I feel exposed
In the light.
Threatened by
The dark.
So I lurk in
The shade,
Cast by the
Wrap me in
Your legs,
Clasp me in
Your thighs.
Layer by layer
Conquer me and
Cut me loose
In your wildness.
Overpower me
With your
Rhythmic lust.
And make me feel-
I'm blinded
By the light,
That's no boon.
The darkness
I was seeking,
Has been
By the moon.
The stars burst.
Oceans dry.
Mighty demons
Can die and
Even the gods are
Oblivious is time.
And here we're
With the pomp
Of our significance.
What will
We do?
Out of words,
Out of signs.
Silence pokes
Around and
Hang upon?
What will we do,
Lonely together.
Bored and bald.
Her face,
Melts away,
Like she was
A dream from
Last night.
Can love only
Be something
That's permanent
And long?
The transience
Isn't supposed
To hold enough
Of heart?
I've stopped
Fighting others.
It's fun to
Crawl down
My throat and
Poke the intestine.
Just last night,
I had a fight
With my shadow.
How does it matter
If the other won?
I didn't lose,
And I feel better
Even more.
Tell me,
Do you still
Feed on-
Slashed hearts,
Chopped smiles
And worn out
Tell me,
I've all those.
My love,
I am all those.
I've smoked time,
Like, it's a
Petty cigarette.
As all I
Wanted was
A ride back
Home with you.
But now,
It looks like,
The home is
I'm addicted
To the idea that
You're that
Boundless horizon
In the west.
The Moon is
Lonely too.
He confessed,
The other night.
Earth has
Engaged the sun.
The stars are
Far away and-
The girls who
Fantasized him
Are taken away
By the boys.
In the clasp of
Your hands,
I've seen your
Dripping love,
That goes down
Like freshly
Scored weed.
The enigmatic
Smile, your
Passionate blush.
Man! you're,
Such a rush.
But, God!
That rage!
That rage locked
In your eyes-
My ground
Veins bulge.
The dread
It spreads,
Cries havoc.
I'm sure,
One day, it can-
Obliterate moons.
Subsume stars,
Eat away light
And feed
This universe,
A bondage of