11 March 2025


Water was always short.
We had to carry it from 
My Attya was fierce with 
Her water fetching 

Two pots. One on head
And the other on the waist.
Distances as long as 2-3 km.
Multiple such trips daily.

She wouldn't let us waste 
An extra mug. 
Bathing daily was such an 
Unheard fad back then.

The first time I could carry 
A big pot on my shoulder.
It was a celebration.
Then I learnt handling 
A bicycle. 

Eight pots in a go was
A luxury. We even 
Constructed our house by 
Fetching water like that.

Then the government 
Put up taps and 
The motors came up.
Now there's abundant 
Supply of water
Without much effort.

Though we overuse,
It feels weird to 
Waste water even now.
Feels her voice from
The Kitchen calls out for
Wasting it.

Water scarcity is function
Of accessibility.
If everyone is made to
Walk a distance to fetch 

First thing they'd give up
Would be bathing.
Then they'd resume 
Defecation in the open.