರೂ,
ಆ ರಸ್ತೆಯೊಂದೆ.

ಸುಳಿಯಲಿ ಅದೊಂದೇ

13 April 2022


Eat veg,
Don't speak English.
Don't ask questions 
And beware of what
You wear on head.

Because an extra
Ounce of protein
To your bones and
Infection of logic
In your brain..

Can make your
Vote foolproof
Against the lure
Of notes and
Threats of bigots. 

Secularism is a sin.
Liberal is gandu.
Right is to eat
And shed the left,
As wiping your ass 
Is not so holy. FYI. 

Food prices and 
Inflation are for
The elite.
Harassing lovers
In parks is how 
You create jobs.

So bow your head,
Beat your wife.
Threaten the neighbour.
And take the side of 
The colour that's on 
The top of our flag.

Beware of the one
That's in the middle,
As it represents peace.
And remember to
Fight the one that's 
It's a patriotic deed. 

03 April 2022

Gratitude to Self

Hey, listen.
Take a moment.
Cut yourself some
Close your eyes.
Inhale, and
Hold your breath
For a while.

Let the crackling
Of your thoughts
Take some time
Till they glare again.
Hot gush of blood,
Hold on for a bit
Till it'll rush back
To head. 

Can you compose
Yourself to hear
Tick of the clock?
Lay back a little
To feel the sweat
Off your brows.

How about the
Birds that chirp
In the distance.
Might they want
Your attention?

And the rustle
Of leaves.
Swish of wind.
Flaunted blue of 
The sky and
The smell of
Jasmine that wafts

Does she come
To your mind.
Does he still ride
Your thoughts?

Let's remember
Someone who has
Gone away before
You could thank.
Or the one you
Couldn't forgive

Can you feed that
Dog if you see it 
The next time?
Play with the cat
If it hops in on
Your lap.

Give it a thought.

And now,
For once.
Pass yourself 
In your mind.
Remember your
Face, smile and
All the good things
That have happened
While you're around.

And before you
Open your eyes.
Give yourself a
Silent hug.
Forgive yourself,
And also thank.

01 April 2022


ತಿರಾರಿಲ್ಲದೆ ತಿಂದು.
ಕರಾರಿಲ್ಲದೆ‌ ಮಲಗಿ.
ಎಲ್ಲ ಕಾರುಬಾರುಗಳ
ಬಾಗಿಲ ಮುಚ್ಚದೇ

ಬೆತ್ತಲೆ ಓಡಾಡುತ್ತಾ,
ಕುಡಿದು, ಸೇದಿ.
ನಾಲ್ಕಾರು ಬಾರಿ 
ಅಂಗೈಗೆ ತೀರ್ಥಯಾತ್ರೆ
ಪಾಪ ಪ್ರಜ್ಞೆಯಲ್ಲಿ,
ಇವನು ಕುಳಿತಿದ್ದಾನೆ.

ಯಾರೂ ಇಲ್ಲದ
ಹೂಸು ಬಿಟ್ಟು,
ಕಳೆದು ಹೋದ ತನ್ನನ್ನು 

31 March 2022


ಸರಿ ತಪ್ಪುಗಳಾಚೆ
ಒಂದು ಮನೆಯಿದೆ.

ಕಪ್ಪಲ್ಲದ ಬಿಳುಪಲ್ಲದ
ಅಡ್ಡ ದಾಟಿದರೆ,
ಒಂದು ಬೆಕ್ಕಿದೆ.

ಇಲ್ಲ ಸಲ್ಲದ ಟೀಕೆಗಳಿಗೆ
ಒಗ್ಗದ, ಬಗ್ಗದ.
ಬಟ್ಟೆ ಬಂಗಾರದ
ವಾಸನೆಗೆ ಮಾಗಿ,
ಬೊಗಳದ ನಾಯಿ ಇದೆ.

ಇಹ ಪರರರ
ಹಂಗು ತೊರೆದು.
ಹಗಲು ರಾತ್ರಿಗಳು 
ಸೇರಿ ನಕ್ಕ ತಿಳಿ‌ ಸಂಜೆಯ 
ಒಂದು ನೆನಪಿದೆ.

ಕೇಸರಿ‌ ಹಸಿರಿಗೆ
ಸಾಂತ್ವನ ಹೇಳಲು
ಬಿಳಿ‌ ಇದೆ.

ಇರಿಸು ಮುನಿಸು,
ಛಲ‌ ಕಪಟ,
ಕೋಪ ತಾಪಗಳ,
ತೆಲೆ‌ ಸವರಿ ಮಲಗಿಸಲು,
ಕುಳಿತು ಕೇಳುವ

ಕನಸಿದೆ, ನನಸಿದೆ,
ಮಸನ‌ ಮಂದಿರಳಾಚೆ
ಹರಿದ ಹಸಿವಿಗೆ,
ಒಂದೊತ್ತು ಹುಗ್ಗಿ,
ಇನ್ನೊಂದೊತ್ತು ಬಿರ್ಯಾನಿ

ಮಂಕು ಬುದ್ಧಿಯ,
ಡೊಂಕು ವಿಚಾರಗಳ
ಕಣ್ಣೊಳಗಿನ ಕಹಿ
ಪರದೆಯ ಸರಿಸಿ.
ಕುಳಿತು ಹರಟೆ ಹೊಡೆಯ 

ನಿನಗೂ ಇದೆ.

17 March 2022


Compulsive desire
To leave places.
Impulsive desire
To explore.

This nagging feeling
Of being left out.
Persistent worry
Of not belonging

Short lived conviction.
Fear of failure.
Sense of not being
Good enough.

Inability to hold onto
Something for long
And a haunting
Desire to long
For something 
When it's gone.

Maybe I belong
To the sandy area
Of the seashore
Where nothing lasts.

Swish of water,
Things come along.
Giving enough 
Reasons to feel,
Soon they're gone.
Itch of scars. 


With clink of 
Glasses against
The warmth of a
Smoky fireplace.

A subtle emotion,
Of seemingly never
Ending place. 

