06 January 2024

Prayers Aloud

He was playing the piano,
When the city was bombed.
The half-composed melody
Got stuck in the rubble
When the roof collapsed.

The kid was playing with
His dog when the city was

His toy train was orphaned
When the leftover innocence
Of the world was crushed
By an electric pole,
That fell upon.

The rotis and the rice
That was on the stove still
Wonder about the hunger that
Didn't return by lunchtime.

And the broken wall clock
That's stuck at two past ten,
Thinks if it's rude to be still
Right, each day twice,
With the dead all around.

The muffled hymns stuck
In the stopped hearts of
The devotees at a church-
When somehow tried to
Reach the lord-

They were disappointed by
The fact that they couldn't
Be loud enough to hail upon
Their deaf almighty god.

But who's gonna tell them?
That the ongoing bombings 
Are already prayers aloud 
To please someone else's-

Non-existent God who can 
Neither hear nor talk.

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