Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

15 January 2025

Sense of Aestheticism

This friend in school with
Same kind of mad.
After reading a couple of
Same books and going
High on some philosophical

We tried to delve into the
Mysteries of metaphysical
Paradoxes against the
Volatile dance of our
Teenage hormones.

On the last day of school,
We climbed on the roof
Of sixth class to stay there
Till the orange sun
Disappeared below the

The sense of aestheticism
That got to us then-
We've been chasing it
For over a decade and
Half now.

Not tired of the beauty
Or bonhomie.. The things
We've experienced and
The places we've explored..

Just yesterday when we
Biked hard to catch a
Sunset on the beach
In Manipal..

We missed it because
He wanted to change
To his shorts first.
Can you believe that?

Enraged, Disappointed
I lie on the sand.
He too understands what
We missed.

But that's all right.
Good that we know what
We've missed.
Good that we know
What are we gonna miss
If we don't pursue.

That's what keeps you
Going right?
The curiosity that fuels

How biking in the Himalayas
Can always start with
A feeble admiration for
Sunsets from above a


I haven't read the book
You gifted me on my
21st birthday.

You remember that day?
You came to meet me
From Mumbai. We had
Lunch in a restaurant.

One of my friends had
Insisted me to offer you a
Flower. I did and you
Had accepted it without
Feeling awkward.

I told you about how I
Love to walk to college
All the way from the
City bus stand.

You said you'd love
To walk. And we walked
Some 7-8 km that day
In the sun.
You gifted me that book
Upon reaching college.

I couldn't read it then.
Then things turned
Worse between us.
I decided to read it when
I'd miss you the most
One day.

A decade has passed now
And every excuse not
To read it has come to
An end.

I don't miss you much but
I feel I should read the book
One of these days.

Or should I go back on
The same road to cover
The same distance
Under the August Sun.

Miss a decade of your
Absence at once.
Then sit in the college lawn
To read it.

Perhaps every finished
Page can be used to
Wipe off tears or
Burn them to ashes by
My brain-scalding ire.

15 November 2024


Whenever she wanted to say
Something uncomfortable or 
Vulnerable. She would text in 
A random language.

Her way of hiding her trauma.
Her way of not throwing it 
Directly at me. 

Sometimes she would text in
Turkish or Spanish.
I had to translate it back to 
English to decipher what she
Meant to say.

Sometimes I would reply in 
Russian or French to hide 
My helplessness to console.

The loss in translation 
Didn't matter. Even if I could 
Understand half of what she 
Wanted to say. It was okay.

Even if she had put things in
Our slang, I wouldn't have 
Understood her pain the way 
She wanted me to be.

Maybe it was the effort to 
Understand her mattered,
More than her pain itself.

Little effort to sneak in another 
Language to understand 
Each other had some kind of 
Intimacy to it.

Maybe our own language 
Isn't enough sometimes.
Like home isn't enough and 
You gotta climb a 

Distant mountain to it sigh off
And understand and convey- 
How the trudge is mutual
And you totally empathize.

28 October 2024

November Nights

These late November nights, 
And the mild winter that
Caresses with feeble shivers 
On the exposed skin.

My cranked-up bike on a 
Rusty Lonely Road, sailing 
Through the foggy darkness.

Faint chills of a dread- 
Fear of encountering a  
Scary stranger. Hints of a 
Ghost in my head.

Bit of hunger scratches 
The empty stomach- craving 
For a ready hot dinner.

Thank God the tyres didn't 
Give up or fuel didn't run out.
Happy to be home safe.

Bed, quilts, eyeful of sleep.
Appreciate the warmth.

In the morning, I find a pic
Of mine, deep in sleep.
But I live alone! Bonkers.
What the hell? OMG.

19 October 2024

Another Day Maybe

It starts with a Hi, Hello,
How are you, blah blah blah.
Tea, pop culture references.
A nostalgia trip and
Blah blah blah.

The conversation peeling
Off the layers after each
Spell of boredom.
Uncomfortable silence
Pushing you a step closer
To naked vulnerability.

What a song meant.
A good day before father's
Death. Unexpressed gratitude.
And that random ass pain
That comes cluttering
Through sarcasm at first.

After everything is said
And done. The final layer
Bruising through your
Hesitation past midnight-

Your urge to tear it off,
To cry it all to him-
Then you hear him snore.

Just another day of closing
The floodgates of the river
Behind your eyes-

The invisible knife in your
Hand, a bit more sharper.
The Fourth Blank fired in
The Russian Roulette that
Goes on, in your head.

14 October 2024

The World

In a world where there's
More to what meets the eye.
In a world where words
Can be weaponized.

