We live in poems and die.
We dance sometimes and
Sometimes cry.
There are drums and guitars
In the corner. Knives and
Nooses on the other.
Divine worship and the
Invocation of Satan that
Goes hand in hand..
We're no one's favorite.
Hate can live long enough
Here. Love can readily die.
Romanticism is our kidnaper
And we got Stockholm
Syndrome diagnosed.
Poetry is a spectrum to
Choke on in search of
Meaning of life.
The wormholes placed in
Our words to enter one world
And exit through the other..
The full exploration of
The universe on our platter
May seem sweet.
But it's Salty and Sour.
And toxic at times.
Why so you may ask.
And our reply would
Always be a 'Why Not?'
Showing posts with label Write. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Write. Show all posts
22 January 2025
16 December 2024
I scribble my thoughts in
My notebook.
If something comes off well,
I type it and pin it in
Google Keep for editing.
After regular rounds of
Mending, bending and
Restructuring of the tone.
I unpin it before posting
It in my blog.
It's like granting freedom
To a prisoner.
Like, an idea was held for
Trespassing the premises
Of my mind-
His plea had to go through
Rounds of considerations,
Before his behaviour
Was considered apt.
And when it seemed
He lived upto the mark,
He was set free in the
Poetry's realm.
And now that he has
Earned his freedom,
He belongs to the hearts
Of whoever reads.
05 December 2024
I like the Third-Person-POV
Of mine who goes on
Scribbling word after word.
Sentence after sentence.
Stopping for a while to
Search for words and then
Go on in rhythms with a
Set flow.
This simulation that runs
In my head, flowing around
Like a river in search of
New oceans.
I feel the tones, the pauses.
Breaths taken when I
Run out of words and swish of
Wind when a good sentence
Strikes my head.
It's an unstructured play of
Aligning lines, before something
Translates on the paper.
While I stood looking at
The burst-crackers in the street
From the previous night's
I toppled over an idea and
The subsequent stream of
Thoughts landed me in this
25 November 2024
At first, you battle with your mind-
Trying to enslave your thoughts in
In tough words.
Forcefully attempting to knit meaning
In metaphors. Hoping they would
Grow wings one day.
But can clipped wings fly?
The caged birds sing?
The arrogant poet you're initially-
Not knowing the art of letting go-
The edgy arrogance smoothens out
To give way to a playfulness eventually.
You surrender to your mind and
Let yourself flow in uncharted
The erstwhile Lake becomes a river
And you give it a chance to join
The ocean. Standing on the sidelines-
Slow, observant. Ready to borrow a
Glass of water from the eternal flow to
Make it into a verse.
Unsure always to declare it as a
Full-fledged poem-- Not being sure
Opens up innumerable possibilities.
Now you can be the Beginning, the End,
Or the middle. Or All of it, None of it or
Simply the in-between.
Trying to enslave your thoughts in
In tough words.
Forcefully attempting to knit meaning
In metaphors. Hoping they would
Grow wings one day.
But can clipped wings fly?
The caged birds sing?
The arrogant poet you're initially-
Not knowing the art of letting go-
The edgy arrogance smoothens out
To give way to a playfulness eventually.
You surrender to your mind and
Let yourself flow in uncharted
The erstwhile Lake becomes a river
And you give it a chance to join
The ocean. Standing on the sidelines-
Slow, observant. Ready to borrow a
Glass of water from the eternal flow to
Make it into a verse.
Unsure always to declare it as a
Full-fledged poem-- Not being sure
Opens up innumerable possibilities.
Now you can be the Beginning, the End,
Or the middle. Or All of it, None of it or
Simply the in-between.
Somewhere there's this quietude.
Waiting on a hill, looking at a nullity-
Sitting by a lake, waiting for
The ripples to come, touch your feet-
Imagining yourself in a dark room,
Eyes closed. Searching for something.
Searching for what?
This quietude you can't listen to.
Quietude you can't feel or touch-
Trying to translate it on sheets and
Sheets of paper. Not satisfied with a
A pen or colour or your intent.
