15 November 2024


Whenever she wanted to say
Something uncomfortable or 
Vulnerable. She would text in 
A random language.

Her way of hiding her trauma.
Her way of not throwing it 
Directly at me. 

Sometimes she would text in
Turkish or Spanish.
I had to translate it back to 
English to decipher what she
Meant to say.

Sometimes I would reply in 
Russian or French to hide 
My helplessness to console.

The loss in translation 
Didn't matter. Even if I could 
Understand half of what she 
Wanted to say. It was okay.

Even if she had put things in
Our slang, I wouldn't have 
Understood her pain the way 
She wanted me to be.

Maybe it was the effort to 
Understand her mattered,
More than her pain itself.

Little effort to sneak in another 
Language to understand 
Each other had some kind of 
Intimacy to it.

Maybe our own language 
Isn't enough sometimes.
Like home isn't enough and 
You gotta climb a 

Distant mountain to it sigh off
And understand and convey- 
How the trudge is mutual
And you totally empathize.