Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

06 February 2025


Ochre-faced dreams haunt me.
I try to remember why I call it 
Ochre but I can't recall.

The quest takes me to an ancient 
Cave. Pitch dark and only a 
Kerosene torch to look ahead.

The smell of soot, cough and 
Ancient cold in tattered clothes. 
I hold the torch to the walls-

The Cave-Paintings in red dye. 
Hunting, Killing, and boiling 
Cauldrons with bodies..

A sudden slam of pale face at me.
It's my History teacher yelling 
"Ochre is Ferrous oxide..
Mineral used in cave paintings."

Ancient piss tightens my bladder.
I wake up. 10th class history paper 
And there's that question.

Occhre I write. A caveman comes
Running and slaps me for the
Spelling mistake I made.

Suddenly I am in a class at
The edge of a mountain.
Writing ochre a hundred.

Only question in mind.. why is 
English ma'am naked?
The PE sir charges at me with 
Cuss words after that thought.

Seems they're a thing from ancient 
Times. But why the hell he would 
Speak correct English this time?

25 December 2024


The next time you travel
By bus at night.
May a beautiful girl occupy
The seat beside you.

May you talk all night
And hit it off well.
May she ask your number
Before you could.

Then by next weekend
May she come to meet you
And you two readily
Fall for each other.

May bike-trips happen
To you both. Late night
Convos under the stars.
Music, love, lust, fights.

And worse, a marriage.

May you have a seamless
Happy life. Two kids in a
Big home. One girl
And the other boy.

One afternoon when you
Sleep on the couch.
May one of them throw a
Steel glass at your face.

And when you wake up
Irritated, to the summer of
Power cut. May you curse
The humidity with

The sweetness of what you
Briefly felt in the dream.

24 December 2024

The Picture

Your head rested on my
Right shoulder when we
Sat on the park bench.

A photographer captured
It from behind and gave 
Us the pic saying 

"It's beautiful."
We kissed later that day.
Our first one.

The tendency of that pic
Of turning into innumerable 
Good things-

Travel, food, party, kids.
Sunsets, mountains, beach.
Long walks after fat feasts.

This pic that has no 
Beginning or an end but 
Only possibilities. 

It's a house on lease where 
We no longer live. But I go on
Paying the rent still.

Like a zoned-out writer 
Disappearing in his story.
Drowned and dusted-

Refusing to come back.
Reality fused in fancy,
Your face becoming 

A philosophy, an ideology.
Romanticism edging towards 
A singularity. And the religion 

You've manifested in me-
I'm happy to have become 
A fanatic. 

My bigotry stands stout 
At your service now.
I want a spiritual awakening.

22 December 2024


This secret that lingers
In you and bombards
Demanding a safe carrier.
Day by day, gaining weight
And turning into a rock.

How do you find the right
Ears to whisper it to?
The able shoulders to
Unload it onto?

You can't just throw it
At your pillow.
It's already overburdened
With tears and your drool.

Or you can't just scream
It off from a cliff hoping
The wind would carry it
To a place of no return.

If there was a competition
For bearing such a weight
Of a secret.
I wouldn't win it.

Crushed by even hints of
Such secrecy-
Spread, surrendered
And bled out on a paper-

The urge to unburden
Myself readily. The urge
To shed extra-baggage
In order to travel light.

I want to be a feather to
Fly away when the wind blows.
Or turn me into a quill to
Do the same.

05 December 2024


The day I died,
My soul came out holding 
Its nose, like it could
Not bear the stench.

It didn't look back or wait. 
It escaped from gap between 
Unbecoming of my name
Into a corpse.

What will this bird out
Of the cage would do?
For I haven't taught her
Any songs too.

I already see a limp
In its wings,
Can sour to the heights 
It wishes to reach?

But then it enters another 
Body before I could 
Empathize with it a bit.
Souls have no loyalty, ain't it?

Flaunting its body-count 
Like it's a Manther,
It goes on lusting for better 
Cages and skeletons, 

To collect bounty in terms 
Of carnal misery of the body 
That comes with every 
Mortal's mortality.

03 December 2024

Good Night

Bridges from where to
Where and why?
Why they're always in
The proces of building or
Burning in the stories?

Today, in mine, everything 
Lies flat on the floor.
Reasons I don't know.
I mean, on this winter night 
Why the trudge?

Why build something 
Out of sweat? Or burn
Something to cough out
The same?

It's lazy, hopeless and
Mindless freak this night.
Lies flat with wanting 
No help or support.

