Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts

15 February 2025

Shooting Blanks

Picasso had a revolver
To shoot blanks at whoever 
Asked the meaning of
His paintings.

Out of frustration he
Loaded it for real once,
To shoot whoever asks
For a meaning.

But no one asked 
Any questions that day.
Just smiled at his art
And moved on.

He felt so violated that
He held the gun to his 
Temple for quite a while 
That night.

At the final moment,
It occurred to him to 
Paint something for 
One last time.

"A revolver that shot
Flowers when fired".

The abstract was so good 
He decided not to die.
Then it was sold for a 
Record price.

And when someone 
Asked what's the meaning.
He again shot blanks to
Convey how each painting 

Saved his life.

13 January 2025

Your own Magic

After a while, you get
Handy with seamless
Operation of gears and

It occurs to you, how a
Better braking system is
Not merely for stopping but
Upping the speed.

After a while, you realize
How you spend your days
Is how you spend your Years,
Decades and Lifetime.

And how sometimes
Consequences don't matter.
Putting yourself in a cocoon,
Having yourself an image.
Doesn't matter.

Age can be counted on
Number of places you've
Visited and number of times
You've aimlessly danced.

You realize if you could
Have stretched your hands
A bit more, you could have
Grown a pair of wings.

How if you could have
Eased yourself with life,
Things could have fallen
In a better place.

After a while, when you
Find yourself utterly alone.
You realize, how no Priest
Or God can help you.
Nor a president or PM.

You realize how you
Need to work on yourself
Till the feather of
Luck comes to rest on your
Shoulder like it's a
Whisper of Buddhist bird.

You realise how
Wonderful it is to be
Your own wizard and

24 December 2024

The Hunter

There's a mountain on
Your body and upon it
The weight of a sky.

Then the hungry stomach
And unwavering stability
In the eyes despite all.

It takes patience,
Not the fangs or heavy
Duty arms.

It's the pacing heart's
Focus anchored Against
Titanium locks.

It's clarity in the right
Time. Right pressure
At right points.

A blink of a mistake can
Hail heavy on the stomach,
Even cost your life.

Hunting is not an easy job.
Ready to be steady even
Against impossible odds..

Hunting is a state of mind.
Why do you think a hunt is
Always glorified?

The Hunter doesn't think
About grass despite being

07 December 2024

Ruined Thing

A bird that didn't fly,
Man who didn't try.

Stuck in ifs and why,
Train left the station 
And you stood watching 
Instead of hopping on.

The song was ready,
Guitar was tuned.
The song didn't materialize 
As you chose not to sing.

A perfectly ruined thing
Is the one didn't get
Any taint or bruise.

So afraid of the wound,
Stood infront of the mirror 
All life, glorifying one's 
Flawless skin.

But the mirror only 
Amplifies what you hide.
How do you escape 
Your reflection that lies?

04 December 2024


Woke up, and went on a walk.
Made myself a cup of coffee
And had a good frothy bath..

It could have been otherwise.

Watched a movie later on,
Wrote something for myself.
A good lunch. A deep nap
After a long time..

It could have been otherwise.

Plugged in the earphones,
Hopped on an old playlist and 
Remembered an old friend while 
I sulked alone in the evening.
Called him this time.

It could have been otherwise.

He joined me later on.
A bike ride to the distant bar.
A beer, kababs and biryani.
Talked for long.

It could have been otherwise,
But I called him, and we had a beer.
Can live in relief for another 
Month at least and maybe 
Many more.

02 October 2024


Who's gonna stop this story?
Who's gonna stop the flood
Of these emotions that are
No more weary?

The legs have mustered
Courage and eyes are ready 
For unshamed stares.
The lungs swoon with pride-

Blood flows thick, 
Head held high. Hands sway
Seamlessly and we're ready
For a riot of dance.

Who needs your approval?
Validation doesn't matter.

The songs that bombard 
In the belly are strong enough 
To make it out of our throats.
Wings are as fierce-

The cages stand molten, 
We're ready to fly away now.

18 September 2024

We're Dust

We're dust that never settles.
The winter wind carries and
That of summer keeps it afloat.

Stays in the sky no matter what.

Bouncing off the fluttering
Wings of birds and frequencies
Of the dragon files.

Reflecting the sunbeams and
Keeping the earth cool,
The patterns of Tyndall...

Painting the sky red and in
Other shades. We're sunrise,
And the sunset. A blip of

Aesthetics in the mundane.
We seem to be harmless and
Not a matter of concern..

