Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts

22 May 2024


I wish I could walk past that
Dungeon but this urge to jump
Because she's beautiful..
The mole on her right cheek
And the blush that goes with
The shine of her eyes.

I'm already a slave of the swish
Of wind that's blowing past.
There's a winter crawling under
My skin and a cherry blossom in
The aridity of my heart.

I know in my head that this is
Just a hormonal act but there's
This desire to get myself stabbed..
Smash open my smothering walls
And take a plunge to give away
Everything to chance..

I bet many chose better wars.
Wet paint, guns, and fast cars.
And there are other ways to die
But this urge to drown in her eyes..🤌

27 April 2024

Gods in love

I know that you look at me
From a hiding and you too
Know how I crave for your
One sighting.

But the invisible wall that's
Laying bricks upon itself
Every time we try to look

This divide across our streets,
Of thick moustaches and
Flesh laden sarees-
The age-old arch of the village

That hasn't let even
The village goddess marry.

When I crossed your front yard
The other day, my shadow
Touched the contours of
Rangoli you had lain.

The subsequent redemption
Of mine has left cracks in
The arch and the God of
The neighboring village has
Some rigid lines to cross.

An age-old brawl between
The two villages now has been
Initiated by a mortal in love
And you too are invited to

Our festival this time,
We're hitching our Gods.

15 March 2024

Stray Stories

He knows someone is watching,
When he goes past that house.

From the backyard of the house
And the darkness of the kitchen.
Threads of her gaze seem to
Hail upon him to heave his heart.

The tonal sounds of her breath,
The rhythmic touch of her foot.
Her unseen face and imagined
Persona stomps on his chest.

So his bicycle breaks sometimes,
His chappals wear. Sometimes
The stone in front of her house
Bleeds his toe and he has to

Take there a moment in pretense
For his sweet pain.

She too wants to rush out to
Directly catch his gaze.
But the neighbouring aunt doesn't
Call out for her in time,

Neither the wanderers come
In time seeking alms.

And the days pass, years roll.
The longing in the eyes never
Transcend down to the hesitant feet.
Never tending to meet-

These stray stories linger
Restlessly in the same street.

Parallel lines

Her lambs sometimes come
Grazing the tender maize
In my field.
My sparrows go to her courtyard
To feed on Jowar grains.

And that's how in stories
We meet.

Her caste is low and mine
Is high- The chasm between
Our streets are parallel lines
That never meet- elders say.

But why the moon on her roof
Sometimes sneaks from
The broken tile to steal a
Glance on my behalf?

And the stars from her dreams
Lead me into a cosmic trance
To make believe in things that
Are not obvious and otherwise?

And when songs late-night,
Carry a tinge of her aroma-
A considerate definition of 
Those parallel lines get to me-

Where they tend to meet at 

24 January 2024

Humble Way

Your slender pale hand,
Brushes your hair constantly
To put them behind your
Left ear.

It's snowfall on an already
Snow-clad mountain,
Which falls to make sure
It looks more beautiful.

Did you learn the act from
The snow or did the snow
Learn it from you??
I'm sure the latter is more likely.

But look how humble you're
To deny that.

But when I tell you,
I sometimes look in your
Eyes with a hope of little
Cozy warmth and in return-

You've always given me

Would you deny that too?
In your humble,
To-smile or Not-smile way?

Or you'd like to deprive
The stars some credit?

10 January 2024

Dark Places

Let's spread some sheets
And pillows near the window
And lie there with our legs upon
The windows sills.

Fiddling with our toes and feet
We'll make a list of all the dark
Places we shall make love.

Maybe in the alley in the city
Of Gotham where Batman's
Parents died and between
The pages of Rorschach's journal
From where nothing good
Comes back.

Sometimes amidst the spoils
Of Rome and the dread of
Irish Famine and Black Fridays
Of each nation.

Maybe one elaborate session
In a dystopian Nazi Germany
Where all the bigoted history
Would be stacked.

I'll undress you in the section
Related to the First World War
And grope you against
The Treaty of Versailles that
That didn't materialize.

And in the section where
The tone for the Second World War
Wouldn't have set- we'll let our lust
Chronologically mock the tragic
History that followed.

And elsewhere, when we
Amorously makeout.
Maybe in the caves of ancient
Scandinavia where all
The witches were burnt for their
Vile incantations on the kids.

I'll ask if you can you can
Scare me with your hungry cat.
Maybe you can say Abracadabra
To feed me to its delight.

