Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

13 September 2024


Undress yourself, stand stout 
Like there's no burden on 
Your shoulders.

Peel yourself wound by wound 
In front of the mirrors.
Conquer what's left of you.

Layer by layer grow thin..
Light as a feather and
Fly to the cues wind.

Stop when it doesn't blow.
Rise when it does and 
Sour when it tries to rush 
Itself to new highs.

Wind is life. Don't expect
Too much as there isn't.
Laugh when it makes you 
And weep when it 
Wants you to be sad.

Stay quiet and accept the
Things as they are.

But don't take your leg off
The accelerator, as 
Shortly there's gonna be
An opportunity to fly.

A period of calm might 
As well be a pullback to 
Set you in an vigourous path.

14 August 2024


Soak me in the rains of
Western Ghats. Sew me sweaters
Of Nilgiris in no man's land.

I need winds of Rajasthan
To take to me to the worn-out
Mountains in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Bake me a plate of Kashmir,
Pour me a cup of Chandratal.

Legs chained to solitude,
I'm drowsy again. Slap me awake
To my primal instincts-

Make me fall, drown, and fly.
Serve me those landscapes-

I want to feast on forests
Of Chota Nagpur and
The blackwaters of Nicobar.

01 August 2024

Sugar Daddy

Your thoughts explode into
Flowers, you fly through a
Haze of fragrance.
A deep dive in the sea to
Sail among the corals.

You ride a shark and meet
The Lord of Atlantis who
Made his mermaids twerk for
You, he wanted you to be
His friend.

You're in the Himalayas now
Somehow. Slide down on
The snow, barefoot.
You look at yourself in awe,
Your bondages peeled off-

No baggage on your shoulders
Or trauma to process.

You were given a chance
To be a feather for a day by
God knows how and you
Defied the laws of Newton, like
You're his Glucose Guardian.

29 March 2024


The wail of the withering trees in 
The autumn, can't be left unseen.
And the prison of the thick clothes
On flesh is not so redeeming.

So the spring has set her sails in 
The far reaches of the sea.
Beseeching in front of the autumn
It has decided to summon the greens.

The last leaf in the bareness of
The skeletal almond tree smiles 
A goodbye to the budding new leaf-
As the first human strips open her 

Smothered body to the warm intimacy 
Of the month of February.

03 December 2023

Overthought Things

There is something about
Giving meaning to things.
Chasing rains to feel the grit
Of water between fingers.

The texture of air on the skin as it
Passes in the evening and
The threads of mellow sunshine
On the face in winter mornings.

Painting those mountains in the flesh
And taking up a long trek to
Hug them for just being there with
Their gigantic elegance.

Imagining the slow flow of
A river as our own thump of blood
And assuring it a safe journey
Back home.

Autumn's assault had just ended
And the spring had regained
Access to the lush greens.
The clouds rose in heaps to

Look themselves up in
The mirroring lake.
Thinking the earth is finally
Ready for a date.

Then it rained as if
The love language of nature
Lay in the inevitability of

30 November 2023

Dharwad Rain

It was too much heat and
It became cloudy.
Suddenly there was lightning,
Thunderstorm and rain.

It rained over and across
The roads of Jubilee circle
On the metal head of
The Ambedkar statue.

The tin roofs of the Chigri bus,
Got the hammering from
The silver nails too.
Sending rhythmic tones

To whoever sat within it.
It rained on the dusty old scooter
Unveiling its name to the world
"Bajaj Chetak"- like it was a fossil.

The kids in the white shirt and
Blue shorts ran around to collect
The ice cubes of the hail.
It rained on their tiny heads.

Over the tripling college boys
On their Splendor Plus and
Over the empty Kingfisher bottles
To mock the chill out of the beer.

It rained on hospital signboards
That said 'do not honk.'
It rained over a punctured tyre
That just wanted to burn in fire.

Over the pigeons and the crows
And the maize feed that they
Wanted to eat- that's how
Their hot meal turned cold.

It wanted to rain on Elliot's
Wastelands too and Silvia's
Pig tree before it could even
Branch out more.

Even on Bukowski's whores
And wine and on that
Frost's road not taken and its
Fresh grass; till one could-

No longer tell the difference
From the other one.
But it strictly wanted to be local,
For some reason.

So it let Karim Mulla's grave
Drench and Chakkadi Balya's
Thirst quench.
By the smell of Mirchi Girmit
It let the crowd elate.