Till we get into your eye or
Maybe even the nose,
To assert our presence.

That's how Dinosaurs vanished
Right? Dust occupied the
Sky and there was a long winter.

13 September 2024


Undress yourself, stand stout 
Like there's no burden on 
Your shoulders.

Peel yourself wound by wound 
In front of the mirrors.
Conquer what's left of you.

Layer by layer grow thin..
Light as a feather and
Fly to the cues wind.

Stop when it doesn't blow.
Rise when it does and 
Sour when it tries to rush 
Itself to new highs.

Wind is life. Don't expect
Too much as there isn't.
Laugh when it makes you 
And weep when it 
Wants you to be sad.

Stay quiet and accept the
Things as they are.

But don't take your leg off
The accelerator, as 
Shortly there's gonna be
An opportunity to fly.

A period of calm might 
As well be a pullback to 
Set you in an vigourous path.

29 May 2024


Yes, we lack purpose, hate loving.
Despise living and love the dark,
Against all social norms.
But don't call us dead yet.

The heart might not be beating in
Lieu with your scales.
Breath might not be in and out
In accordance with your cues,
As we're not slaves.

The wings flutter erratically
The thoughts derange and paths
Often change. But we're trying..

Lips are a few inches wider,
If that's what you call a smiling.
There's a small bulb light always
These days as you're afraid of me
In the dark.

I'm trying to die a little less these days.
The mutilated nose is growing back,
And the twisted feet are turning around.
Necrosis is failing and my friends in
Hell smell the stink of betrayal.

Goodbye Chester, Goodbye Willis,
Goodbye you son of a gun, Hemingway.
The golden drop of life still seems
To be waiting for me she says.
So I refuse to die this evening per se.


The self wanders, takes a walk,
Goes on hikes and on rainy days
Hops on untrodden paths to
Get lost for good.

Gets twisted, and stabbed in all gore.
Obliterated to dust and ash.
And each night after work,
You gotta pray, conjure and
Force it down in the confines of
Yourself to love, hate and abuse
It to keep it around.

It needs coaxing, cajoling and
Appeasing and lots of pampering.
Self is a cougar who thinks she's
In a teenage body. A gigolo who
Assumes he's a warrior's daddy.

It fleets without fidelity and
Decays fast to the cues of inevitability.
The self can become a drunken sailor
Who gambles his fate for a
Cheap bottle of rum to sink the ship
Where there's no water..

So you need to be at the helm
As a captain always, like Jack Sparrow.
Though drunk and losing control but
Playfully enough to keep the heart intact 
Even when you're lost.

13 May 2024


Meanwhile, the wind blows,
Leaves fall, Dogs bark and
Their voice is dissolved to 
Nullity in a while, but 
Someone, somewhere will 
Listen to their silence.

It rains elsewhere, a baby
Cries after birth, eggs hatch
And the flowers bloom.
Even in war people prepare
Lunch and hum.
Life goes on.

Someone falls in love,
Someone else falls out.
A stone that moved from here
Creates a hole.
But eventually, it'll be filled
By water, dust, or trash,
Or by a combination of all.
Somehow people make peace
And find their place.

Things take time while they
Wait for stuff to happen to them.
The boredom of beauty,
The rush of chaos or any other
Way, if it could be put in.
Life happens like a Lazy Giant
Taking eons to open his eyes.

In the far reached of the sea,
The spring will hoist its Sail,
To reach that one last leaf
On the withered tree and
The next day you'll be surprised
To see yourself infected
With a fresh bloom before
It's too late.

25 January 2024


When you listen to a good song
And it rings in your head and
The world for the next
Twenty-four-hours rhymes.

The leaves fall in melodies and
Noses on the faces dance rhythmically.

The same goes for a good movie.
It's like walking with a Polaroid
Next day- just the shade and color
And elegance coming your way-

To stay for some time.
You forget for a while of all misery
Of the world and your own
Disposition - blue and pale.

There have been World wars in
The past and there are ongoing
One or two.
But people have still managed-

To cook food and have lunch.
Flowers still bloom and
The butterflies learn to fly
Daily, a couple of times.

18 January 2024

Owning a Consequence

I keep tossing a rupee coin
Repeatedly to see if
I could change the odds

Heads, tales, heads, heads,
tales, heads, heads, tales
Tales, tales, tales.

This one time it balanced
Itself vertically without giving
Any results and I thought
It was beautiful.

I thought it beat the odds.
Maybe it is one way of
Taking a pause to ponder
Over the overwhelming stuff-

One's going through.

