08 May 2024

Buddha in the Metaverse

Buddha in the metaverse is
A gangster from Regina Hills,
Who left his wife to force-feed
Meditation to the masses
Instead of two square meals.

Buddha in the metaverse is
Is a reformer who took Anguli Mal
Under his hood as he needed a
Henchman to build himself
A teflon image.

Fingers needn't be cut now
To threaten people.
Fear is instilled in their head,
To fall in compliance.

The mother who lost her son,
Wasn't sent to fetch mustard
From house with no deaths.
A communal angle was given
To it, to swing votes.

Our Buddha in the metaverse is
No more interested in Prakrit,
He's a steward of that one
Language that doesn't have
Any sanction and if you prefer
Your dialect over it, you're
Anti National.

Stretching the body on
A rock under a Banyan tree-
With man ki baat in Saranath
He exports his enlightened wisdom
To other countries.

He's waiting to declare himself
As another avatar of Vishnu,
But his department of narcissism
Doesn't let him lose or die,
So the incarnation for now is
Stuck in appeasing the camera.

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