End. I don't want this
Conversation to run out
Of steam.
The moonlight reflecting
From your eyes and
The enchantment your
Lips have cast..
There's something about
Today's sky.
Something about you in
This cold-stricken passage
Of time.
The sways of your hair
Against your cheeks.
My heart playing tricks
With my senses..
It's hard to express.
Your persona building a
Nest in me like you're a
Sparrow and my yearning
Finding excuses to make
You origami crafts.
Damn this feeling.
Why would anyone
Stereotype men as
Strong and haughty?
They clearly haven't seen
A guy fall in love.
Smooth like fragrance.
So soft, even a thousand
Feathers can't match
The caress.
A man falling in love is
Like a little girl's dream
Translating on her face
When she's asleep.
You gotta be careful
To capture it.
It's a momentary lapse
Of reason.
A little rush and
He'd be conscious..
And you may never see
That blush again.
Well, till maybe when
He'd be blessed with a
Daughter in some
Imaginary future.