Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

23 February 2025

Life is 10th class

One more year of struggle 
And life would be set-

The preparatory exam is
Due tomorrow and you 
Haven't read anything yet.

Teachers say you should 
Study hard. 
The principal says yours 
Is the worst batch.

You try to put yourself into 
Blinders to stay focused 
But Neha keeps coming 
To mind.

There's still a lot of syllabus 
To cover but all your
Head can muster is ways to
Wish her "all the best".

Unable to recall the value
Of Sin 30 and Cos 60..
Unable to understand 
What's "Quite India" all about..

Somewhere you're still that
Teen of class 10.

Secretly praying for grace
Marks, you still believe that
Choosing humanities would 
Make your life easy.

But you don't know yet,
How misery does salsa 
Even there.

16 February 2025

Om Mangalam

In my region, everyone's 
Surname is of a distant village.
And if you ask them why

They'd tell you a story of 
How their ancestors killed 
Someone and fled their 
Original settlement.

My own Lineage goes back 
To a neighboring state. 
My grandfather's 
Great-Grandfather killed
Someone and fled his village.

Everyone has the same story.
Most of them at least.
And I hope it's the same 
Across the country. 
Or maybe across the world.

We're all refugees it seems.
Guilty of crimes. 
Seeking a place to hide. 
Maybe the entire world 
Is an asylum like that.

Maybe that's how the 
Civilizations here began.

Maybe we fled Mars after 
Killing all the trees.
Guilty of doing the same here.

Maybe be the first man on
Earth was called John Mars
At some point of time.
Or perhaps he was a 
South-Indian named Sreenu.
Aka Mangalam Sreenu.

And maybe that's why 
Mars is always pissed off
In our astro profiles.

Mangalam Sreenu is antagonist 
In the movie Puspa 

07 February 2025

Her Superlatives

The way they call her a
Juicy meat-
Dogs must be feeling
Her between their teeth.

Someone said she's a
Cute pussy-cat,
Rats must be terrified of
Her presence at night.

Pristine as primordial fire. 
She saves demigods from 
Conditional hypothermia?

Soothing as breeze.
Light as a bird's feather.
Intoxicating like a flower.

Someone even called her
Soft as a baby's butt.
And the way they touch 
Baby bottoms on live TV..

She must feel abused
Everytime there's a 

15 January 2025


My boy doesn't seem
To walk on the ground
These days.
He likes to levitate.

Shit-talking about random
Girls has stopped.

Looks at earrings in
Thrift shops than
Second-hand bikes.

He doesn't stone the
Mating dogs these days.
Talks about the nostalgia
Of Kishore Kumar songs.

Oils his hair and wears
Better bright shirts and
Wonders why his shit
Stinks after he shits.

My boy has become a
'Bwoy' it seems.

The other day he cleaned
His own puke and swore
Upon his mom to give up

He was a good goddamn
Cement-Wall with shards of
Glass to insulate himself
With feminine curses.

But somehow a witch has
Gotten to him bad, like
Periwinkles leaving cracks.

We're taking counter
Measures though..

Confident, his sailed ship's
Gonna capsize in about
Six months. Or maybe less.

We're getting ready on the
Otherside to relish a
Drunk night full of his rants
About her betrayal.

We know he's gonna sing
English songs after the 4th peg.
His homecoming has to
Happen with an orchestra.

So we're busy tuning our
Instruments now.

17 December 2024

Fart to Spirituality

Big entrance exam day,
Four puris in the morning
Fall heavy on your stomach.
The stomach growls.

What seemed like a harmless
Fart, seems to tease with
A Serendipitous act.
Your denial earlier grows

Thin and you gotta search
For a toilet. But the
College premises didn't
Bother to build any.

You gotta walk searching
For one. But the only hope
You got is Two kilometres away
In the bus stand.

And you walk and walk
Clenching your
Embarrassment in the ass
That wants to cry.

A five-rupee coin in hand
To pay for the toilet and
An old woman on the way
Asks you for alms.

You don't know what to
Do with the idea that
Flutters in your mind but
You gotta prioritize other
Important things in hand.

There's no gratitude
Bigger in life than your legs
Getting you a toilet in time.
And you're thankful-

The relief with which you
Return. You pay that
Old-woman purposefully.
That day you were more

Closer to God that
Anytime ever in life.

16 December 2024


Sleeping with myself to 
Test my narcissism.
Guess I got an erection.

I saw my face and 
The bare-ugly-chest.
Drooled all over to 
Quench my fetish.

I was my own king
And my own queen.

Orgasm after orgasm 
After the self-admiration.
Finding no one better 
Than the two of me-

The goldy manifestation 
I am, and the others,
High on the voyeurism of
My pious sins-

Should try me. Try us. 
We can gaslight you
At will and feed you to
Your own guilt, so that 

You can come in praise 
Of my wit later on.

Till then, lemme 
Sharpen my tongue for 
My next attack.

