11 March 2025

Heart is Art

Stabbing is not easy.
And stabbing right in 
The heart is a skilled job,
Needs a lot of practice.

Ribs will come in the way
To begin with.
And kitchen knife is
Not enough to penetrate 
The sternum.

You could go for the
Throat to kill or stab
Randomly on the torso 
To open an artery.

But we're not interested 
In the kill, are we? 
We gotta get through to
The heart. Heart is art.

So when you practice 
The same on the dead bodies 
In the mortuary with a 
Special knife smuggled
From Russia. And then..

You wait for weeks to 
Isolate a victim..
Constantly running a
Simulation of her chest
To thrust the dagger 
Between 4th and 5th rib.

And at the right minute
You don't flinch, and you
Don't blink.
The reminder to yourself 
Of a blunt puncture with
Right force and angle..

Then to draw it back with
Same precision with not a
Sound from her mouth. 
Just the squirt of blood 
Oozing out gushing..

You fancy that sound.
You smile at your art that 
Just assured you the right 
Frequency of life leaving.