When the first man chipped away
The edges off a rock to roll it.
Another playing with stones,
Sparked the first fire and ate baked
Flesh for the first time.
Centuries later, a dude capitalized
Both phenomenons to boil water
In a tank to move around on steam.
The refinement of the same,
Passing through various minds of
People with passion-
Suddenly you've innumerable options.
Wheel-wise, size-wise, engine-wise,
Fuel-wise- lots of categories.
And when you complain now about
How you're anxious to choose from
The myriad of choices you've-
I say, be thankful sis.
One asteroid is all it takes to bite
The dust- to wander naked in Eden-
Cold. Hungry. Ready to get
Cursed again by God, for eating
That forbidden Apple- and a
Whole replay of this simulation.
To say all of that to invoke a sense
Of gratitude in you- Mansplaining is
A subtle art you see.
Gets better if one knows how to
Flaunt when the other is
Under-confident and meek.