I remember a
Japanese phrase,
That means
"I love you".
I say it loud 
Without proper

But it bounces
Back from the
Shabby South-wall,
Like a song of a
Long lost dawn.

To which I dance
Remembering all
The abrupt good-byes.

And life now has
Come down to a
Sort of insomnia borne
Jolt of awareness,
That I'll die one day
And eventually,
Move on. 

12 March 2022


ಪಿಸು‌ ಮಿಡಿತದ
ಬಯಕೆ ಅಷ್ಟೇ 

ಸಿಡಿದೆದ್ದ ಒಲವು..

ಮನದಾಳ ಮೀಟಿ,
ಒಡಲಾಳ ಕಲುಕಿ,
ಕಾಲಿದ್ದರೂ ಓಡದ,
ನೀವೇ ಇಟ್ಟುಕೊಳ್ಳಿ.

ಬೆಳ್ಳೊಳ್ಳಿ ತ್ಯಜಿಸಿ.

ಮೊಸರುಂಡ ನಿಮಗೆ,
ಬದನೆಕಾಯಿಯ ಚಪಲ 

ಹೆಪ್ಪೇ ಕಾಣದ 
ನಮಗೆ ಸಾಕಾದೀತೆ?
ಅಂಟಾದ ಅಂಗೈಯ 


ಆ ಹತಾಶ ತುರಿಕೆಗೆ,
ಪ್ರೇಮ ಸಂಜೆಗಳ,
ನೀ ಏಕೆ ಕೊಲ್ತಿ?

ಬರಿ, ಕೆರಿ,
ಇಲ್ಲ ನೆಲ ಗುದ್ದಿ 
ನೀರು‌ ತೆಗಿ.

ಕಜ್ಜಿ, ಅಷ್ಟೇ
ಜಾಸ್ತಿ ಆದರೆ,

ಕುರ್ಚಿ ಮೇಲೆ ಕುಳಿತ
ಆ ಹಂದಿಗೆ.
ಗುರಿಯಿಟ್ಟು ಒಂದು 
ಕಲ್ಲು ಎಸಿ.

ನಿಶಾನೆ ತಪ್ಪಿದರೂ

ನಿನ್ನ ಸಕ್ರೀಯ 
ಕೆರೆತಕ್ಕಿದೆ ನನ್ನದೊಂದು 

01 March 2022


ನೇಗಿಲ ಹೂಡಿ,
ಅರಿವ ‌ಬಿತ್ತಿ,
ಕೊಯ್ಲು ಮಾಡಿ,
ತೂರಿ, ಸಾನಿಸಿ,
ವಿಚಾರ ವಾದದ
ಸುಗ್ಗಿ ಮಾಡಿಲ್ಲ.

ಸರ್ರನೆ ಗಾಳಿಗೆ,
ಜೇಡ ಕಟ್ಟಿದ 
ಎದೆ‌ ಗೂಡಿಗೆ ಇದು
ಬೆಳಕ ತೋರಿಸಿಲ್ಲ.

ಕೈ ಕಾಲುಗಳ
ಕೀಲುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಜಂಗು.
ಹೊಳ್ಳೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಗೆದ್ದಿಲು.
ಉಸ್ತುವಾರಿ ಇಲ್ಲದೆ,
ಸಂದು ಸಂದುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ,

ದೇಹ ದೇಗುಲಕ್ಕೆ
ತಾನೇ ಕಳಶವೆಂಬ 
ಬೂಟಾಟಿಕೆ‌ ಬೇರೆ.
ಸರ್ಕಾರಿ ಬಾಬು ಹಾಗೆ
ಮೇಲೆ ಕುಳಿತಿದೆ.

ಹೇಲ‌ ಗಡಿಗೆ.

20 February 2022

Forgotten to Rebel

These days
I don't laugh aloud.
Don't gasp out
Of pain.

I don't rush
Out of instinct
To face whatever
That comes.

The wild bull in 
My head has been
Tamed to force it
Down on a chair.

The spark that 
Glared inside has
Been watered to

Watching TV,
Eating snacks.
Trolling and
Reacting to the
Unnecessary headlines.

Carried away by
Cheap jokes and
Throwing away
Free advices..

I've been sitting

Hiding the 
From the blunt 
Thoughts of my
Burnt out mind..

I've been sitting
These days 
I've forgotten 
To rebel. 


ಕಡಲ ಅಂಚು,
ಬಾನ ಕೆಂಪು,
ಸೇರಿ ಲಾಲಿ ಹಾಡಿವೆ..

ಹಕ್ಕಿ ಗುಂಪು
ರೆಕ್ಕೆ ಬಿಚ್ಚಿ,
ಪಡುವ ದಿಕ್ಕ ಏರಿವೆ.

ಬಾಲ ಚಂದ್ರ
ಮುಗಿಲ ಸೀಳಿ,
ಮೃದು ನಗೆಯ ಬೀರಲು..

ತಿಳಿ‌ ಸಂಜೆ
ಧರೆಯ‌ ತಬ್ಬಿ
ಹಬ್ಬದೂಟ ಬಡೆಸಿದೆ‌.

ತಾರೆ‌ ಬೆಳಕ,
ಬಯಸಿ ಕನಸ ಕಾಣಲು..

ಇರುಳ ತಂಪು ಮಾಡಲು.

11 February 2022


Was it the intoxication carried
By the winds from the west.
Or sparks set off the insides that
Churned out in protest.
No one knows.

When it took over minds, fiddled
With the hearts to overpower
Human will.. Everyone who had
Forgotten to speak coughed.

Cough, Cough. A terrific cough.
They coughed while they stood.
Coughed while they sat.
They woke up coughing and
Fell down battered by the cough.

The cough gulped the laugh to
Cough more. Pulled up the
Intestine to amplify its choke.

It slapped awake the ones asleep,
To force open their hearts.
Kicked down the haughty heads,
To compel a grounded walk.

Some toiled, built, sang, danced
And toned their cough in shape
To become poets. Others blamed,
Grappled and grudged.
And strangled themselves to
Self-pity and hate.

Few, who became good coughers.
Preached the art of coughing.
To become self-proclaimed babas.
And the ones who mastered to
Cough it out loud, 
Made assurances to censure it 
And won elections..

