13 January 2025

Mom, Gran and..

It's the weight of daily 
Chores or burden of idealism 
Imposed within closed doors?

The cry of babies or the noise 
Of wanna-be boys and men
That weighed her down?

Why is she hesitant when 
Someone asks her name?
Who was she before she
Could be a mom or gran?

The magical mystery, who
Reeks of round rotis and
Balance of a perfect sambar.

Something loud-mouthed
Consumed the syllables of 
Her last name.

Found only in her school 
Certificate maybe. 
But the paths to her school 
Is erased-

Childhood defaced and 
The backstory of how she was 
Before she turned a Misses is 
Fed to the Wolves.

What remains now is an
Ageless face. Her wageless
Labour and hints of onions 
In her expression..

Which doesn't go beyond 
A couple of sulphated tears 
In the kitchen.