Ending up relating yourself more to
The blankness of the paper than any
Of the stories written-
Each paper, screaming, louder than ever.
And you, growing quieter every time
You scribble.
With each appeal and attempt-
Between the noise and silence.
The void, getting bigger and bigger-
The artist in you, smaller and smaller.
Till one day when you disappear from
Your art. Consumed by the void.
Only then it's complete.
Only then peace. Only then a poem.
Waiting on a hill, looking at a nullity-
Sitting by a lake, waiting for
The ripples to come, touch your feet-
Imagining yourself in a dark room,
Eyes closed. Searching for something.
Searching for what?
This quietude you can't listen to.
Quietude you can't feel or touch-
Trying to translate it on sheets and
Sheets of paper. Not satisfied with a
A pen or colour or your intent.
Ending up relating yourself more to
The blankness of the paper than any
Of the stories written-
Each paper, screaming, louder than ever.
And you, growing quieter every time
You scribble.
With each appeal and attempt-
Between the noise and silence.
The void, getting bigger and bigger-
The artist in you, smaller and smaller.
Till one day when you disappear from
Your art. Consumed by the void.
Only then it's complete.
Only then peace. Only then a poem.
18 October 2024
Happy Spitting
Most poems are
Buried in your belly.
You gotta dig them up
With a shovel and
Pull them up.
Many are stuck in
Throat. You need
To gargle sometimes.
You cough them out
Now and then.
Best ones dance on
Tongue. They're like
Spit. They just come
Out of the mouth
Without effort.
But the belly needs
To be dug, for you
To drool at ease.
Efforts, no doubt
Are important.
Some fine ones are
Stuck in the nose too.
Sneezing is fine but
Sputum again is not
A good poem.
09 October 2024
Sanitization of Words
The moon needn't be in
The poems today.
The bulb in the room
Often feels betrayed.
The swish of cool breeze
Needn't hail heavy,
The ceiling fan between
The speed of 2-3 asks
How does it matter..
If Americans can't catch
That reference?
Bring in that shabby pillow,
Your bag and socks.
The bucket too wants
To be hosted here.
The first time someone
Debuted a TV in verses,
Victorian era poetry
Felt utterly betrayed.
So bring in your
Dirty underwear today.
There needn't be any
Sanitization of words
Is just pretense.
If your toothbrush hasn't
Made an entry yet.
Your poetic exploration
Hasn't been enough.
12 May 2024
Dystopia of a Poetry
A poem is a kid's persistence,
To have an elephant for
Himself in his favorite bottle.
A poem is a lover's belief that
Even in Satan's heart, he can
Manage to find her.
A poem is a battle against
The world to prove that unicorns
Are hatched out of eggs.
A poem is a the way midnight
Screams at an empty road
Without making any noise.
Silence of raindrops touching
The last leaf of a dying tree,
Crackle of dew settling on
In the Savannas after it was
Destroyed by the fire.
A poem is Grandmas eating
Chocolates without guilt,
Moms taking dance classes,
While cooking and nieces
Forcing you to be a customer
In their imagery restaurant.
A poem is a belief, a revolt.
A hope, a memory.
It's the sound of pain from
Epiglottis. Whispers of
Cussing in the rosary beads
Used for chanting.
It's anything really.
What you can write and
What you can't. What you can
See and what you can't.
The long episodes of blankness,
Random streaks of lunacy.
Poems are overwhelmed
Emotions popping out like
Popcorns. One by one you just
Put them in your mouth to
Watch this dystopian movie
Called life.
21 February 2024
Poems are your children
Poems are your children-
The, could have been,
Would have been and
The actual ones.
The ones you would have
Laughed, cried, and silently
Missed all along.
And as they learn to walk
Through you- some fall
And rise.
Some tumble off a rock
And break their head.
Some come out with a
Limp and you gotta hold
Hands to say it's okay.
Some turn out to be
Mute and blind-
To accommodate them
You learn sign language
And Braille.
Some will top the class,
Some, commit a crime.