10 February 2022

Nexus Event

She wakes. Rubs her eyes
And looks in the mirror.
Something about her, she doesn't
Feel is in place. Something about
This morning is just not right.

She leaves the aangan un-swept.
Chooses to let her hair undone.
Doesn't pluck the flowers for pooja.
Doesn't apply sindhoor on her forehead.

Things in the kitchen are not paid any
Attention. Seems food will not be
Prepared today.
If you see her in the eyes.
There's no agitation. No hate or anger.
No baggage of years of oppression.
Neither any excuse of victimization.

There's just blankness. A vast expanse
Of emptiness that wants to watch
The world burn, for the sins it has committed.
It dictates a command. Seeks from her
Her own redemption.

So she unwraps herself from
The bondage of her saree. Keeps aside
All the imposed precedents.
And runs in the streets naked.

The high temple of the village shakes.
The lake in the village breaks.
The earth cries fire. Even the sun feels
The chills of these tremors of shock.
Those who peeked from a distance
Got blinded. The bastards who mocked
The event were torched to ashes.

Suddenly her kid cries out of hunger
And the reality comes out of slumber.
Seems the simulation was over.

The kitchen was flung open.
The stove was lit again and the world
Order was saved. Only the gods
And the demons had a memory of what
Had happened.

They thanked the child in prostration.
He was declared as the incarnation of
Of Lord reclines on a giant snake,
For fixing the glitch in the matrix,
That's supposed favor men.

08 February 2022


ನೀರವ ಮೌನವ 
ಕತ್ತಲಲ್ಲಿ ಕತ್ತಿವರಸೆ
ಕಿವಿಯ ಮೇಲೆ
ಕೆಂಡ ಕಾರುತ್ತಿದೆ

ದೆವ್ವ ನೋಡಿ
ಗುಂಪು ಗುಂಪಾಗಿ
ಕುಂಡಿ ಹರಿದ ಹಾಗೆ
ಬೀದಿ ನಾಯಿಗಳು.

ನಿರ್ವಾತ ತುಂಬುತ್ತಾ.
ತಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹುಳುಗಳು.

ಪದೇ ಪದೇ ಕಣ್ಣು
ಹಾಸಿಗೆ ಉದ್ದಗಲ
ಅರೆ ಅಮಲಿನಲಿ
ನಾನೂ ಬಿದ್ದಿದ್ದೇನೆ..

ಅನಾಥ ಪದದ 
ಅರ್ಥವ, ಈ
ನಿದ್ರಾಹೀನ ರಾತ್ರಿಗಳಿಗೆ 

03 February 2022

ಬಂಡಾಯ ಮರೆತಿದ್ದೇನೆ.

ಈಗೀಗ ನಾನು
ಹೊಟ್ಟೆ ತುಂಬಾ 
ಬಿಕ್ಕಿ-ಬಿಕ್ಕಿ ಅಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.
ಬಂದುದನ್ನು ಎದುರಿಸಿ
ಎದೆ ಸೆಟೆದು,

ನಿಟ್ಟುಸಿರು ಬಿಟ್ಟು,
ಇರಿಯಲು ಹೋಗುತ್ತಿದ್ದ,
ಮನದ ಹೋರಿಯ 
ಕುರ್ಚಿ ಮೇಲೆ 

ಕಾಯಿಸಿ ಕೆರಳಿಸಿ,
ಸಿಡಿದು ಸೆನೆಸಾಡುವ,
ಅಂತರಾಳದ ಕಿಡಿಗೆ,
ನೀರೆರೆಚಿ, ಹೊಗೆ ಎಬ್ಬಿಸಿ,

ಟೀವಿ ನೋಡುತ್ತಾ,
ಫಳಾರು ತಿನ್ನುತ್ತಾ.
ಬೇಕಾಗದ, ಬೇಡಾಗಾದ,
ಅಪಹಾಸ್ಯ ಮಾಡುತ್ತ..

ಚಿಲ್ಲರೆ ಜೋಕುಗಳಿಂದ,
ಅನ್ಯರಿಗೆ ಉಪದೇಶ

ಮಂಕು ತಲೆಯ,
ಮೊಂಡು ವಿಚಾರಗಳಿಗೆ,
ಸಾಣೆಕಲ್ಲು ತೋರಿಸದೆ,


ಈಗೀಗ ನಾನು
ಬಂಡಾಯ ಮರೆತಿದ್ದೇನೆ.

02 February 2022


ಅದು ತೆಂಕಣ ಗಾಳಿಯ 
ಒಡಲ ಮಂಥನದ

ತಲೆ ಏರಿ, ಎದೆ ಮೀಟಿ,
ತೊಡೆ ತಟ್ಟಿ
ಮಾತು ಮರೆತಿದ್ದ
ಮಂದಿ ಎಲ್ಲಾ

ಕೆಮ್ಮು. ಕೆಮ್ಮು.
ಭಯಂಕರ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.

ನಿಂತರೂ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.
ಕುಂತರೂ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.
ಎದ್ದರೂ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.
ಬಿದ್ದರು ಕೆಮ್ಮು.

ನಗುವನ್ನು ನುಂಗಿ
ಕ್ಯಾಕರಿಸಿದ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.
ಕರುಳ ಜಗ್ಗಿ
ಅಳಿಸಿದ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.

ಗಾರಿ ಉಗುಳಲು
ಎಬ್ಬಿಸಿದ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.

ಎದ್ದವರನ್ನು ಕುಗ್ಗಿ
ತಲೆ ತಟ್ಟಿದ ಕೆಮ್ಮು.

ಬೀಗಿ, ಬೈದು,
ಗೊಳೋ ಎಂದು ಅತ್ತು.
ತಲೆ ತಿಪ್ಪೆ

ಬಿತ್ತಿ, ಎತ್ತಿ,
ಕೆರೆ-ಕಟ್ಟೆ ಕಟ್ಟಿ,
ತಮ್ಮ ಕೆಮ್ಮಿಗೆ
ರಾಗ ಕೊಟ್ಟು,
ಕವಿಯಾದರು ಕೆಲವರು.

