I try to remember why I call it
Ochre but I can't recall.
The quest takes me to an ancient
Cave. Pitch dark and only a
Kerosene torch to look ahead.
The smell of soot, cough and
Ancient cold in tattered clothes.
I hold the torch to the walls-
The Cave-Paintings in red dye.
Hunting, Killing, and boiling
Cauldrons with bodies..
A sudden slam of pale face at me.
It's my History teacher yelling
"Ochre is Ferrous oxide..
Mineral used in cave paintings."
Ancient piss tightens my bladder.
I wake up. 10th class history paper
And there's that question.
Occhre I write. A caveman comes
Running and slaps me for the
Spelling mistake I made.
Suddenly I am in a class at
The edge of a mountain.
Writing ochre a hundred.
Only question in mind.. why is
English ma'am naked?
The PE sir charges at me with
Cuss words after that thought.
Seems they're a thing from ancient
Times. But why the hell he would
Speak correct English this time?