Loses control and withers 
Itself to sleep.
This story is sleep deprived.
And I badly need it.
Good night.

23 November 2024

Two Chairs

At the end of the world,
Against a fiery sky that's
Dying. There are two 
Plastic chairs.

I'm sitting on one,
Waiting for you with a
Cold beer.

At the beginning of 
The world. Against rebirth 
Of a new sky- there are
Same two chairs.

Still waiting for you,
The beer is cold still.

And the epochs pass by-
Ice-ages -advent of warmth-
The civilizations and now-

The same chairs against a
Murky sky and skyscrapers.
But you come this time.

Where were you? Doing what? 
Having flings? Kissing hoes?
Tasting betrayals? 

The beer just turned warm 
And the moment is gone.
Saying BFFs for life-

The way you've come now.
The sheer audacity.
Where are the snacks?

07 November 2024


The train of my thoughts 
Has a steam engine.
Loud, shaky, and smokey
When it runs.

It forces me to cough.

The soot overpowers.
I feel asphyxiated.
But it takes me ahead,
So what's there to complain 

Yes, some hop on with 
Guitars and some 
Jasmine-laden coys.
Folklores and comedy 
That I enjoy.

The hot tea and chips
That are offered and
The scenery that passes 
By when I peek outside.

But they all entangle 
Again in a short while.
Lighting, thunder and
Rain-- deluge.

Then there are sparks too-
Fire, steam, and the train
That runs. Travelling is
Messy- bad tripping too.

31 October 2024

Validating a Wound

What good is a wound 
That heals quickly?
What good is a wound 
That didn't itch when
It shouldn't?

The helpless fingers 
Compulsively finding 
Excuses to scratch.
Healing seeming like
A petty crime-

What good is a wound 
When it's not inflicted 
By you? What good 
Is a wound that doesn't 
Remind me of you?

The reason to bruise
Myself and the reason 
To heal, when it's you-

What good is your 
Occupancy in my head-
If you don't force me to 
Push boundaries that are
Beyond the visible blue?

What good are the wings 
That don't force me to fly
Close to the sun and 
What good is the flicker in 
The heart that doesn't 
Set the world on fire?

18 October 2024

Meaningless and loud

I like things that are
Meaningless and loud.
Enough imagination
And totally dumb.

A mountain that's ready
To cry. A volcano afraid
Of Butterflies. Petals bearing
The weight of the skies.

I wanting to be you.
You, wanting to be me.
To be parallel lines
Tending to meet at infinity.

Philosophies not afraid
Of math. Spirituality that's
As secure as science.
A villain deriving power

By square root of minus
Nine and a hero defeating
Him by dividing himself
By zero thrice.

Math books felt abused
By listening to this and
The History professor
Turned Pookie to snatch

'The Great' from Alexander,
He's a they/them, now.

08 October 2024


We sit by the river in 
Silence and her eyes talk
About "How we give wings 
To passing moments to 
Make them memories."

My eyes have a different stand.
"The ticks bore each other 
And set one another on fire.
Memories are ashes,
Self-immolation of moments."

She knows it. About my
Cynicism and I know well,
How she always tries to
Fill the gap.

So she asks me to give her
A stone. Throws it into 
The lake holding my hand.
A phoenix rises shaking off
The ash. And she says-

"We're that dip and 
The subsequent flight."

06 October 2024

September 22

This girl who's bday is
Due tomorrow.
She times blowing the
Candles at exactly 6pm.

Cuts cake exactly half 
So that, the day and
The night are equally 
Split in half.

She's obsessed about 
This day, maybe 
Possessed. Equinox 
It is she says.

Half of her 'should
Have been height',
Confused about cutting 
Her boyfriend laterally 

Or vertically to call
Him her better half.

The stuff she explains 
Sometimes pervades,
Halfwit of the humans.
So she writes verses 

Like they got a half-life.
Never-ending, infinite,
Almost finished,
Yet something left.

Half you get, half you
Can't. There's always half 
And half of something as
It's equinox.

04 October 2024


The wet floors and
The banana peels are just
Excuses. My fickle heart
Likes to slip and take leaps.

The sunsets, the moon.
Colors and the melodies-
Spring is here and my
Garden hasn't bloomed.

Body fancies bruises that
Only you can bless,
Gleam of your eyes to cleanse
The clutter in my chest.

The pen bleeds but for whom
It doesn't know yet.
But I wait for you to smile.
A cue enough to levitate-

My fickle heart likes to
Slip and take leaps, and
Now that I've seen you,
Maybe, only at your behest.