ಹೇಗೆ ಕೆಮ್ಮಬೇಕೆಂದು
ಹೇಳಿ ಕೊಡಲು ತಿಳಿದ

ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಜೋರಾಗಿ ಕೆಮ್ಮಿ,
ಆಶ್ವಾಸನೆ ನೀಡಿ.
ಕೆಮ್ಮನ್ನೇ ಬಂಡವಾಳ
ಮಾಡಿಕೊಂಡ‌ ಧುರೀಣರು‌  
ಸರ್ಕಾರ ಕಟ್ಟಿದರು..


01 February 2022

ಕಾಳಿ ದೇವಿಗೆ ಮೂಗುದಾನ

ಎದ್ದು ಅಂಗಳ 
ತೆಲೆ ತೊಳೆದು ಜುಟ್ಟು 

ಬೊಟ್ಟು ಇಡಲಿಲ್ಲ. 
ಹೂ ಮುಡಲಿಲ್ಲ.
ಒಲೆಗೂ ಕೂಡ ರಜೆ.
ಇವತ್ತು ಅನ್ನ ಬೇಯೊದಿಲ್ಲ.

ಕಣ್ಣಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇಡಿಲ್ಲ.
ನೋವಿಲ್ಲ, ನಗುವಿಲ್ಲ.
ಸಾವಿರಾರು ವರ್ಷಗಳ
ದಬ್ಬಾಳಿಕೆಯ ಜ್ಞಾನವಿಲ್ಲ.
ನೆಪವೂ ಇಲ್ಲ.

ಮನದಲ್ಲಿ ಕವಿದ ಶೂನ್ಯ
ಜಗತ್ತನ್ನೇ ತಿನ್ನೆಂದು,

ಉಟ್ಟ ಸೀರೆಯ
ದಾಸ್ಯವ ತೊರೆದು,
ಸರಸರನೆ ಓಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ
ಬೆತ್ತಲೆ ಓಡಿದಳು.

ಊರಿನ ಗುಡಿ
ಕೆರೆ ಒಡೆಯಿತು.
ಭೂಮಿ ಕಂಪಿಸಿತು.
ಸೂರ್ಯನಿಗೂ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ
ಚಳಿ ತಾಗಿತು.

ಇಣುಕಿ ನೋಡಿದವರು,
ನಿಂತು‌ ನಕ್ಕ ಕೆಲ ಲೌಡಿಗಳು‌ 
ಸುಟ್ಟು ಬೂದಿಯಾದರು.

ಎವ್ವಾ! ಮುಕಳಿಗೆ
ನೀರೆಂದು ಮಗು
ವಾಸ್ತವ ರಪ್ಪನೆ
ಒಲೆ ಹೊತ್ತಿತು.
ಊರು ಉಳಿಯಿತು.

ದೇವ-ದಾನವರಿಗೆ ಮಾತ್ರ

ಪುರುಷ ಪ್ರಭುತ್ವವನ್ನು
ಮಗುವಾಗಿ ಬಂದಿದ್ದ
ಶಿವನಿಗೆ, ಅವರು  
ಕೈ ಮುಗಿದರು.

29 January 2022


I try to forget you.
But I fail.

I drink all day to
Forget you.
But I fail.

I read, I write.
I sleep, I wake.
I choke on my

Talk to the ceiling,
Fight with pillows.
I bask, I crack,
I whack and I 
Really, really, try
To make you go

But I fail.

You creep in 
Like a snake to
Scare me again.

You sneak in
Like rustle of
Leaves in the
Dead of night to
Haunt me again.

It's like my
Head is on fire.
Skin has turned
Hair is a mess
With a strong urge
For an itch.
And I have
Run out of water
To take a decent

Upon that I've 
Decided to hate 
The rains too.

Also, I've been
The shadow of
The moon but
He has followed
Me everywhere.

I've tried to kill
You in my stories.
Tried to burn our
But I've badly 

And like fumes of
Hot chai that
Elevates desires.
You creep in to
Demand a 

And I ask myself
If I want to forget
You for sure.
Do I really want
To let you go?

The answer slightly
Tilts towards a no.

Seems like I've
Grown a fondness
To this embargo.
This fondness take
Sides of a fight 
Inside my head.

To be or not be.
To be you sometimes
And to be me the other.
To stay put or
Just move on.

Maybe it's fun.
Maybe I'm not
Lonely that way.

28 January 2022

Social media

Zhakm ke bazaar mein
Naaptol ke dard 
Becha ja raha hai.

Gaye the hum bhi,
Kamaye huye,
Kuch ghaav leke.

Kacche aam ki
Keemat shayad koi
Nai karta waha.

Shayad, achaar
Dalna padega. 


Took a train. Then a bus. 48 hours after, found myself in Dharmashala. Five hours of trek, then on a mountain top.

The thirty rupees tea. Bread omlet, hundred each. Watched the sunset. Pegged tent and slept early.

Middle of the night, when mountains were asleep and the moon was awake. Peeped out of the tent and shivered to the cold.

The valley looked stunning. So did my insignificance. Maybe that's how it is, when you conquer yourself.

26 January 2022

The child in me

The child in me 
Wants to go to
My grandpa's place
To be lost in his
Stories again.

Climb the trees
To eat unripe
Mangoes and
Eat all the roasted 
Cashews without
Sharing with anyone.

The child in me
Wants play with
Fire. Conjure, 
The courage to
Leap in to 
Experience things. 

Learn, unlearn
And re-learn.
Just like how
One has to be
Persistent to craft
A kite and put
It in flight.

The child in me
Wants to imitate
Shaktiman and
Also understand 

Believe I can fly.
Still be grounded.
Ignore the wounds
On my knee and
Run again like
There's no tomorrow.

The child in me
Just wants to talk
To the adult me,
To hold hands and
Shed masks.
Fill courage and
Say it's alright.

Climb mountains,
Sail across seas to
Show how belong,
And where to 


Woh kaun hai jo
Jo sapnon mein aake
Hakeekat mein
Gayab ho jate hai.

