08 May 2024

Certified Tragedy.

Wet paint of fresh dreams,
Spilling all over the floor,
And I slip off in the pool
Of colors in the morning.

Ahh! Too much happiness
For a single day.

Staying grounded is
Important today,
Give me a raft made out
Of little misery.

The nightmares are gonna
Hail heavily in the night
On the soft quilts of today

I'm afraid of these random
Pleasures thrown at me,
Thinking, must be a coy
Sent to trigger my misery.

So I ignore sunsets and
Full moons and run away
From the flowers that
Are nothing but a boon.

Scared of warm smiles,
Free hugs-- I already expect
Malice in your eyes if you
Compliment me.

I suppose, either I take myself
Too seriously or don't bother
To care at all. I don't know where
The playfulness is gone.

For the overthought consequences
Of common possibilities.
I'm a long-standing deadlock
Between me and myself.

I'm an organically grown,
Certified tragedy.

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