15 December 2024

War against Cancer

Me and cousin urinated
In the empty bottles,
Stashed by my grandfather.

Hampering his intentions
Of selling them to buy
Himself packs of Beedi.

Guess who were the
Earliest fighters of cancers
By weaponizing weenies.

Maybe we should take up
The task again to raise
Funds for a campaign to

Piss on the balance sheets
Of cigarette companies.
"Cocks against cigars"-

Such a metaphor for 
What kills and what can 
Give birth.

What can ooze out life
And what sucks it in.

06 December 2024

Carrot Halwa

I hope you say my name
In your sleep. 
I hope your kid asks you 
Repeatedly about the one 
You seek in your dreams.

I hope you've fumbled 
Everytime they all wanted an 
Explanation and I hope
You had decided to never 
Talk about the past.

But not today.
Not on on this gloom ladden 
Sunday of late December.

But how are you gonna 
Say it aloud? 
How are you gonna scream 
An ex lover's name in
Everyone's presence?

So you decide to prepare 
Halwa with carrots from 
Backwaters of Kerala,
The one you had prepared me
When we had first met.

Everyone enjoys it to 
The last bit. 
Your in-laws say it's the best 
They've tasted.
That's the closure everyone 
In the family wanted..
That's what you thought.

But your kid still goes on 
Aking about me and you never 
Realise when he started 
Referring to me as papa.

And what shocks you more
Is why the hell is he referring
To your husband as mama.

23 November 2024

Two Chairs

At the end of the world,
Against a fiery sky that's
Dying. There are two 
Plastic chairs.

I'm sitting on one,
Waiting for you with a
Cold beer.

At the beginning of 
The world. Against rebirth 
Of a new sky- there are
Same two chairs.

Still waiting for you,
The beer is cold still.

And the epochs pass by-
Ice-ages -advent of warmth-
The civilizations and now-

The same chairs against a
Murky sky and skyscrapers.
But you come this time.

Where were you? Doing what? 
Having flings? Kissing hoes?
Tasting betrayals? 

The beer just turned warm 
And the moment is gone.
Saying BFFs for life-

The way you've come now.
The sheer audacity.
Where are the snacks?

21 November 2024


A Japanese company claims 
It can disappear you. 
Like the woosh of the wind-
Erasing traces from existence.

I'm thinking of erasing me to
Relocate myself elsewhere.
Somewhere low-key, where 

People grow just rice and 
Vegetables for a living and die 
Without fighting the nature when it 

Embraces them with a wound or 
A disease. And maybe when I 
Spend twenty years like that-

Weary enough of the wildness.
Craving for Dosa and Biryani
Getting out of hand-

I would write you a letter,
As I wouldn't have access to
A cell phone or your number. 

It would be scripted in English
But the language would be a
Local tribal slang.

And when you read it out loud,
As per the instructions.
Those fancy-sounding words
Would always mean-

"Fuck you in the ass with a 
Poisoned dart". As you were
The reason I'd to go recluse.

12 November 2024

Beyond Reason

Let us hide in the gaps
Of languages. Where our 
Emotions are untouched and 

Life beyond four letters,
Livelihood beyond 
The day-to-day stutter.

If there's a word for a
Yearning for a non-existent 
Home, let's skip it.

And for the smell of rain
After touching scorched soil.
Let's forget it.

There must be some language 
Of the world where,
They might not have confined 

The meaning of love yet.
A longing that isn't limited 
To mortal sensibilities.

Let's outgrow what we can
Speak and read and touch.
Let's outgrow what we can

Feel and express. 
They say, beyond the shackles 
Of logic and reasoning,

There's a marijuana field. 
I'll roll for you, you roll for me. 
We'll smoke up the earth to 

Call it an apocalypse.

11 November 2024

Participation Time

You're an incarnation of 
A star that died.
Maybe I'm a misfired bullet 
In an astronomical war.

Perhaps everyone here
Is cosmic-apocalyptic-dust 
Forced with life.

Trees culture us to feed 
Themselves carbon dioxide.
They're CCTVs deployed to 
Monitor us. Mitochondria-

Connected to a giant dictator's 
Mind. Earth sure is a lab.

You and me are 
Test subjects, for an evaluation 
Of side effects of love 
That's wild. 

Come on love..
It's participation time.

Why the Midlife Crisis?

The first time your friends
Mock the bulge of your belly,
You say you ate more.

The next time you find out
A couple of extra KGs,
You land the blame on
The high density of bones.

The denial goes on for a
Few years while the shirt
Size changes and the waist
Goes beyond thirty-two.

Acceptance knocks on
Your door after a while and
You open it- you gotta, after

Your hand made countless
Slides down the curves of
This parabolic paunch that's
In making.

And when you sit down now-
The folds of this adipose,
Tightening around the waist
To make its presence felt-

You laugh it off, imagining
This fat insulation coming
In the line of sight while peeing
And you can no longer

See your weenie.
That's a legit catharsis of
Every man in his 40s and
You ask why the midlife crisis?