Aine mein dikh kar,
Parichayi chod jate hai. 

Woh kaun hai jo
Dimag pe sawar
Dil pe nishan
Chod jate hai.

Khule bazaar mein
Khwaab dikha ke,
Baad mein marichika 
Ho jate hai. 

Kash woh tum hote.
Ya khud hum.
Lekin ye koi
Aur hai. 

Anjaan toh hai

Lekin pata nahi
Jaan pehechan 
Se bhi lagte hai. 


Listen to the breeze
As it passes by.
The rustle of the leaves,
The calm it assures.

Listen to the thoughts
It invokes, as it
Touches your insides.
Listen to the river
As it cuts through rocks.
The pebbles it 
Brushes past.
The persistence it

Listen to the tones
It brings you back,
As it flows soaking
Your heart.
Listen to the snow
As it settles on the soil.
The white that covers,
The cold that spreads.

Listen to the fire 
It can light. 
In the corner of
Your mind.
The summer that's
Still alive.

24 January 2022

Poles Apart

Of the red
And the blue.
We're the 
Uncommon dark.

Of the music 
And the noise.
We're silences

Of a dream
And the dread,
A realisation that
Fled the night.

And of the hope 
And despair,
A love that didn't
Last long.

Like the sea  
And the sky.
We could meet
Only as a mirage.

In reality we're,
An universe 


Life slips from
The the clutches
Of my fingers like
The loose grains 
Of sand.

Passes through
The the gap in 
My eyes like a
Forgettable perspective.

Pages turn. 
The clocks run.
Night eats the day
And light turns up.

Time has fled.
Story is gone and
Before I could remember,
Oblivion said Hi..

Void to Infinite

They say 
You kill with
Your eyes.

And I have
Already died

The paths
You derail with
Carve of your

I've already
Lost myself

For a glance
Of your face,
The wars 
They've waged.

I've been
Martyred a 
Few times. 

You take them
Places they 

Now, I too have  
Seen the infinite.
By first hitting 
The void.


I feel like I should
Just scream.
Rip this trails of
Stress and spread
Myself on the floor.

I just want to 
Scream till
My brain bursts.
Body gives up and
I lay shattered 
Devoid of any
Strand of greed.

The dust of rust on
My tenacit thoughts.
A layer of extra
Skin to pretend as
My will rots.
This body is a 
Prison that wants
To be freed.

From the roof of
My head 
For me to scream.
By any chance,
Can I score some

Scripting Fantasies

Earth seems 
Reality feels limited.
Let's go away to
Live in reveries.
Let's find a way to
Sculpt our fantasies.

A ride of a unicorn,
To build castles of
Candy in the air.
We'll make wine
Out of starlight and
Swing in space.

In the restaurant
At the end of galaxy.
Over plate of 
I will propose you 
A toast with chai.

A necklace of
Red-giants and
A tiara of moons
On your head.
I'll address you
As queen to be
Your worthy king.

Lazy Moments

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
The blue and the red
We see our silence
Pass by.  

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
Nothingness and
Infinity holding hands,
We listen to an
Epoch that runs by.

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
Our fondness dictates
The rage of nature.
The winter and 
The summer are
Dialects of our 
Naked hearts.

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
The happiness and 
The sadness have 
Conspired to
Vacantly witness,
The making of
Our life.

20 January 2022


This simmering 
Desire for
Abandoned places.
Irresistible longing 
For fading traces.

Fantasy that 
Grows for the
Falling moons.
The pull I feel 
Towards the 
Dying stars.

My heart must 
Have been cast in
A volcano that 
Refused to 
Douse itself. 

This greed to 
Live even when 
I'm dead.
Compulsion to
Make the blues
My friends.

Maybe that's why,
I am swimming in
The smoke of
The bridges I've


There's this space.
Soaked and left
To dry.

This space,
A blinding black.
Shattering white.
An anti gravity fall.
From here,
There's no 
Coming back.

It's a remains
Of unburnt skin.
Ruins of a sea
That's dead.
Of that hope
Only despair is

I wait here like
It's a to be
Done away scar.
A to be won war.

But you never
Look back.

This space has
An unfathomable

18 January 2022

Head and Hunger

We plough, we sow.
Against the rains
We gamble to grow.
For a roti and 
Some rice.
Firewood and
Cooking oil..
My mother toils
Against her life
To fix a dinner.

Law of conservation
Of energy doesn't
Apply in our kitchen. 

If the light were that
At first instance,
I would have tried to
Make a container,
To illuminate my 
Dilapidated hut.

Because when I
See a posh building
From here,
The light seemed 
Have always been 

And wonder. 
Always have been
Wondering about Newton
And his apple.
If it would have
Fallen on me.
Maybe I would have 
Eaten it readily.

The act of head,
And hunger, you see,
Are third law of
Motion otherwise.

Maybe somewhere
There's a fission
Reaction that's
Multiplying pulses.

Some missiles with
Nuclear warheads,
In one stroke, can
Feed all the poor.

Maybe then,
Between the head
And the stomach,
Science can win 
The race. 


Woh aaye,
Hame le jaye.
Phir se ek aur 
Khwaab dikha ke,
Chand pe hame
Kaid kar de.

Sitaro ke hawa
Ka shab 
Unke hathon se 
Pilaye aur unke 
Pyar ka izahar kare.

Aur hum yun hi
Pigal kar,
Aasman se 
Barish sa barsaye.

Ye mehenge 
Mehenge khwahishe..
Unki yadon mein
Doob jaane ki aadatein.
Kya kare..

Kya kare..
Iss taraf hai tanhai
Ki khayi. Uss taraf,
Nachti hui, meri
Bigade kalam ki
Rang bhi rangi shahi. 

Hamare toote
Kashti ki hakeekat
Ka pata hai hume..
Phir bhi..

Phir bhi..
Dil behalane ke liye.
Khayal accha hai

15 January 2022


Tragidies are 
Infected with
Laugh and
They've become
Nitrous oxide.

Fantasies are
Mixed with vile
Of politics.
Anesthetics are
Now obsolete.

