Showing posts with label Nostalgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nostalgia. Show all posts

21 February 2024

The Unborn Child

Met this girl.
Rose-toned, rain-scented.
And things happened.
Love, lust, dreams.

Yeah, dreams.
Rushing in a tiny home
By the edge of the city.
Near a creak.

We dreamed together of
Petting a small panda.
We dreamed like we
Petted it in fact.

And one day. Like all those
One-days in parentheses-
That inevitably happen-
We fell apart.

Goodbyes stretched across
Length of my city,
Reaching only the closed

It's been years now.
This house could have been
Bigger and baby-proofed.
The little panda sometimes-

Comes in my dreams to
Rest on my right arm.
The next morning my
Hand aches-

Like the sourness of a half
Remembered memory that
Stares like a cat all day from
Below the dining table.

06 November 2023

Watchful Gaze

Your image flashes in my mind,
Constantly like fluttering of eyelids.
It's almost, as if, you're
Watching me from within myself.

And under your watchful gaze
I have become conscious of my
Day-to-day things.

So when I wake up and stand
In front of the mirror to brush.
I don't spit it all over the sink.
It's as if you're standing beside to

Guide me through the process,
Like a high school math teacher.

My hands reach my back properly,
While taking a bath.
Rinse my hair thoroughly while
Applying coconut oil.

The maroon shirt goes tucked in
The Light-grey trouser with a
Tie that's purple or blue. And then
The bike with a helmet always to
Protect my not-so-important head.

A wishful urge comes along,
To do things differently, messy-
Like I always do--Unkempt hair.
Dirty socks. Unwashed dishes-

Deliberately, I spill some milk on
The breakfast table,
Thinking, that you would come
To tease me into a correction.

But it almost, always, never happens.
Your murky angry face,
Never takes things in hand and like
Always the next day resumes again-

As it should-
With the jeans going along
The right shoes and eating rice in
The lunch with a spoon.

13 October 2023


A postcard- maybe a

Twenty years old or more.

Faded ink; the lines stutter 

With missing words.

A dried flower in the diary,

A bit of fragrance and the rest-

Smelling away like soot of

Burnt paper.

In the same dark room,

An unrecognisable voice of

Someone from the past- 

Singing in whispers.

It's strange how memories,

Stick around-

Songs without a voice. 

Flowers without fragrance. 

The pics in the old closets-

Some with their faces 

Scratched off. Others

Beneath the fingernails-

As edgy bits that still 

Manage to feebly live on.

15 September 2023

Lost Curiosity

The moon no longer
Follows me while I
Travel at night.
The rooms that lead
One from the other,
The curiosity is
Long gone and
These days, I don't
Get lost.

The trails on my
Palm, that often
Grew like a forest to
Build cities full of
Castles, chokes
Out of weariness.
Like the paper planes
Forgetting to fly.

Often not giving
What was asked,
Imagination like
Broken street lights-
Sulks in the confines
Of the blinders
Of the past and
These days I don't
Believe the fact
That I'm a spy from
The planet Mars.

29 August 2023

Kaudi- The blanket

In her last years, Nani spent
All her time stitching Kaudi.
She did tens of them and gave
Them away to her loved ones.

She would gather all the
Old clothes, cut them up,
Stitch them in patches on
Stretch of old sarees.

These blankets she stitched 
So meticulously, almost
Every hour of every day,
Looked like her biography.

All the childhood memories,
Scattered in the red patches.
Her teenage days in the
Checkered yellow ones..

In the glittery embroidery
On the borders. 
Maybe about her first love 
Or a crush if there was one.

I got the last one of 
Her final work.

One of the nights,
The green patches in mine,
Told me all about the raw guavas 
In her father's backyard.

Now that I keep thinking 
About those violet, brown 
And the pink patches that 
Haven't yet talked..

Maybe that's where the rest
Of the world's libraries hide.

20 August 2023


Grandma said we
Hiccup when someone 
Really close misses
And remembers us.

The spasms of 
Diaphragm or uneven 
Flow of air to lungs 
Doesn't matter to her.

Likewise, to hell with 
Nebula, supernova or
Any of those 
Star-forming events.

She says, whenever
A loved one dies,
They appear in the
Sky as stars.

Now that she's dead
And I sulk on this
Terrace alone with
A beer in hand..

Looking up at the
Night sky at the
Stroke of midnight.
I wish, my fucked up

Life could cascade 
Down a little to that
Level of simplicity.
So that I could believe,

In the possibility that
The twinkling of the
Star in west-horizon,
Is because of

My dead grandma's

26 January 2022

The child in me

The child in me 
Wants to go to
My grandpa's place
To be lost in his
Stories again.

Climb the trees
To eat unripe
Mangoes and
Eat all the roasted 
Cashews without
Sharing with anyone.

The child in me
Wants play with
Fire. Conjure, 
The courage to
Leap in to 
Experience things. 

Learn, unlearn
And re-learn.
Just like how
One has to be
Persistent to craft
A kite and put
It in flight.

