23 February 2025

Life is 10th class

One more year of struggle 
And life would be set-

The preparatory exam is
Due tomorrow and you 
Haven't read anything yet.

Teachers say you should 
Study hard. 
The principal says yours 
Is the worst batch.

You try to put yourself into 
Blinders to stay focused 
But Neha keeps coming 
To mind.

There's still a lot of syllabus 
To cover but all your
Head can muster is ways to
Wish her "all the best".

Unable to recall the value
Of Sin 30 and Cos 60..
Unable to understand 
What's "Quite India" all about..

Somewhere you're still that
Teen of class 10.

Secretly praying for grace
Marks, you still believe that
Choosing humanities would 
Make your life easy.

But you don't know yet,
How misery does salsa 
Even there.