20 May 2024

Forbidden Love

I try to conjure you by
The old tricks of black magic-
Lemons, green chilies,
An inlay of said patterns laid
On the floor with chanted Ash
From the ancient temple of a
Furious goddess.

Vermillion and turmeric in
Excess to throw around when
Confused with the procedure.
Capturing the full moon in
Jinxed water, I invoke your name
In what I think is Sanskrit.

A crow comes flying after
A short while to sit around.
The Tantrik had given a clear
Prophecy that,
The bird would be you.

I build you a nest and buy
You a make-up set.
You leave no attempt to make
Yourself, extra bit of fair.
But they now, say that, how
A white crow is a disgrace.

Many disapprove this mess,
Saying how inter-species marriage
Is such a ninth-degree offense.
But true love is blind you see,
We don't care... to all incoming
Criticism we invoke, the fifth.

You say caw-caw, I say
Love you too.
We talk about having our kids
Or maybe just hatch some
Cuckoo's eggs.

This is a divine-sanctioned
Madness, our love, you say and
The inter-genus Gods witness
The fantasy to shower us with grace.

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