10 January 2024

Defeating the Dark

I close doors and windows
Pull down all the curtains
And make it all dark in my room
In the broad daylight.

Then from around the window
I let sunlight pass through
A small hole and I sit on
The floor to just stare at
The incoming ray of light.

That's one way to reassure
Myself about how sometimes
The faintest of light can defeat
The darkness.

Then in the process,
I understand, how there is
No darkness at all.

The supposed darkness,
Is just the absence of light-
Confines of walls, curtains,
Closed windows and doors.

Do you understand me??
Do you understand what
I'm getting at?
Sometimes, all you've to do-
Not even do.

Just remind yourself to open
That door, the window.
Just remind yourself to
Light a candle or lamp
Or the fluorescent light.

Or maybe you can
Just smile and that's how
You can defeat the dark.

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