The one you wouldn't
Have wanted will make you
Laugh and one you revered
Will, maybe drag you down
The street naked.
But is it immoral to have
Are you even worthy of
Making that judgment?
When you yourself- a poet-
A bastard out of an
Orgy in your head.
Why not let them take-
Birth out of the random sparks
In your head to run across
The lanes of their fancy?
The, could have been,
Would have been and
The actual ones.
The ones you would have
Laughed, cried, and silently
Missed all along.
And as they learn to walk
Through you- some fall
And rise.
Some tumble off a rock
And break their head.
Some come out with a
Limp and you gotta hold
Hands to say it's okay.
Some turn out to be
Mute and blind-
To accommodate them
You learn sign language
And Braille.
Some will top the class,
Some, commit a crime.
The one you wouldn't
Have wanted will make you
Laugh and one you revered
Will, maybe drag you down
The street naked.
But is it immoral to have
Are you even worthy of
Making that judgment?
When you yourself- a poet-
A bastard out of an
Orgy in your head.
Why not let them take-
Birth out of the random sparks
In your head to run across
The lanes of their fancy?
To reach unintended places
To trigger more sparks-
That might melt down, all
The miserable strongholds.
04 September 2023
The old photo frames,
With their tattered
Black and whites, still
Try to be relevant.
The fake plastic trees,
That sit in the showcase,
Mock the houseflies,
In an attempt to ooze life.
Dust ridden trophies
Looking down on the
Broken toys still seem
To be haughty and proud.
The dried flowers,
Stripped off of all fragrance,
Still peeking from the corner,
To lure the bees in vain.
And I'm sitting here,
Judging them all,
Trying to gather up all
Ill-fated words to prove..
That I'm a goddamn
Poet at last.
Black and whites, still
Try to be relevant.
The fake plastic trees,
That sit in the showcase,
Mock the houseflies,
In an attempt to ooze life.
Dust ridden trophies
Looking down on the
Broken toys still seem
To be haughty and proud.
The dried flowers,
Stripped off of all fragrance,
Still peeking from the corner,
To lure the bees in vain.
And I'm sitting here,
Judging them all,
Trying to gather up all
Ill-fated words to prove..
That I'm a goddamn
Poet at last.
31 August 2023
Poetry in handcuffs
When you force out the
Words from the ghetto of
Your rigid mind.
And they slide down
Perching, through the
Labyrinth of mutilated
The life out of it losing
All objectivity and
The objectivity having
Squeezed out of life..
As they cascade down
Via the pretense of
A verbose pen to spread
On the charade of a paper.
The reader has to tie
It up to a chair to beat a
Confession out it,
For some meaning..
Only to give up in dejection,
To flush it down into
In search of a better
Meaning to life than
This tragedy called
31 May 2023
Compulsive Habit
When the moon
Comes up.
I gotta to put him
Down in my words.
When leaves rustle,
Sparrows chirp.
I gotta host them
In my pages.
From amidst the
Casuarina trees,
When the wind blows,
I want it to bask in
The warm comfort
Of my reveries.
This noose around
My neck-
A compulsion to
Blurt it all out..
Tonight, the lizard
On my wall, crawls,
Holding a gun to
My temple..
As, about it,
I'm unable to write,
Even a single
26 March 2023
Self Censorship
Weeping of any form should be
Declared as a crime.
Teardrops kissing the cheeks is
Speaking of any sort should be
Looked down upon.
How dare you set your lips apart?
Blinking of eyes, throbbing of heart.
Even breathing is such a laborious
Task, unemployment, that's why
Is so rampant.
The left of the brain, slips in a duel
With the right. while grey cells
Tend to go on a hunger strike.
And from around somewhere,
A crooked thought, undemocratically
Dictates its terms, the rest of the
Neurons do not fire up in protest.
But my confused hand doesn't
Follow restraint. To make a point
It doesn't hesitate.
Un-aware, it bloody doesn't
Understand that these battles
Often die unceremoniously-
On a piece of paper...
Declared as a crime.
Teardrops kissing the cheeks is
Speaking of any sort should be
Looked down upon.