Sad stories,
Have cold endings.
They die easily
These days.
Amputations are
Done by building

Hip-hop has
Caught a cold.
Has whored
Rappers to tune
Their agenda.

Ideas pop-up
Strings attached.
Even psychedelics 
Are in fetters.
Rock music is
In clinical trials
To treat ethnicity.

11 January 2022

When I was Young

When I was young.
I would summon sunsets
And tame stars to adorn
My little sister's room.

Colors up my sleeve.
I believed in a life,
That's etched in crayons.

When I was young.
I would make boats 
With papers to 
Chase the rain.

Dreams could fit in
Chocolate wrappers.
Expectations in
Glittery marbles.

Nights were for
Good goody sleep.
Evenings for the
Cool breeze.

Morning tea to
Shake the mind
A free desire within 
That would aways 

Everything wasn't
Planned and neat.
We didn't sag like 
Dead meat. 

Roads were great,
Trees were free. 
Looking at us
Even birds did glee.

When I was young.
Moon followed me
Wherever I would go.
Grandpa lived in the
Sky, as mom claimed.

Venus was just
A good friend.
Peeing wasn't shamed.
And dreams weren't 
Confined in names.

10 January 2022


Clocks chase 
The moments that 
Could have paused
For a while. 

Fate engulfs the
Horizons that
Future visibility.

Sun doused the
Night that had 
Offered us a 

You could've 
Stayed for another 
What was the 

A minute could
Have savored
Another second.
A day,
Another year.

Time wasn't the
Neither was fate.

I refused to look
You in the eye,
When you reluctantly
Said goodbye.

09 January 2022

Dead Poet

Dear poet. I read your obituary in the newspaper. Didn't know how to interpret it. 

Are you really gone or is it one of the instances that you just can't write? 

Are you choking on your words or you have done away with yourself from over a fan? 

I hope it is just a series of miscarriages in your head. I would like to believe that you are in your cave, taking time to come up with something new as you always do. 

I didn't know how to comprehend the headline, "Death of a poet". As it seemed like a beautiful metaphor you would use.

Hope everything is fine. And you're working on your next piece.

I lust you

Love is a close
Relative of lust.
That judges it,
For wearing a 
Revealing dress.

While it wanders
Naked in disguise,
In the minds that 
Preach pretense.

What's wrong
In the intimacy
That grows by 
Fire of skins,
Friction of hips..

And the stroke of
Calling that's evoked
By the wake of 

Purest of longing,
Should it linger
Only in heart?
Is that such an
Obvious stereotype?

Against the drapes 
That limit the
Depths of desire.
This is a poem is
A nudist's satire.

06 January 2022

Tainting Apathy

The papers want
To be tainted.
They pray for 
Redemption from
The blinding of
The blank.

The pen is a 
Messenger of 
The god.

Rescuing the 
Poetry is a 
Warrior knight. 

05 January 2022

Cosmic Job

There's a strange 
Feeling that's 
Simmering on the
Tips of my fingers.

An unusual quiver
Passing beneath
My feet. 

I feel a layer of skin
Upon me and 
Someone is trying to
Break it free.

Looks like something
Is in wake. 

My pen wants me
To go on a ride.
A piece of paper
Must be praying
For its redemption
From the blank.

Cosmic forces may
Have chosen me
For the job..

To balance the
Let me write a

03 January 2022


When this is 
All over.
On a sun-kissed
Month of May.
I'll meet you again.

At a road that
Outgrows all the
I'll hold your hand
And walk you to
A place, where
I grew as a child.

Where time is
On its knees. 
Where mangoes 
Still grow in trees.
There's a house,
My Grandpa lives 

He might not be
Expecting me.
But he'll not be 
Surprised to 
See you as well.

Maybe he'll
Ask grandma to
Make you feel at home.
Cook you her
Signature cashew dish.
And tell you an
Old story that
I've forgotten.

I'm sure she'll 
Tell you about how
Her hens lay egg.
The grafts on 
Guava plants and
The thickness of
Milk her buffaloes

She'll insist on
Giving you oil bath. 
And as she applies 
Oil to your hair. 
I'll steal your shy-gaze
To confide our love,
To that moment.

It'll be safe there.
Maybe years later,
Verge of our story
Will be heard as

02 January 2022

Unveiled letters

Tiptoeing across
A warm beach.
Gazing vacantly
Into the distance.
I envy the reflection
Of the moon,
On the brink of 
My fluid will.

I think of the 
Sequence of 
Accidents that
Brought me here. 

A twinge of
A surge of madness.
Butterflies in stomach
That emanates from
Series of flashbacks.

This urge to squeeze
Your cuteness.
The way my feelings
Squeal upon hearing
Your footsteps.

This desire to poke
My head in the clouds.
Vain of trying to
Hold time as it passes.

I wonder if the flood
Of this reverie
Ever ends.
The array of this
Longing ever bends.

I wonder if these
Unsent letters ever
Grow wings to land
In your realm to
Come back again..

Un-opened. Un-read.

01 January 2022

Guilty Pleasure

The wars my
Thoughts wage.
The revolts these
Emotions stage.

Why is this
Mental carnage
So imminent.
Is there no end to
This bloodshed?

This body is a
Cauldron of craving.
Mind, full of 
Thrust moralities.

Between the
Desires that poke
And the restraints
I exercise..

Everything collides
With one another..
Inevitably a conflict 
Is bound to arise..

So I hold my dagger 
Full of desire,
In a fistful of my

And my guilt 
Awaits outside
The bathroom..
To slay me for

Failing another

30 December 2021

Here and Now

The road with
Two curves of 
Has no beginning
Or an end.

The birds think
It goes up and

But the passing
Packet of air,
Takes it from
Anywhere to 

And the dry leaves 
Assume it goes

The traveler 
Doesn't stand
And stare.
He's only concerned
About the left  
And the right.

Who presumes
That it goes
Is in a prison.
Only the road is
Truly free.

Letting others go,
It stays there.

With no beginnings
And ends.
Only the road has
The destination
Is then and there.

New Year

Push your mind to
Fight that noise.
Push your boundaries,
You need to take 
A stand.

The restraints that
Have silenced your will..
Need to break away.