In a world where algorithms
Dance like unhinged zombies,
To pollute minds and question
Feeble intentions.

In the world of FOMO,
Compulsive take on rapes,
Murders and epidemics.
Their expectations to form

Opinions on politics and
Ongoing wars.

In the world where the moon
Hesitates to transition into a
Steady evening- My mom learns
To send pics in WhatsApp-

The first bloom of marigolds
She grew for the festival of
Dasara. The yellow transcending 
Its hues to my face and 

How I smile..

27 September 2024

Mom's Teenage Photo

Wearing a black top and skirt. 
Standing beside her mom. 
The teenage photo of my mother, 
From an old album- 

Her gleaming eyes with dreams, 
Boats and untamed seas. 
It breaks me when I see her in 
The kitchen now. 

Maybe it is the story of all 
The moms. They capsize their 
Boats. Erase their seas. 
Forget it all for a compromise.

They should all gather in a 
Place one day. To stare at this
Singularity called society. 
Stare long enough till

All of us could understand. 
Leave understanding, 
At least acknowledge.
Stare enough till the guilt in us
Oozes out like an angry river. 

The guilt of confining them, 
The guilt of hiding their teenage
Photos from themselves. 
Guilt of killing their dreams and 

Guilt of how it has been a
Systematic genocide.

19 September 2024

Could Have Been Gangster

While he and I played under 
The tree- we four years olds.
A dispute arose around 
A toy we found.

The little conflict turned 
Serious when he ran to
His kitchen to fetch a knife,
I to mine, to grab one for me.

In the next five minutes,
We stood staring at
Each other in the street, 
Ready to stab.

His mom came out in time
To bash up both.

What a waste, ruined a
Chance of me growing up
In a remand home to pick up 
A little broken Spanish..

To utter 'Que pasa..' in 
Marathi accent before stabbing 
The final goon, in a future 
Gang war.

18 September 2024

Inheritance of Trauma

You storm the inspection area
Your dad had prepared.
You ransack it with your gang.

In a fury, he sells you off to a ship,
That sails to unknown lands.
Holding the same grudge, you

Excel in your chores, teach
Yourself cooking. Find love,
Make children and eventually

Become a world-known chef
Of the hopeless ship that
Heads almost nowhere.

One of those big days, when
Queen of England was hosted
You were in charge-

Of the big feast. Your son topples
The buffet table on the guests
And you turn seasick..

The higher-ups ask you to throw
Him in the sea but you roast him
To feed him to the delegates.

Your deceased father is horrified
By the scene. So he travels back
In time to not sell you in angst.

But time travel doesn't exist
Does it? And all the un-addressed
Trauma never gets fixed.

So all the metaphorical suffering,
Is transferred to all the symbolic
Victims. Molehills of parents

As mountains on children's
Shoulders- a dynamite underneath,
With a trigger, God knows what.

Wishful Mirage

Your nimble fingers run over
The bare skin of yours sometimes.
They complain about this
Sack of a husband of yours.

Then you drool over the ghost of 
The dead relationship of ours,
And fail to force yourself to
Look down upon me..

Do you remember me?

Creating scenarios in your head
To break it all for once..
To run away to this place I once 
Confided you with..

You'd still find me there, 
Building castles in the air. 

Standing close, looking at me 
With your filled-up eyes to say..
How this and everything esle
Was my frigging mistake.

But I understand your frustration 
And let my long gaze convey
It all. To once again meet
You in a mirage.

15 September 2024


Broke, lonely. Stuck in
The summer of Delhi.
The fan stops working 
That night.

Mosquitoes invade.
Irritated and sweaty. 
You sleeplessly roll around.
After an hour-

The electricity is back,
The slow soothe of rotating 
Fan makes you realize about 
The companion you were 

Really missing.
Until his absence was 
Felt, you didn't know the 
Importance of his existence.

The next day, you clean 
Him up with a cloth.
Somewhere you knew,
Gratitude is one of the best 

Way of acknowledging 
A friendship.

06 September 2024


Your father is hospitalized
When you're on a trip.
You head back readily to
Assist your mom.

The resentment you had
About him melts in the
Background and a sense
Of gratitude fills you up.

The urge to utter that
Last 'thanks' gets stuck
In the clutter of paying
For the medical bills.

He recovers anyway.
Only to abuse your mom,
The way he always did.
You translate your gratitude

Into an unapologetic elegy
That doesn't materialize.
But this isn't the first time
This has happened, right?

Maybe that's how this
Father and son thing is.
This relationship,
Always dissipates-

Between the gratitude
You can't express and
The hateful elegies
You almost wrote.