29 September 2024

Unchanged Odds

In a world where they
Ask the right questions in
The wrong time and the wrong
Ones at the right time.

I ask the right question
At the right time and
You don't agree to meet
Me over a coffee.

So I shift to a world where
Things are reversed.
To ask you the right questions
At the wrong time and

The wrong question at
A right time. Only to get
Rejected twice.

And in a world where
The questions and the
Answers are banned.
I bottle my emotions to
Sell them in your street.

For years no one buys
Anything. At the distal
End of an apocalypse.
When everyone starved,

And thirsty for love.
I sought you thinking,
You might need something.
Even then you chose to be

A vile bitch, who thought
She could figure it all out,
But ended up dying of
Dehydration by a creek.

21 September 2024

Gothic Bitch

A woke who identifies 
With spectrum of genders..
Yet she doesn't get laid.
A fascist who enslaves 

Low borns but even they,
Detest her to say nay.

She can do anything to 
Get laid, this Vixen is a
Sex addict and is ready to
Be anyone's bae.

She tried to seduce the Devil 
Once but he said he's gay.
So she pulled out a weenie 
By identifying herself as male.

That too ended up in
Disappointment. So she sold
Herself to Bengali baba,
To become an enchantress.

But that came with a condition,
She can never be straight.
She's this type of lesbian now,
Who cuts male genitals to 

Use them for her scissoring 
Sessions. That's the best 
Revenge she hunt
Men who don't respond to 

The nudes she sends.

13 September 2024


The songs of the languages 
I don't understand..
I don't want to thrust words
To this feeling.

I want music to cut my
Sanity, frequencies to
Suspend my vanity.
I want hands of this illusion-

To reach my belly to churn
My realities to make me align
With whatever isn't discernible 
And is not in boundaries.

Too much awareness is
Weighing me down.

I want unicorns to invade
Earth and for them fireflies 
To enslave us. If somehow 
Sparrows fall in love..

With the Periwinkles that 
Learn to fly..
Take me there and wake
Me up.

21 August 2024

Where Irfan meets Ila

I just wrote a poem for you.
Apprehensive. Little afraid.

In the world where Irfan
Doesn't look in the mirror
To feel the weight of his age.

And reveals himself to Ila in
The restaurant that day.

There, these unapologetic
Poems of romance blossom.
Hundreds of them.

Eventually, you turn them
Into a giant airplane and
We fly to Bhutan.

16 August 2024


A story-burning ritual fell in
The groove of popular fads.
In a decided venue,
Everyone Interested would

Surround to throw theirs
In a bonfire.

Stories of those who couldn't
See made a lots of noise.
The one who couldn't talk
Amplified the fiery light.

You threw yours and now
The world is on fire.
One-half of you ran for water
And the other half..

Starved before it died.

29 May 2024

Why shouldn't it Rain?

She dances in the crowd holding
Her skirt and I feel teased.
She's like hope of rain in my desert
Of solitude and for the fleeting desires
In my heart, why shouldn't it rain?

For the last leaf that flirts with
Unfinished hopes, and the overbearing
Clouds that want to pour down.
For the earth that needs to be ploughed
And the hunger that needs to be fed.

For a longing unquenched and
Songs unsung. For the wayfarer
That hasn't reached and the night
Un-spent waiting. For the unfulfilled
Waves of the sea and premature
Death of some beliefs.

Why shouldn't it rain to reassure
The worthiness of the wait and
Sweetness of the quench when
The water has been scarce.

28 May 2024

One that's Supposed to come

Where's the one that's supposed
To come before it's late?
Where's the one 'I would know'
Upon her arrival and by now,
It seems it's too late.

Wide awake, I wait, for this wayfarer,
Sometimes questioning the sanctity
Of my eyes, and sometimes
The intentions of the paths that
Lead up to my house.

Sometimes stability of the lamp
That keeps flickering to the deceptions
Of the winds, and sometimes 
The sanity of clouds that keep 
Masking the polestar.

I re-oil the lamp, pray for kinder
Paths and prostrate before the
Winds invoking ancient chants.
But there haven't been any signs..

The Lotus I brought droops and
Retires to forests and the songs of
The Sparrows dissolve in the air
For it didn't find a beholder.

Seasons are tired, decades have
Passed. Lamps have made way to
The LED lights and the warfarers now
Are vloggers with Google Maps.

Yet, there haven't been any omens
But the wait hasn't stopped.

The heart seems condemned to be
Unfulfilled, like an unplayed guitar.
But the urge to compose songs renews
Each day like periwinkles in an old
Cement wall.