How dare you set your lips apart?
Blinking of eyes, throbbing of heart.
Even breathing is such a laborious
Task, unemployment, that's why
Is so rampant.
The left of the brain, slips in a duel
With the right. while grey cells
Tend to go on a hunger strike.
And from around somewhere,
A crooked thought, undemocratically
Dictates its terms, the rest of the
Neurons do not fire up in protest.
But my confused hand doesn't
Follow restraint. To make a point
It doesn't hesitate.
Un-aware, it bloody doesn't
Understand that these battles
Often die unceremoniously-
On a piece of paper...
As Pens, do not have enough
05 January 2023
Don't try,
To force
Your thoughts,
Against fragility
Of words.
Till they fit into
A noose and
Die dry on a
Sheet of paper.
Don't try,
To milk your
Emotion into
A jar of pretense.
Till they choke
Under a charade
And fail to evoke
Any real feeling
Off them.
Let it come to
You like a
Feeble caress of
A lover.
Let it come to
You like a
Gentle brush
Of wind.
When you sit
Aloof and as she
Passes by in
Your mind like
A fagrance.
If a tiny spark
In your mind,
Materializes into
A thought to
Fall in love with
A word.
Maybe then.
Maybe then
Pick up that pen
To trace the
23 October 2022
Dead Words
We don't talk
These days.
Yet some silence
Lurks around,
In bits and pieces,
In Appeal.
We don't see
Each other
These days.
Yet this longing
Hangs tight
Like a hungry bird
Poised to peck.
Memories of your
Creases of your
It's hard to sit
Idle with you
All-over my head.
So I try to force
My thoughts,
Into fragility of
Some words.
They eventually
Fall prey,
To fit into a noose
And die dry on a
Sheet of paper.
There's nothing
Blander than
Watching dead words
And I'm swimming
In the smoke of
My own funeral pyre.
09 January 2022
Dead Poet
Dear poet. I read your obituary in the newspaper. Didn't know how to interpret it.
Are you really gone or is it one of the instances that you just can't write?
Are you choking on your words or you have done away with yourself from over a fan?
I hope it is just a series of miscarriages in your head. I would like to believe that you are in your cave, taking time to come up with something new as you always do.
I didn't know how to comprehend the headline, "Death of a poet". As it seemed like a beautiful metaphor you would use.
Hope everything is fine. And you're working on your next piece.
06 January 2022
Tainting Apathy
The papers want
To be tainted.
They pray for
Redemption from
The blinding of
The blank.
The pen is a
Messenger of
The god.
Rescuing the
Poetry is a
Warrior knight.
05 January 2022
Cosmic Job
There's a strange
Feeling that's
Simmering on the
Tips of my fingers.
An unusual quiver
Passing beneath
My feet.
I feel a layer of skin
Upon me and
Someone is trying to
Break it free.
Looks like something
Is in wake.
My pen wants me
To go on a ride.
A piece of paper
Must be praying
For its redemption
From the blank.
Cosmic forces may
Have chosen me
For the job..
To balance the
Let me write a
06 December 2021
These bruises
And scars.
Half-cut smiles,
And broken stars.
Little insides that
Die daily to
Humiliation and
The taints we
Nourish to grow
A slang from you,
An Arrow from
Our palette,
Full of blame
Is pretty much
We're poets sire,
We paint in words,
Take on nerves and
Live in shadows.
You may not
Recognize us.
We don't reside in
Hearts that are hollow.
Come and see us,
If you've time.
We're just a
Thought away.
If you peep in
Your head,
In search of aesthetics
In the dust
Of your mind..
29 November 2021
Wake of Revolution
Termite infestation
In my heart.
Creeping everywhere,
These dusty burrows
Tell me that they're
A piece of art.
Leaches feeding
On my soul.
Purge of my mind,
The Holi I'm part of
Is a bloody war.
Gag on my mouth,
Flies in my head.
Blood has turned
A nuclear fission
In wake.
These words,
Crawling inside.
Before they
Burst open and
Write a revolution..
Give me my pen.
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