29 December 2023

That's Why

When I make you a cup of tea,
What I mean is,
I can only do so much that's
Close to cooking and

What I mean more is I often
Bite my words between my teeth
And say I care for you by
Offering this hot beverage.

And when you showed me that
Dried petal of Rose you had preserved
For over a decade in your diary.
Did you mean, this is kind of-

A secret that I'm sharing only
With you or do you generally
Flaunt that to everyone to indicate
How you're a big keeper?

I don't know. But I think it's
Something. The whole act of
Preserving fragile things,
It's definitely something.

And then maybe one day,
I'll talk to you about the moon.
Not just the moon but about how
He shines across the horizon

Of the blue sea, soaking his
Milky white in the deep blue
To feel the calmness in
The depths.

I'll definitely be not knowing,
Why I would say something like that.
And maybe, if you understand
Why I would have done that-

You may show me a fleeting
Feathery cloud one afternoon
To ask me if it looks like a shape
Of a unicorn.

And if I say, "maybe yes".
Then say that's why.

22 October 2023

This Love

This love, sometimes-
It's just a blip.
Waiting in the corners
To make a point and
Then, not able to
Escape the cobwebs
It's been caught.

And sometimes,
It's just an elaborately
Woven novel with layers
Unveiling the plot lines
And finally waltzing
In a public library to
Find itself a fancy
Bookshelf to sit 
Haughtily all day long.

It has been a loosely
Edited Tarantino movie
Most of the time-
A heist gone wrong,
Murders, blood and
With the police involved-

Sometimes you're guilty,
Sometimes it's me.
The blame like a
Fire-ball passed on to
One another's peril-
To push each other
To the gallows ultimately.

And as the noose tightens
Around our necks,
Amoursly making out again,
Without any regard for
The hangman or our
Mutual unrest.

12 October 2023


Sleeping with head outside
The window to catch
The dreams the winds carry.

Drinking tea under the sea
To have a taste of all the
Stories the rivers bring.

Soaked in wet paint to
Strand in different perspectives.
It's awesome to get to know
Unknown people.

Then there's always basking
In the mellow light of the
Setting sun- The departing birds
Have a thing or two to say.

I kiss your fading image by
The sea- those half-written
Stories and incomplete verses-
They get a meaning.

Suddenly, a thought grows wings,
To fly off as a seagull-

For your feeble remembrance
Nothing could have been 
A better allegory than that
I suppose.

31 August 2023


In a distant city, 
On a rainy day.

When you get down 
From an auto 
To find a cafe.. and 
Stride on the margins,
To avoid the flash of
Street water-

Like two strangers 
Passing by with the 
Accidental exchange 
Of glances..

May our eyes 
Meet again.

I'll act like I saw 
Someone who looked 
Like you and
Turn past the corner 
Before one of us realizes 
What happened.

Guising in the shade 
Of the past, if any thought,
Crosses your mind..
To color your imagination,
and pull you back..

And if you 
Glide around to 
Look out for something 
You forgot-

There, in the corner,
Buried in a pretense 
Of a magazine, I stand..

Familiar stranger.

Damn! It'll be hard 
Not to smile.

27 August 2023

Sublime Story

Ever since I was a kid,
Each year this girl came
To the temple outside
The village for special Pooja.

We too went as a family,
On to seek Hanuman.

After many encounters,
A precedent was set.
I looked at her, she at me.
Our eyes met.

The permanence of this
Connection was limited
To recognizing each
Others' existence.

Only in fleeting glances,
We existed.

Then one year, she
Didn't come.
Then the following year
And a couple more.

Must have been married off.
To think about the worst,
The concern was not 
Beyond usual curiosity.

This year when I sensed 
A couple of eyes upon me.

With no usual ponies, 
Skirt or chudi..with a kid 
In hand, she stood there, 
Wearing a beautiful saree.

When I caught her eyes,
She smiled before looking 
Away. Then she went on
Her way and I, on mine.

So almost every year,
I met this girl.
In fleeting glances we
Recognised our existence.

Then she was on her way
And I returned to mine.
Some stories are feeble enough 
To be simple and sublime.

18 August 2023

Incompetence of Language

In a language-less world,
When all the sharp objects,
Fail to capture human 
Desperation on rocks.

The quills stutter on the
Rough patches of parch
With the ink that's absorbed 
Across the surface.

