The morning with some
Asshole splashing
Colours while you were
Still in bed.
Then you went to Mess
For breakfast. You could
Barely finish it and
You were mobbed in turns
With colours.
The hostel Garden would
Be filled with water in
Abundance by 9.30 and
The colours would be
Done with by 10.
Holi in college was proper
Only when they dumped
You in the mud and kicked
Till every major pore got
Some dirt.
After many mishaps and
Localised fights.
After cloths were torn
And everyone roamed
In undies for hours...
After the failed human
Pyramids and smearing
Of mud on hostel warden's
Bald head and stripping
Naked the most popular
Senior..we got to
The burning of a huge
Caricature of 'Kamanna'
Specifically designed
Wiith cucumber penis
And brinjals for balls-
Everyone threw the remains
Of the clothes on that
One tree in the garden.
Seemed our yearly catharsis
Could only be handled by
A non-animal entity.