Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts

17 January 2025


What eyes have cast a bad spell 
On me. I do not know. I stand in front 
Of the mirror often and smile.

What shadows have colored
My beliefs. I do not know.
I question myself often and sigh.

There are doodles in the
Last pages of the notebook.
There's a name dancing on my lips,

I don't want to say aloud.
Fresh bloom of roses in my garden.
The lilies are open for an affair.

What witch has unleashed her
Enchanted cats on me,
My head full of rats is on riot.

The resistance inside asks if
It can bell the cat and I almost budge
To the onslaught of demands but

Something tells me to loosen up
A bit. I do not know what makes
Me go crazy these days-

Just wanna throw my hands
In air and artlessly dance.

16 January 2025

Wish we could be friends again

Before I saw rainbows
In your eyes and 
Bloom of roses in 
My heart.

There was an island 
Where we could casually 
Talk, laugh, cuss and

There wasn't anything 
Special about the things 
You did.

Not receiving a call for
Weeks wasn't an issue.
Even talking to you
For hours didn't build up
Any expectations.

Then a fantasy grew.
Things changed.
Our island got infested  
By butterflies.

And when you ask why 
Can't we be friends..
I don't know what to say.

The dangle of earrings, 
Carve of your lips.
God! How your smile is
Enchanting these days..

I wish I can ignore 
The strands of your hair 
Caressing your cheeks.

I wish your persona
In the black attire 
Doesn't hamper my

If you can tell me
Convincingly why the 
Hell we can't be a thing..

I'll tell you exactly why
Can't we be friends 

Till then adios my
To be or not to be 
Friend/lover with an L.

13 January 2025

Men In Love

I don't want this night to 
End. I don't want this 
Conversation to run out
Of steam.

The moonlight reflecting 
From your eyes and
The enchantment your
Lips have cast..

There's something about 
Today's sky. 
Something about you in 
This cold-stricken passage 
Of time.

The sways of your hair 
Against your cheeks.
My heart playing tricks 
With my senses..

It's hard to express.

Your persona building a
Nest in me like you're a 
Sparrow and my yearning 
Finding excuses to make
You origami crafts.

Damn this feeling.

Why would anyone 
Stereotype men as 
Strong and haughty?
They clearly haven't seen 
A guy fall in love. 

Smooth like fragrance.
So soft, even a thousand 
Feathers can't match 
The caress.

A man falling in love is
Like a little girl's dream
Translating on her face 
When she's asleep.

You gotta be careful 
To capture it.
It's a momentary lapse
Of reason. 

A little rush and 
He'd be conscious.. 
And you may never see 
That blush again.

Well, till maybe when 
He'd be blessed with a 
Daughter in some 
Imaginary future.

16 December 2024


This urge to capture 
Her pics. This urge to 
Scream her name.

The butterflies in the 
Stomach that want to 
Manifest but don't want to 
Make anything obvious-

There's pic of an old man
Walking away in my gallery.
And of a wrapper of 
Cadbury dairy milk.

A leaf of mango and 
A discarded pen I found 
When I was walking her
To the library.

This urge to scribble 
Her name in the last page,
But it goes only till 'S' to 
To become something else.

I realize. These pics are 
The moments I steal as 
Souvenirs around my 
Feelings for her.

Random, hopeless and
Not so loud pics- 
An attempt to hide my 
Longing, even from myself.

Yet this urge to preserve 
Her presence-
The 'S' that became 
'Seagull' in my pen name.

The unsung part is the 'P.S'
That hides the things
My backspace couldn't.

23 November 2024

First Date

We had so many things
In common.
Cup cakes over any other.
Bike over cars. 

Ice cream after tea in
The winters and long
Unplanned walks than
Waiting for buses.

We hit it off well, 
That evening.

"Lunch Box" over any
Other movie.
Periwinkles anyday than

We sat for long, 
Discussing how marriages 
Are scams and where all 
One can travel with all 
The saved money.

We decided to meet
Again after a year,
In the same place if
Things work out.

I was almost leaving,
Then you appeared on
A bike suddenly asking 

How about Ice-cream 
After tea? And I said
To Ma that night,
Bahu mil gayi.

21 November 2024


At the edge of the world,
The house we built when
We were on good terms.