And one of those tractors
To pass playing a Janapad song
On full blast- It let itself
Loosen up a bit to have-

A little fun for a while and
Dance in Tappanguchi style.

Mirchi Girmit- local food prepared from puffed rice
Janapad song- Songs in local slang often played in tractors
Tappanguchi- local free style dance

11 November 2023


The broken lover, 
Out of grief sits scribbling,
Her name on the beach-

Persistent, till the sea
Remembers who she is.

In the middle of the ocean,
From around, another
Part of the world.

Another lonely name,
Finds this one and now
There's a new affair.

The onslaught of the
Saline water that often
Subsumes things-

Has made an exception
To write a new story
And named it as rain.

30 August 2023


In the good old backyard
Of mine in the village.
Nothing is in order.

Things lie around in style
To ooze life from their
Tatterd existence.

The swish of wind,
Clips on the cloth line dangle.
To which the yellow
Marigolds rhyme in sync.

Crows caw from the
Torn saree stuck in
The fence flutter and
The the periwinkles
Dance in style.

A broken chair and
Handicapped cot observe
From where they sit.

The water pipe unevenly 
Lies around with the broom
Like they're on a blind date,
To this concert.

Then there's a wooden log,
Paint-can, coconut husk and
A gunny bag full of trash.

A big water tank,
Then the water cans
And buckets.
Joining in as a family.

Washing brush, surf,
A dishwasher and a small
Stool on the marble slab-
Their coterie glances around
Enjoying the dusky sky.

In a shocking sort of awe
A hornbill comes hooting to
Relax in the crown of
The tamarind tree and

How the Broken Bicycle 
In the corner must be dying 
To conjure a bit more life
To enjoy this evening's..


22 August 2023


Out here, upon this hillock.
As the tiny lavenders ruffle,
To the brush of my palms.

Little grasshoppers run
Awry and birds flutter their
Wings in a hurry.

Across the horizon, the clouds,
As they gather and bring
Upon the blessings of rain.

It occurs to me..

Right here. Right now. 
How I could just melt away,
Dissolve in the rain, and

Run down the muddy stream,
Flow through the city,
Join a river and then the sea.

Swim along the coastal shelf,
Mock them little fishes and
Freeze off to the dread of sharks.

It occurs to me, how beauty
And feeble gestures of nature,
Fills these hollow spaces in us..

Soften our edges to make us
Aware of our own existence,
Individuality and imagination.

26 January 2022


Listen to the breeze
As it passes by.
The rustle of the leaves,
The calm it assures.

Listen to the thoughts
It invokes, as it
Touches your insides.
Listen to the river
As it cuts through rocks.
The pebbles it 
Brushes past.
The persistence it

Listen to the tones
It brings you back,
As it flows soaking
Your heart.
Listen to the snow
As it settles on the soil.
The white that covers,
The cold that spreads.

Listen to the fire 
It can light. 
In the corner of
Your mind.
The summer that's
Still alive.

26 July 2021

Show Stealer

Earth is bothered. 
Looks up in
Thirsty rhymes.

Clouds have 
Conquered the sky.
The sunshine
Has been smothered.

Sun puts up a 
Worthy fight.
A thunderbolt strikes.

Raidrops like 
Small nails,
Gush down with rage.
Cut and pierce, 
Yet, they douse 
The unquench.

Fresh light is out, 
The clouds are
Done with.
Sun has regained
The sky.

With green sheen,
Earth is poised
With a fresh gleam.
Ready again!
For her affair
With the moon. 

On a stage set by
Sun put up his act.
But the moon 
Stole the show. 

19 February 2019

Grace of Rain

Is this the warmth
After freezing cold or
The calm after
The scorching heat?
It's serene.

It's the rains.

An escaped grace
From among the
Curses of the
Wrecked sailors
And the prayers of
The poor farmers.

06 November 2018

Infinite Love

Mountains are
The love letters,
Written by the ocean
To the sky.

Rain is a reply
From the sky.

And that's how the
Highs and the vast depths,
Make it possible to create
Something infinite....

Something infinite....
Like LIFE.

20 September 2013

Spread Laughter by Laughing...

The wind blows,
To gather the fleeting clouds.
All together they laugh.
Rain is their laughter.

It rains and seeds sprout,
a plant grows,
in spring the flowers bloom.
Plants laugh as flowers.

On a blossoming tree,
birds come to rest,
enjoying that beauty they sing.
The laughter comes out as a song.

The song dissolves in wind.
A cool breeze blows,
rest lives enjoy the breeze.
And the wind laughs by spreading laughter.