10 January 2024


While I rode from my home
On my bike, a crow maybe
In a hurry like me, it fled into me
And hit my helmet.

The impact was bad,
I almost managed not to fall.
Gasping its guts out in pain,
It fluttered and flapped its wings.

Against the beating, its
Breath spiked and in dread
I too stood all blurry trying
To process the whole thing.

It could have been me-
Hurting, helpless, and trying to
Conjure every bit of breath.

The crow could have been
On the bike, riding and
I could have been a
Mere crow running into
Fast-paced vehicles.

Who knows, if it was me
From a parallel world
Who had to sacrifice himself
To save me, to balance out a
Ebb in the multiverse.

Did I just call myself,
The alpha version of me?
Every other version should
Try to help and save me?

Maybe, yes.
Till I'm alive, maybe I'm.

And when I'll sacrifice myself
To amend another ebb.
Let someone call himself
An alpha then. Till then-

You got favors to return.
So call me daddy and serve.

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