The child in me
Wants to imitate
Shaktiman and
Also understand 

Believe I can fly.
Still be grounded.
Ignore the wounds
On my knee and
Run again like
There's no tomorrow.

The child in me
Just wants to talk
To the adult me,
To hold hands and
Shed masks.
Fill courage and
Say it's alright.

Climb mountains,
Sail across seas to
Show how belong,
And where to 

11 January 2022

When I was Young

When I was young.
I would summon sunsets
And tame stars to adorn
My little sister's room.

Colors up my sleeve.
I believed in a life,
That's etched in crayons.

When I was young.
I would make boats 
With papers to 
Chase the rain.

Dreams could fit in
Chocolate wrappers.
Expectations in
Glittery marbles.

Nights were for
Good goody sleep.
Evenings for the
Cool breeze.

Morning tea to
Shake the mind
A free desire within 
That would aways 

Everything wasn't
Planned and neat.
We didn't sag like 
Dead meat. 

Roads were great,
Trees were free. 
Looking at us
Even birds did glee.

When I was young.
Moon followed me
Wherever I would go.
Grandpa lived in the
Sky, as mom claimed.

Venus was just
A good friend.
Peeing wasn't shamed.
And dreams weren't 
Confined in names.

01 December 2021

I love shade

I love shade. 
Things with some
Degree of fade.
Worn out here 
And there.
Bruised, blemished,
Still their 
Entirety Intact,
Oozing life somehow 
From around 

Like setting sun's 
Red on blue inlay. 
a memory on rampage..
Sometimes a pain,
Sometimes sweet
As rain.

On a stormy night, 
The ship that
Went on a sail.
Trails of longing,
On faded pic.
A lost love that
Sneaks past mid-night
To evade sleep.

Like the tunes of 
A song on tip of
My tongue,
That I fail to
The days of
Childhood that
That seems to be
Escaping from
The clutches
Of my mind.

Blessing in 
One way,
From the other, 
A disgrace.
I love shade.
Things with some
Degree of fade.

06 August 2021

Reminiscing is a Full meal

Memories have a 
Wrinkled face.
Nostalgia feels 
Like grandma's

Cosy, comfortable.
Worry free and
Free, fat food at

Reminiscing is
A full meal. 

And I've been
Dipped in the 
Trance of past
For so long that..

Now, I'm an 
Overweight ass.
My mind may break 
Bearing all my past.

Doctors advised me
To exercise and run...

But in the end,
It took some writing 
To shed calories 
From my head. 

04 April 2020


I've smoked time,
Like, it's a 
Petty cigarette. 

As all I
Wanted was 
A ride back
Home with you.

But now,
It looks like,
The home is

I'm addicted
To the idea that
You're that 
Boundless horizon
In the west.

24 March 2020


When laughing was 
Actually laughing
And weeping was
Really weeping. 

Remember the days when
Everything was simple?

Hate was just a day 
Of not talking and 
A toffee away.

Unmasked smiles,
Un-adulterated tears.

The moon wasn't just
A celestial rock and
Granny had taken refuge 
In the brightest star.

27 March 2019

Gone with the Winter

The memories of
Those late night talks,
The rain did sweep.

And the unconditional
The winter did freeze.

There's a cold calm,
A stab of apathy and a
Kind of murky-charm left.

Like a scenery contained
By the withered leaves,
This feeling too is-

Beautiful. Colourful.

10 March 2019


On the darkening blue,
An orange inlay.
The sun's setting
Birds on their way.

Dharwad; No difference.
Smells all the same.
The Mirchi-girmit invokes,
The good old days.

The taunts we made
And laughs we had.
Ran and Roamed around,
Worthy of some pretty scars.

Without any signs,
There was a last day.
Blink of an eye;
Careers, Responsibilities-

Life's now a long drag.

28 December 2018


Doesn't this
Lavish lush of
the greens and
The gentle gush
Of the winds...

Tickle some old
Melodious memories?

The monsoons,
Dancing on the roof,
And the birds
Rolling heads
And chirping...

Invoke the forgotten?
Scratch some scars?

While a cup of tea is
Coloring this evening.
Nostalgia is riding it.
Few sweet. Few salty.
Some mixed vibes.

05 October 2013

Vivid Memories Still Blossom

How can I forget those days in your
The vivid memories still blossom.

P.T sir stood with a gun,
To tell us importance of morning run;
Behind every effort shun
that, we had greate fun.

Even after our every grudge,
House Masters used to urge;
We thought they were greatest pest,
But now I realise, they were the best.

One day,
I was late to class, after a noon nap,
which I took at short gap;
I remember that Principal's slap;
which had sounded like clap.

There is no substitute for Navodaya's
Bisi Bele Baat taste,
and surely everyone is missing the
tradition of sharing paste.

Those memories can never perish,
Recalling those I still relish;
Those who have forgotten are foolish,
And those who remember will cherish
So beautiful were those days,
to embrace them again, I pray;
Why those seven years didn't
remained as such,
The memories haunt me so much.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...