The reservations that
Hold your thoughts..
Be brushed away.

Let the blunt edges
Be sharpened by the
Friction as you try.

The hollowness,
Evaporate to allow 
Something of meaning,
As you sour high.

Let the decay see
A decent wash.
The confines erode,
To open a possibility
For new life.

This is just another
Day of another year.
Welcome it with
Open arms..

Give your legs
A chance.
Give your eyes
A new horizon.

Life is an act
Of moving on.
There's a lot to 
Explore around.


We glorified 
To restrict you 
To brooms.

To confine you
To rooms.

We pitied you to
Hold hostage in

Stereotyped to
Force you in 
Clothes of desire.

Ladies first we
Unequal salaries
We pay.

To force you to 
Cut onions.
Men shouldn't cry,
We declare.

You may wage wars.
Rule the world.
Mother a prophet or
Slave a demon.

Still, you gotta
Take our blame
And make our

You're better than us.
Even stronger.
But consolation
Prizes is all you'll get..

Maybe another
Child to pet.
A saree, 
Some jwellery or

One more poem 
Like this one to
Exemplify your
Compliant behavior.

Shower Some Starlight

Shores of the sea
Are cleansed by
The touch of your

Winds seek 
At the behest of
Your cheeks.

The moon 
Has been jealous,
For over an 

The sun has been
Chasing the dark
To give meaning 
To his fondness. 

Feed this celestial 
Universe has been 
Lonely all along.

I've wished for a
A glance of you a
Million times..

Pass me through 
One of your 
Thoughts and shower 
Some starlight. 

29 December 2021

Olympic Dream

I open my zip
To take a piss.
I spit.

The spit and 
The urine collide.

My Olympic
Dream is still 

28 December 2021

Song of unity

We're not afraid
Of the tainted light.
Or distracted by
The lure of
Promising nights.

This is a beginning
Of our unity,
You can't stop.
We're gonna 
Paint our fate in
White tonight.

We've buried
Our vices beneath
A rocky surface.
Cast our hearts
In a smelting furnace.

We can't be dodged
By the vanities
Of the heavens.
Or the scared by
The cold fetters
Of hell.

The rage in eyes
Is awake.
The song of the
Black flags will
Be sung to
Sooth the wounds
Of separation.

From the cold
Embers a revolution 
Will arise and
That'll be you
Elitists' demise.

Beware of the 
Thorns, you wretches.
We feed blood to
The roses,
You preach 


This shade of loneliness 
Hits you in your late 20s.
Feeds on insecurities to
Make your life compliant.

You accommodate yourself
In family trips.
Suddenly try to socialize
With strangers with
Sips of cheap drinks.

You form political opinions,
To fit in a group.
Watch cricket to blend in.
The mainstream is an
Inevitable end it seems.

All the girls you could have 
Had in college.
The moves you didn't make.
The words you couldn't say.

A feminine touch can
Only redeem you,
But your mirror 
Rejects you again.

Your only friend 
Succumbs to a girl.
And now you're really
Fucked in the head.

The loneliness sacrifices 
You to a societal mess.
And you decide to
Get married for sex.

27 December 2021


There's someone 
In the Dark..
I see,
But I don't realise.

There's someone in
The heart.
I can feel.
Can't hold on.

Time always slips
From the cusp of
Moments do become

There's someone in
The dark,
I don't realise.
He or me 
Doesn't matter.

He does slip from
My fingers.
I do from time. 

Irrelevance is
Something of an
Ultimate demise. 

24 December 2021

Dear Loneliness

You cut wings of
Doves and force 
Them to fly.

Pluck dandelions,
Only to throw them
In fire.

Give hopes to
Ailing hearts
Then feed apathy,
To cripple their life.

The prayers that
Taste you turn
Into dirge.

The things you
Touch are declared
As spoils of war.

So ingrained are
Sins in you,
That even after 
Washing your soul 
In the volcano..

The taints still glow,
The guilt still grows.

Leaving you to
Wonder if that's 
Really a curse.
Your heart hangs
In the air now, 
With no one to hold.

Dear loneliness,
I will break from
Your shackles.
I shall not live in
Vain tonight.

Dear Comrade

With the stroke of
Of your tongue,
The words you weave.

The intoxication,
Your eyes spew..

Curl of your lip,
That slays hearts
And subjugates

Atheists, priests.
Philosophers and
And other fanatics.

How many 
You must have 
With just a curve
Of your smile.

Are you,
By any chance.
The incumbent

23 December 2021

If I'd never met you

If I'd never met you,
The food would have
Tasted the same.
The rains would have
Poured the same.

My desires wouldn't
Have taken a leap and
I'd have remained unsung,
Even in my dreams.
If I'd never met you,
The winds would have
Blown the same.
The sun would have
Still come up in the west.

My mind would have
Brooded on the idea of
A perfect past.
There would have been
A cacti infestation,
I'd have grown a fondness to.
If I'd never met you,
My heart would have
Pumped the same.
My blood would have
Rushed the same.

My room would still
Be dark. Walls be blank.
I'd have romanticized
Pain to write sad stories.
Where I'd have died
Again and again.
If I'd never met you.
My words wouldn't
Have flown.
Verses wouldn't have

With a block in in the
Mind intact.
My throat still would
Have been a graveyard of
The songs I never sang.


Sky is crying fire.
Winds are hurling
A storm.
Earth quivers in
Boggled awe.
As a revolution
Comes alive.

Icecaps are afraid
Of a wave of heat.
Mountains shiver out
In a cold that beats.
Seas too slosh
In scare,
To the revolution
That's in wake.

Forests have lost
Their cool.
Animals are as
Trees do anticipate
Something bad.
The revolution in
Wake, is not
Welcome at all.

Demons are
Running for life.
Angels are confused
Taking sides.
Gods sit coughing,
For being pleased
With lit-up cigars.

And the man lauds
The smoke,
He is breathing.
Lits another cigarette,
To celebrate the next 
Revolution he wanna
Bring to life.

20 December 2021

The Hunter

Dusk covers the sky.
Dust settles on the
Leaves of trees,
That are tired.

