10 January 2024

Dark Places

Let's spread some sheets
And pillows near the window
And lie there with our legs upon
The windows sills.

Fiddling with our toes and feet
We'll make a list of all the dark
Places we shall make love.

Maybe in the alley in the city
Of Gotham where Batman's
Parents died and between
The pages of Rorschach's journal
From where nothing good
Comes back.

Sometimes amidst the spoils
Of Rome and the dread of
Irish Famine and Black Fridays
Of each nation.

Maybe one elaborate session
In a dystopian Nazi Germany
Where all the bigoted history
Would be stacked.

I'll undress you in the section
Related to the First World War
And grope you against
The Treaty of Versailles that
That didn't materialize.

And in the section where
The tone for the Second World War
Wouldn't have set- we'll let our lust
Chronologically mock the tragic
History that followed.

And elsewhere, when we
Amorously makeout.
Maybe in the caves of ancient
Scandinavia where all
The witches were burnt for their
Vile incantations on the kids.

I'll ask if you can you can
Scare me with your hungry cat.
Maybe you can say Abracadabra
To feed me to its delight.

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