I would want to sit staring
At the depth of your eyes,
Till a civilization falls at
Your feet, pleading to

Evolve itself a language,
That could fleet across
Our unwavering sight,
Only to declare,

Its helplessness to
Capture the dimensions
Of this one passing 

So that then, I could 
Calmly explain, even in 
A verbose world, 
How incompetent I am, 

To describe our feeble 

07 August 2023

Begin Again

Each time 
The world tends
To end around me.
I rub my eyes.

Colors, flashes and
Swirl of starlight 
Gets to me.

My soul soaks in 
The Greek mythical river
That washes off
All the suffering.

Head pokes into
Into the sky of
Renaissance Italy.
Human creativity 
Is unbound.

A brief moment of
Gets to me. 
Kind of nostalgia 
For unknown things..

Craving for that 
House that's not yet built.
To a place I haven't
Set my feet.

On the streets of
Ancient China,
Our eyes briefly

We exchange a
Tiniest measurable
Human connection.
And that's where my
World ends.

So I rub my eyes

Swirls, colors and 
Bizarre series of
Accidents bring
Me here..

To meet you as
A stranger again.

22 May 2023

Summon by Fire

After it's dark and
Before light breaks
Out by dawn, 

There's a 

After the hunter fires
His gun and the
Bullet hits the deer, 

There's a 

After this desire got
Set in and before our
Lips compulsively met, 

There was this 

Of night passing
Into slumber. 
The deer staring 
At the inevitable. 

And I succumbing
To a summon 
By the fire,
Of your eyes.

26 February 2023


Why do my fingers
Keep measuring
The shade of 
The trees.

The moon seems
To be taking his time
To come up tonight.
Why does my heart 
Keeps running,
Into her streets. 

No letters from her.
The winds seem to 
Always disappoints. 
And why have the
Stars abandoned
The sky.
The universe isn't 

She usually does..

She usually does..
But hasn't she 
Opened her 
Windows tonight? 

20 June 2022

Begin Again

Sometimes things will work.
Sometimes they won't.
Sometimes you'll be angry
And I'll not be ready enough
To make amends.

The TV will run on its own,
As even in each other's company,
We'll be on our own.

There will be an invisible line
In the bed.
The food and the unwashed 
Dishes will hurl a storm into
The day-to-day mess.. 

Cuddles and hugs would 
Become redundant.
Conciliation would be 
Another war we can't afford.

The grumpy, The haughty,
Apathetic and egoistic.
And unapologetically,
When we slip down into an abyss..

If you feel like talking again.
Send me a song.

24 January 2022

Void to Infinite

They say 
You kill with
Your eyes.

And I have
Already died

The paths
You derail with
Carve of your

I've already
Lost myself

For a glance
Of your face,
The wars 
They've waged.

I've been
Martyred a 
Few times. 

You take them
Places they 

Now, I too have  
Seen the infinite.
By first hitting 
The void.

Scripting Fantasies

Earth seems 
Reality feels limited.
Let's go away to
Live in reveries.
Let's find a way to
Sculpt our fantasies.

A ride of a unicorn,
To build castles of
Candy in the air.
We'll make wine
Out of starlight and
Swing in space.

In the restaurant
At the end of galaxy.
Over plate of 
I will propose you 
A toast with chai.

A necklace of
Red-giants and
A tiara of moons
On your head.
I'll address you
As queen to be
Your worthy king.

Lazy Moments

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
The blue and the red
We see our silence
Pass by.  

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
Nothingness and
Infinity holding hands,
We listen to an
Epoch that runs by.

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
Our fondness dictates
The rage of nature.
The winter and 
The summer are
Dialects of our 
Naked hearts.

We wrap ourselves
In each other.
The happiness and 
The sadness have 
Conspired to
Vacantly witness,
The making of
Our life.

03 January 2022


When this is 
All over.
On a sun-kissed
Month of May.
I'll meet you again.

At a road that
Outgrows all the
I'll hold your hand
And walk you to
A place, where
I grew as a child.

Where time is
On its knees. 
Where mangoes 
Still grow in trees.
There's a house,
My Grandpa lives 

He might not be
Expecting me.
But he'll not be 
Surprised to 
See you as well.

Maybe he'll
Ask grandma to
Make you feel at home.
Cook you her
Signature cashew dish.
And tell you an
Old story that
I've forgotten.

I'm sure she'll 
Tell you about how
Her hens lay egg.
The grafts on 
Guava plants and
The thickness of
Milk her buffaloes

She'll insist on
Giving you oil bath. 
And as she applies 
Oil to your hair. 
I'll steal your shy-gaze
To confide our love,
To that moment.

It'll be safe there.
Maybe years later,
Verge of our story
Will be heard as

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...