Claws clenched,
Unwavering sight.
A tiger sits in the shade.
In a calm composure,
The hunter is now live.

Rage simmering.
Hunger in the eyes.
Waiting is the only plan.
His patience is dangerous
Than the fangs.

Flies in the milieu
Are fried by his sigh.
Birds are stupefied,
Anticipating a storm.

Only wolves howl
In distance.
They understand
The gravity of the times.

Other biggies don't dare 
To breath a sound.
Mistakes can cost
Your life.

Even demons seek
A hiding.
No one wants to be 
A petty feast tonight.

And that's how hunger
Of a beast smells.
No-one will be spared.
Life is skeptical

This too shall pass

Sharp edges 
Will fade away,
Against the grate
Of passing time.

Shades will fill 
The divide,
Between the 
Black and white.

The right and 
The wrong
Will be occupied
With IFs and WHYs. 

The splits in the
Skin will be 
Braced by touch
Of a hand. 

The distance in 
Your eyes will be
Held with an 
Incessant desire.

Your sadness is
So is your happy

What's done will
Be undone..
Wounds will
Soon be dead.

Pain or pleasure.
Sharp edges will
Fall and this too
Shall pass.

16 December 2021


I got drunk at night. 
Smirked at the moon,
Challenged the night sky,
For some more gloom.

Of many other things,
Defaced walls and
Stoned the mirrors
In my room.

Torn my diaries,
To amend the past.
Puked enough to
Pass to at last.

Then you invaded
My dreams.
To kill me in my 

And I woke up
With a sigh,
Feeling my thing
Between the thighs.

This story of 
You and I, is a loop,
Of forgetting and

 I manage to escape
 You in the night.
 Only to be caught
 At the dawn.

Time is slow in Dharwad

Roosters are lazy.
Mornings are not
So early.
Time is slow in
No one here is in a
Real hurry.

You wake up,
Go in search of
Breakfast with friends.
Hours simply pass,
As sipping chai 
Takes a lot of laugh.

So comes lunchtime,
Roti, curd, rice and
Food here is a wormhole.
Noon-nap that follows
Is a blackhole. 
You just belch, yawn.
And mysteriously you
Slip to the evening.

Sleepy eyes as the
Light fades,
Can anything get slower
Than this sombre?
And some more
You're back to bed
After a fat dinner.

Dreams bore fruits
Only in sleep.
The monk who couldn't
Grow beard, 
Decided to leave..

Even leaves take
Their own time 
To fall..
Time does really pass
Slowly in Dharwad. 


The number of 
T-shirts has been
Reduced to two.
The jeans in my closet,
Are disappearing too.

The themed vests 
Are being replaced,
By white banyans.

Fit full-sleeved shirts.
And well stitched,
Formal pants have
Invaded my space.

Clean shaved face,
Thick mustache.
A tuft of grey hair,
Left un-attained..

Beer belly is a
New reality.
Self-acceptance is
Now a philosophy.

Age stole my 
Ripped jeans,
Adulthood is gone..

A kid in the street
To call me uncle..
I've become
My father.

10 December 2021

Come Again

The garden of 
Our muse,
Has lost its charm.
Come again,
To shower a bloom.

The moon flaunts
Too much,
In your absence.
Come again to
Show him,
Who rules the eve. 

I've forgotten to
I have forgotten
To feel.

From the ruins of
Our love..
Bring some thorns,
While you pass by..
I might need a 
Prick to bleed.

Come again, 
To make me breath.
Come again,
Let me feel.
Come again, darling
To show me another 

09 December 2021

Dead Inside

Longing for you
Even after 
Our separation..
If its not enough
Of a devotion.
Then yes.
I'm an atheist.

If still hoping for
Your return is 
Not enough of
Then yes.
I'm a cynic.

In the middle of
The night.
When I wake up
Gasping your name.
The stroke of
That shock..
How can I 
Describe it?

To put it all in 
If I've not bled
Then, yes.
I'm apathetic.

07 December 2021


From deep oceanic
Till the vast expanse,
Of the sky.

Collapsing neutrons
In the core.
Till the doused light
In dying stars.

From a widow's
Eyes to
Sinking hopes in
Hospital corridors.

Loneliness prances
Like a
Hell sanctioned,
Demonic Avatar.

And when it
Joins hands with,
The freak of
Re-enforcing silence..
The noise it makes
Is much more quieter.

Like it's a vacuum.
Sheer Emptiness.

Dust of separation

Dust of separation
Has smothered
My verses.
Stories prematurely

Has stacked 
Pile of time.
Colors have 
Abandoned my realm.
It's pitch dark.

A veil is spread
On my eyes.
Sight is murky,
I'm almost blind.

Dust of separation
Has taken over
My mind...
Thoughts are
Sense of perception
Is gone.

Has opened some
I scream your
Name.. but
You're not around.

The dust must
Have settled on
You as well.
Are you too
Screaming aloud?

06 December 2021


Some stories are
Written in blood.
Deep trails and
Sharp edges.
They're too much
Of a trudge.

Some are written
On water.
So forgettable,
That, they almost
Don't exist.

So brief was
Our union.
Yet, so intense.
That it was etched 
On a rock and
Later fed to lava.

Dead poets must
Have painted it.
Our story is just smoke.
It doesn't really exist.
But does it?

Save a Spark

Burn a mountain
If you want.
Chase away all
The cold wolves
On summer night.
Tame the dragons,
Or tumult yourself
In a sea that
Cries fire.

But save a spark,
For the winters.
To light the 
Vulnerable nights.
To fight the blue
Of the dark.

Aid of Divine

Her face is
Her heart,
The blue sky.

Eyes are wild,
Tone is mild.
Her blush is
A killer when 
She becomes
A child. 
As sweet as
A butterfly.
As brave as
The late night.

Down the
Alleys of my
Confused mind
She seems to be
The Answer...
To all my
If and Whys.
She's such
A joy.
A touch of
A miracle,
I'm not gonna

A reason for
My loneliness'
An inspiration,
Who makes me 
Beyond the 
Close to Gods.

She's a fantasy
Divised by 
The aid of divine.