05 January 2023


Don't try,

To force
Your thoughts,
Against fragility
Of words.
Till they fit into
A noose and
Die dry on a
Sheet of paper.

Don't try,

To milk your
Emotion into
A jar of pretense.
Till they choke
Under a charade
And fail to evoke
Any real feeling 
Off them.

Let it come to
You like a 
Feeble caress of
A lover.

Let it come to
You like a 
Gentle brush
Of wind.

When you sit
Aloof and as she
Passes by in
Your mind like
A fagrance.

If a tiny spark
In your mind,
Materializes into
A thought to
Fall in love with
A word.

Maybe then.
Maybe then
Pick up that pen
To trace the