I stopped there for a while 
When I was passing by tonight.
A dinner table in the hall,

Two tea-cups that aren't 
Empty. Bindi on the mirror,
An arm length wreath of 

Jasmine that wants to find
Solace in your braids.

The small geoid marked 
With places we wished to go.
It still rotates.

The door is forever open
And the doormat still flaunts 
'Welcome' in colours.

The kid of our fancy calls 
Your name and I haven't 
Lied to her yet.

"Mom has gone shopping"
I repeatedly say and 
Believing my words, 

She goes on playing in 
My head.

11 November 2024

I want to

I want to let out a
Warm sigh on your neck
While I play with
The strands of your hair.

I want to stay buried in
Your touch while you
Complain about your day
At work.

I want to recite to you a
Romantic poem written
By a rogue poet to

Tell you how I wish to write
Something that great
But unable to pen down.

All I want is, to trace
Back every romantic
Thought of mine to your
Presence. Or absence.

Might sound like a bogus
Fantasy of a hopeless poet.
Come to me once, 
I'll show you-

How the warmth of
My thoughts, 
Down your creases,
Can make you melt.

Shower of my passion 
To invoke a desire 
Can make you wet.

19 October 2024

Turned Tables

When they lost their language.
Unable to smile at each other.
Unable to pick up signs.

Silence that howled around
Like fragrance. It grew hooks
To pierce their skin.

So they stood at the end of
A road with a doused lamp,
With nowhere to go.

Somewhere down the line,
They knew they had to
Inevitably end in each other.

So they decided to write poems
To each other to open a new
Tunnel of communication.

He says "You shall be condemned
To the shackles of moonlight"
Instead of fuck you.

"I dare you to fetch rose water
So I can drown you in my solitude"
She screams instead of

Giving him a fuck you too.

08 October 2024


We sit by the river in 
Silence and her eyes talk
About "How we give wings 
To passing moments to 
Make them memories."

My eyes have a different stand.
"The ticks bore each other 
And set one another on fire.
Memories are ashes,
Self-immolation of moments."

She knows it. About my
Cynicism and I know well,
How she always tries to
Fill the gap.

So she asks me to give her
A stone. Throws it into 
The lake holding my hand.
A phoenix rises shaking off
The ash. And she says-

"We're that dip and 
The subsequent flight."

06 October 2024

But Hey

Your smile is imprinted 
On my chest and heart
Beats differently now.

The urge to steal your 
Glances, longing to imagine 
Your name beside mine.

I wished for your love 
That night and watched
A shooting star.

Wore a yellow T-shirt 
The next day, wishing 
You'd wear something 
Of the same shade.

The coincidence seemed 
Odd to you maybe but 
Hey, you smiled again.

The weight of your elegance 
On my weak shoulders-
I'd to forget gravity to

Match your grace. But,
Now I levitate. None of 
This has to make sense

But Hey, you smiled at me
And I smiled at you.
The world became 

Insignificant and I've too.

04 October 2024


The wet floors and
The banana peels are just
Excuses. My fickle heart
Likes to slip and take leaps.

The sunsets, the moon.
Colors and the melodies-
Spring is here and my
Garden hasn't bloomed.

Body fancies bruises that
Only you can bless,
Gleam of your eyes to cleanse
The clutter in my chest.

The pen bleeds but for whom
It doesn't know yet.
But I wait for you to smile.
A cue enough to levitate-

My fickle heart likes to
Slip and take leaps, and
Now that I've seen you,
Maybe, only at your behest.

01 October 2024

Last day of Delhi

After we talked for long on
Your terrace- last day of Delhi.
The half-beer against the
Full meal got to my head.

I didn't gather myself to
Tell it to your to your face,
So I sent you an SMS,
Can I Hug You..?

You didn't say anything.
Made excuses to sneak
Down the stairs.
Aloof, dejected..listening to

'No Surprises' I spread
Myself on the terrace
Cursing the shooting stars
That aren't in my fate.

Then a sudden brush of hair 
On my face and the warmth
Of your lips on my cheek.
When I opened my eyes-

A fading image of yours
As you rushed back down the stairs.
The sudden blues in the sky,
A bloom of roses and it played-

'What a wonderful world'.

19 September 2024

The Childishness We've Outgrown

To have us feel 
Each other's breath, 
You inhale a chunk of air 
To exhale it steadily on  
My belly.