18 October 2024

Meaningless and loud

I like things that are
Meaningless and loud.
Enough imagination
And totally dumb.

A mountain that's ready
To cry. A volcano afraid
Of Butterflies. Petals bearing
The weight of the skies.

I wanting to be you.
You, wanting to be me.
To be parallel lines
Tending to meet at infinity.

Philosophies not afraid
Of math. Spirituality that's
As secure as science.
A villain deriving power

By square root of minus
Nine and a hero defeating
Him by dividing himself
By zero thrice.

Math books felt abused
By listening to this and
The History professor
Turned Pookie to snatch

'The Great' from Alexander,
He's a they/them, now.

16 October 2024

Hakuna Matata

The young Bangalorean smiles.
Hakuna Matata she says and
Smiles. Twists that nose,
Curves her lips and I know,

Something funny is on the way.
Hanuna your tatas she says.
Laughs, laughs, and laughs.
I laugh, you laugh, the world laughs.

My adult awareness hits me.
I get awkward to have laughed
So much. It's okay captain!
She says.

Ta-ta-ta, tomata, batata,
She says and laughs.
I laugh, and the world laughs.
Then it Rains-- Bangalore, right?

Hakuna your gotas I say,
She laughs and dances.
What the hell I say to myself,
Before I too dance like mad.

A streak of lightening and
Then thunder. The dark skies,
Slashed with a Rainbow-
A laughable life this.

Colors yet to be defined.

24 September 2024

Recommending Songs

The songs I tell you about.
How the lyrics go, how the bass
Feels against a changing weather.

How the particular tone of it has
Soaked in a memory of mine
To become a fragrance.

I can smell it now. 'Rehai' playing
Against the soothe of her face,
Trying to absolve me from a
Confined place..

My soul comes out of the body
To stand on a table to guide me
Through a cosmic dance.

Then it screams about
My performance,
To an invisible audience.

And when I recommend you
That song and you can't talk about
It with the same euphoria..

I'd point you to my best friend to
Convey, how he'd exactly react.
I know you may call us gay,
But that's all right.

I just hope, you really listen to it
One more time. We need a
Third wheel you see and that's

The only screening we felt apt.

10 September 2024

Science Guy

Your grandpa claimed to have
Seen ghosts when he spent
The night in the farm.

Your uncle claims the same.
And your father asserts it
With one of his encounters
In a Himalayan jungle.

Hallucinations, too much
Alcohol and schizophrenia.
You come up with an explanation,
As you're a science guy.

But the voices in your room,
Still persist. How do you
Explain that?

A guy in Reddit claims,
Carbon Monoxide can cause
Delusional manifestations.

You buy a meter to measure
Monoxide levels. In that part
Of the corner, where the
Levels are high...

'Hola Grandson,
Fuck your science
' says a
A shadow cast on the wall.

You get hold of the Hanuman
Statue in angst, that you
Had as a backup.

16 August 2024

Usual Day

Half of me loves the other half,
But the other doesn't even bother
To shake my extended hand.

This one-sided affair that hangs
In air and fights for the divide
In my breath.

Introspection is a war waged
On chaos of my brain,
The clarity I've now is a stink of  
A gutter after good rains.

The inevitability of the stench
Being dealt with the left hand on
My nose-

A usual day is my confused state,
Of sunshine and shade.
It's a lazy refuge, where..

I overthink about having coffee
With milk or just the black.
Only to end up having chai.

12 August 2024

Unshaved Tonsure

Joined the Army at seventeen,
Salaried young bloke, High on
Confidence and hormones.

Married her briefly, and
You impregnated her readily.

The night of the early nineties,
Drunk cycling in cantonment,
Your pregnant lady on pillion-

You skid and fall, nothing serious,
But your Son has a misshaped,
Wobbly head later on.

To hide his geoid full of
Mountains and valleys-

Adamant to trim the foliage,
Maintains a profuse hairstyle
To preserve himself of shame.

You keep respawning in your 
Deathbed after every major incident,
Lord Yama asks what's the secret,

You look at your son's head and
The hustler Lord, to meet his
Monthly targets.

He has been training himself
To be a barber first, while you lie
Farting again on a hospital bed.

03 August 2024

Greener Grass

You descend down the stairs
Looking at the unpaid electricity bill.
Slip off the last step and your
Thigh lands hard on the edge.

It's swollen now. It wouldn't have
Mattered five years ago..but..

The soul that leaves the body
For a while in each fall..
Seems, it hesitates to return to
Your dilapidated bones now.

The age that's hailing down, even on
Your mind- What if the astral self,
Decides not to return to the hut when
It takes a nice little walk in the night?

Lured by the empty castle of a
Bodybuilder, who died yesterday,
Writing poems, the next day in the gym.
It's leg day says the instructor-

"Calves on fire, frozen knee, sweaty feet,
Welcome to this ambulatory demise,
A funeral hosted in my thighs"
Instead of a hundred squats.