Yes, the end is inevitable.
It's this or that- in the end
Of this journey, there's a
Car crash.

But prior to that, the decision
To stop and weigh a choice
And own a consequence,
That matters.

Your wish to become
Something- head or tail-
It matters. Even if the inevitable
Fate is exactly the opposite.

Act of Randomness

Sometimes you fly so high,
That, it makes sense if you
Fall a little.

Sometimes you live so much
That, it seems normal
Even if you die a little.

And you've been sad,
And miserable all along.
If someone gives you-

An orange that's already
Been peeled. Take a slice
And enjoy a little.

You deserve it.
Even though it doesn't
Look so. You do.

Take it without any judgment
Or hesitation. Without any
Need for self-pity.

It's an act of randomness.
A favor of probability of
Large numbers.

Only so much sadness
Could have been thrown
At you that, eventually-

A little happiness was
Destined to reach you.

10 January 2024

Defeating the Dark

I close doors and windows
Pull down all the curtains
And make it all dark in my room
In the broad daylight.

Then from around the window
I let sunlight pass through
A small hole and I sit on
The floor to just stare at
The incoming ray of light.

That's one way to reassure
Myself about how sometimes
The faintest of light can defeat
The darkness.

Then in the process,
I understand, how there is
No darkness at all.

The supposed darkness,
Is just the absence of light-
Confines of walls, curtains,
Closed windows and doors.

Do you understand me??
Do you understand what
I'm getting at?
Sometimes, all you've to do-
Not even do.

Just remind yourself to open
That door, the window.
Just remind yourself to
Light a candle or lamp
Or the fluorescent light.

Or maybe you can
Just smile and that's how
You can defeat the dark.

30 December 2023


Throw away your phone,
Go into hiding. Lose all the people
And break all the bridges.
Don't buy anything new to see
If you can live without vanities.

Go on without eating for a day.
Try holding your breath for a minute
And still better, try not to speak
To anyone for a couple of weeks.

Pack your bags, buy a ticket to
The general railway coach or
Better travel ticketless.

Climb a small mountain alone.
Talk to strangers, make friends
Drink, party and leave without
Exchanging any modes of contact.

And remember her too, then let her go.
Torch all those memories.
Rub the leftover ash on your body.
Dig a six feet ditch and bury

Yourself till you don't make yourself
Anew next morning.

Staying Alive

To love life when you don't have
Stomach for it. Everything you 
Build, when it crumbles
Like a sand castle against
The feeble breeze you loved.

And your gut aches, your heart 
Fails and the air that wants to 
Get inside feels so thick in your
Throat that you just want to
Vent it out, than inhale.

And the things you want to do,
All your goals and aspirations,
They lose all the meat there was
To sulk in a corner celebrating
The glitter of accumulating dust.

Even then you gotta rise up 
To the occasion to hold tight
Your old buddy-- This Life.
To calm him down with a peg of
Some old-fashioned whiskey.

Feed him half-fried omlettes,
Boiled peanuts and chicken lollipop 
To say cheers all at once to 
Jolt him back to this tragedy 
Called life.

12 October 2023


A spark from within 

Grows shoulders and 

Hands. And out in all 

Excitement, it leaps to

Grab it all.

Stretching itself, as it

Extends to the sky.

What it could have is

Only a drop.

Without slightest of


It says- all right! 

Probably, next time.

And the meaning of 

Exhilaration, I suppose

Is that's all- giving it

Heck of a try and still-

Keep the inherent 

Fire intact.

09 June 2023


I tumbled in the
Sea of sadness.
I had to build
My boat again
To stop myself from

But isn't it 
The task? 

Picking up
Ourselves again
And again till we 
Make it to the 

I borrowed
Handful of water
To make myself
Some tea.

When the sun
Came up from over 
The salt-scented

I tasted a sip
And captured with
My polaroid,
The scene. 

Surviving pretty
Much is a 
Salt and sweet 

02 April 2023


Flowers are a 
Vague strand 
Of hope, 
When everything
Around has 
Surrendered to
The onslaught
Of dark.

The pale yellow
Of marigold might 
Not shine enough,
To break the
Tethers of night.

The bright red
Of roses might
Sulk in a corner
After failing to
Summon ample
Amount of fire.

As, sometimes
Surviving the
Storm is important,
Than making a 

The lilies and
The daisies, 
As they wait,
Not yielding to
The subjugation
Of demons..

They become 
Windows to the
Derailed rays of

The flowers 
In the night are
The first songs
Of an arriving