You ask me to do 
The same. I think you're 
Crazy but I do it anyway..

The warmth creeps under 
Our tickles.
It's a bit of an innocent kink,
Makes us foolishly 

When did this fragrance 
In us lost its way?
We love, like dark strokes
In shades of grey 
These days..

The lost revolt of colors 
In the dark..
Two drooped flowers,
Not even excited about 
The morning sunshine.

You say 'I love you '
From the other end..
And I don't instinctively 
Conjure my wit to 
Flirtfuly say..'and lust..?'

09 September 2024

Snake Bites the Tail

I look you in the eyes 
And you look in mine. 

For a while each question 
Stands answered and 
Each puzzle solved.

Our lips quiver and we
Explode in a fire of desire.

But love still asks 
Un-answerable questions,
Beautiful or not.

But the answers do not 
Matter when we subsume
Ourselves in one another..

The questions and answers 
Shake hands now.
The snake bites its tail and 

We become a paradox.

21 August 2024

Where Irfan meets Ila

I just wrote a poem for you.
Apprehensive. Little afraid.

In the world where Irfan
Doesn't look in the mirror
To feel the weight of his age.

And reveals himself to Ila in
The restaurant that day.

There, these unapologetic
Poems of romance blossom.
Hundreds of them.

Eventually, you turn them
Into a giant airplane and
We fly to Bhutan.

For a Teen in 30s

I've sliced a part of my
Heart and given it away
To you in apprehension.

It stays bitten between
Your teeth. Bleeding a bit..
Little salty, and tasty.

Waiting for a place in your
Eyes, the other pieces,
Await... Not knowing

Whether to heal or stay

And the knives of your
Lips that try not to kill,
Yet twist inside my gut...

Ahh! what can I say,
Falling in love with a teen,
In the early thirties..

It isn't easy. The knees
Creak and my back hurts.
Mirrors scream self-pity..

I shy away a little. But yes..
I've decided to preserve
The periwinkles that have

Already blossomed.
The cracks they've left in
My enclosed walls.

Things are visible now..
There's light. Colours.
I want to paint.

13 August 2024


Three good days this week,
Seventeen okay and ten
Good years and counting.

Four hundred rupee notes
In the wallet as you descend
Down like a king watching her face.

You forget the count of steps,
That you skipped to leap..
A good smile is enough to

Make you question reality.
Levitation is a subtle art,
Taught by the eyes that are


01 August 2024

When You Fall in Love

It rains when you fall in love.
It should rain.
There should be a cool breeze
Brushing against your cheeks.

The sky should paint itself in
Colours you can't name.
And in a Saree she should
Walk in slow motion.

The heart should pace up
And mind, go numb.
The bones should lose density
To skip the early phase of evolution-

So that you can have wings
To defy gravity. And you'll not be
The same once you're back to
The ground reality-

The memory of a flight is
Enough to bind you to the sky.
And an instance of her face
To create an ebb for once..

You're done for life.

22 May 2024


I wish I could walk past that
Dungeon but this urge to jump
Because she's beautiful..
The mole on her right cheek
And the blush that goes with
The shine of her eyes.

I'm already a slave of the swish
Of wind that's blowing past.
There's a winter crawling under
My skin and a cherry blossom in
The aridity of my heart.

I know in my head that this is
Just a hormonal act but there's
This desire to get myself stabbed..
Smash open my smothering walls
And take a plunge to give away
Everything to chance..

I bet many chose better wars.
Wet paint, guns, and fast cars.
And there are other ways to die
But this urge to drown in her eyes..🤌

27 April 2024

Gods in love

I know that you look at me
From a hiding and you too
Know how I crave for your
One sighting.

But the invisible wall that's
Laying bricks upon itself
Every time we try to look

This divide across our streets,
Of thick moustaches and
Flesh laden sarees-
The age-old arch of the village

That hasn't let even
The village goddess marry.

When I crossed your front yard
The other day, my shadow
Touched the contours of
Rangoli you had lain.

The subsequent redemption
Of mine has left cracks in
The arch and the God of
The neighboring village has
Some rigid lines to cross.

An age-old brawl between
The two villages now has been
Initiated by a mortal in love
And you too are invited to

Our festival this time,
We're hitching our Gods.