22 May 2024


The first time you learn to make
A kite and fly it. You get wings.
You're a low-key unlicensed pilot.

The first time you feel that air in
Your ears when recklessly peddle-
A heavy dirt track rider.

You fall in love and trace a line of 
Romance on the desk. The touch
Of love and stuff, you're the poet 
Plato once talked about.

And you almost found gravity 
After you see that jackfruit fall,
So to hell with Newton and his laws.

You somehow fixed the radio,
Carried a rice bag beyond your
Body weight ratio. You skipped school, 
Went around the village, climbed trees 
To steal mangoes. You explored.

You the sailor, voyager, the risk taker,
You freaking Ferdinand Megalan.
And the Spiderman for saving
The falling pickle jar.

Whoever lights the lamp in the dark
Is an inventor of fire.
You once lit up a hut in the farm,
You're harbinger of civilizational wars.