04 May 2024

Advice to Younger Self

For some reason, the puberty
Will hit you hard my boy.
An intense sort of rebellion
Will sprout like pubic hair to
Drive you around the edges
Of irrelevant philosophies.

You'll stop believing in God first
And you'll read whatever
Re-enforces your atheism out
Of sheer hate for your father.

And even before college
A sense of existentialism gets
To you and you'll question
The existing systems in place
And the society at large.

And that will trigger your
Innate desire to escape what's
Infront of you-
"This is hard, not meant for me,
I'll wait for the right time."-
Always expecting more from
From life when there's none.

And the decade-long slide of
Hopelessness and regret will
Shine when you look back from
Your thirties, to force you to
Answer the question,

"What advice do you wish to
Give to your younger self?"

After a long pause, you'd wish
To just say "Shave away those
Pubic hair before they sprout".
But you can't, as you may
Wanna be politically correct.

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