12 May 2024

Dystopia of a Poetry

A poem is a kid's persistence,
To have an elephant for 
Himself in his favorite bottle.
A poem is a lover's belief that
Even in Satan's heart, he can 
Manage to find her.

A poem is a battle against
The world to prove that unicorns
Are hatched out of eggs.
A poem is a the way midnight
Screams at an empty road
Without making any noise.

Silence of raindrops touching
The last leaf of a dying tree,
Crackle of dew settling on
In the Savannas after it was
Destroyed by the fire.

A poem is Grandmas eating
Chocolates without guilt,
Moms taking dance classes,
While cooking and nieces 
Forcing you to be a customer 
In their imagery restaurant.

A poem is a belief, a revolt.
A hope, a memory.
It's the sound of pain from
Epiglottis. Whispers of
Cussing in the rosary beads
Used for chanting.

It's anything really.
What you can write and 
What you can't. What you can
See and what you can't.
The long episodes of blankness,
Random streaks of lunacy.

Poems are overwhelmed
Emotions popping out like 
Popcorns. One by one you just 
Put them in your mouth to 
Watch this dystopian movie
Called life.

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