14 August 2024


When her daughter comes
To the festive of Panchami.
Her mother doesn't ask
"Where's her husband?"

She knows how to read
Her veiled smile.

All night, both prepare
Laadu for the occasion and
Talk about the Jhulas and
Coconut Barfi of the old days.

The way they went to the
Farm to have lunch under
The neem tree, when
The Oldman was alive.

For a while, she thought of
Just asking, and the daughter
Too longed to tell all about her
Broken marriage..

But both know about the leaky
Roof above, which can't handle
The pour down of two people
At once.

So they gulp down their tears
By pretending to taste the
Laadus... For what use are
The sweets of a festive if not

To assuage salty grief?

01 August 2024


Every time your mother tried to
Tame your wilderness as a kid.
You ran away with your cycle tire
And sat all day, at a potter's home.

Looking at his fingers mending
The puddle, on a rotating wheel-

The way he mixed the water in
The mud brought from the dried-up
Pond, mixing it up and shaping it out-
Must give him immense power to

Create something out of nothing.
A whole tribe of pots might hail him
As their Lord, who in his own way
Must have said..'Let there be light".

You felt something off about a
Red plastic mug among the lot,
Which was used to pour water.

Years later it occurs to you that
The little mug was a Trojan Horse
Sent to destroy a Civilization of Soil,
That can be deemed now as Troy.

Too Much Self-awareness

You self-diagnose your symptoms
And you think you're in a depression.
Then far-fetch the counterfactuals
To hit the edge of deniability.

You're hesitant to talk about it to
The only friend you've got.
You fear losing him and avoid a
Good cry that could reset your mind.

Worried about the weight, worried
About your face- your personality
Seems a fuck up and you think you're not
Worthy of even the things you deserve.

However much you try to occupy
Your mind, the emptiness shrills
Against the incoming wind like it's
A shell of conc on a beach.

Waves crashing hard on your shores,
And you giving away a slice of sanity
To each slosh.
You thought you had strong shoulders

But too much self-awareness, acts
For your own peril. Mind seems to
Have become an unbearable rock
That wants you to perish.


You run and run,
You run from your friends,
You run from your family.
Your guardians, well-wishers
And from yourself.

Chained to a chair, you
Run in your head.
Legs tied to a post, you
Run from wars that haven't
Yet begun.

You re-imagine possibilities
To run from the past.
Hold on to dystopias to
Take your mind off the future.

Can't talk to anyone openly
Fearing exposal of your
Vulnerabilities, in a denial
Mode constantly - winning
Arguments with yourself
That are imaginary.

You thought you wrote for
The love of it. But sometimes 
You sink in a condemnation that 
Screams a fake sense of
Achievement that comes with 

Which you need for 
The gratification of the 'self'
That seems to be dying.

An Arm's Distance

After doing the honors of staying apart,
I stalk her secretly to read her poetry.
Happy to know that she exists and
Happy to know that she still writes.

She did the same to me earlier.
I hope she still does.

The things between us have been
Ruined to the extent that there can
Be no peace. Our volatile personalities
Clashing for no reason and disturbing

Whatever there isn't.

Better to be at an arm's distance like
Soldiers of different platoons.
We needn't be friends or enemies.
Just sticking to the blinders to

Glide forward in the campaign-
Each poem is a kill towards victory.
And we thumbs up and greet and move
On our way to conquer different hills.

31 July 2024


Your father's wife is the one
Who supposedly said 
"Let there be light".

But your son's mother is 
Just a wife?

Seventh Day

He sits in the hall with a
Bottle of Old-Monk,
Demanding half-fried omelets
And bhindi fry-
Seventh time this week.

She oils the pan. Tries to keep
The yolk intact while sprinkling
Chilly powder and salt.

After the fourth peg or the fifth?
She waits there in anticipation
Of beatings from him.

With a fake smile as armor
That's never enough.
Just the Seventh day of the week.
Tomorrow, the first again.

29 July 2024

What's the Taste of Blood?

What's the taste of blood
The hooded Satan demands.

And you wake up to the noises
In the kitchen--

Your dad screaming at your mom.
You stare at him in rage and
He smashes his whisky glass
On the wall behind.

His hand bleeds, unable to bear
The sight, your mom faints.
You dress him up in a fowl

As you washed yourself,
The frozen reflection of you,
Catches your gaze in the bathroom
Mirror. In a fixation-

You lick the blood off your finger
And collapse.
'Ashy, metallic' says your reflection
And wickedly smiles, as

The hooded Satan appears
In the background in approval.