22 June 2021

Mercy of a Woman

Time passes 
In the clutch 
Of her arms.
Hopes take
A steady birth,
In the sweetness 
Of her talk.

Gravity is nill 
By the side
Of her neck.
Body is afloat 
By the aid of
A peck. 

Vaccum in here,
Her hand is 
On my chest.
By the shine in 
Her eyes...
My darkness is
Done away with.

Light years is
How she measures
Her longing.
Supernova attack
For her rage is 

She's a 
Multiverse of
Feels and storms.
Reels and norms. 
Of passion and
Luring forms.

She's Galactus...

While stars play her
Pleasing charms.
I'm just lucky 
To sit side by..
At the mercy of 
A woman,
How wouldn't,
The wine taste fine? 

21 June 2021


I sleep in a 
Wake up
In a bubble.

Eat for
My day-to-day

All my plans,
Hanged to the wall.
They wriggle.

I don't have
A wand, to be
Done away with
My troubles.

Magic is a 
Luxury sold to us 
For us to watch
And giggle.

Hey there, 
Wizard, under the 
On the streets-

I'm just a Muggle. 

18 June 2021


Where words 
Are shackles.
And silence 
Does the work.
Speaking is a
Heavenly sin.

Birds needn't
Always sing.
Clouds needn't
Always precipitate.

A guitar can lay
Idle for while.
Incessant peddling
Will not take 
You far.

Must a child 
Always be named?
How does it matter
Even if the egg 
First came? 

Just sit and
Watch the rain.
Recline and enjoy
A little pain.

You don't need
To always comply
Or complain.
Love is overrated

When empty
Pages have more 
Possibilities to
Offer.. why do you 
Have to pick up 
A pen in vain? 

Miss You

I love her smile.

If and Whys
Inbetween the sighs.
Unexpressed love
In angry disguise.

Ready blush after
Every random praise.
Signs of tears in
Pirated cries.

Her curiosity to know
What'll I do if she 
Suddenly dies?
Hidden longing in
Saying goodbyes..

Peck on neck and
Bites on forearm.
Perches of her nails,
Are sweet designs.

It's almost a years 
After we got apart..
But she still fleets
In my mind like a

Gone rogue desire.

17 June 2021


Dreams on a
Mountain to
Go in vain.
Birds in the
Valley think..
Wings are 
Such a shame.

Breaths are 
Traded to
Outlive a gain.
For an 
Outcome unsure,
A given try
Can attract

Talk outright
You'll be 
Called names.
Be silent,
They'll think
You're lame.

Where it does
Rain without
The harvest
Of brain.
A good season
Is just a dump
Down the drain. 

Dreams need 
Nursing even
When you fail.
Pack your bags
And leave 
The place.

As long as you
Keep flying..
It doesn't matter
From where
You came.

06 June 2021

Fed Up

A dried up
Rose petal.
In a decade
Old diary.

Cries out
A story that's
Bruised and

In a room
That has died,
Sitting alone!
It's damn weary. 

The stopped
Clocks often
Tell me a story
That's scary

All abused,
Cock protests.
My hand is
Not sorry.

Tell me,
If you wanna
Rescue, I'll be 
Packed and ready.

Or else, there's
Enough hate to
Torch myself
And be done
Without a worry. 

Search for Art

In the dust-laden dirty rooms.
A flight that's born,
Is an answer to the vast sky.

In a pain-ridden lonely heart,
The melodies that linger are
Replies from the mighty gods.

On a bitterly blue night,
A sunny smile is such a
Revenge on the satanic lord-

The faded photograph in
In the corner, Is a put-up fight
Against oblivion's havoc.

A tug-of-war in my head
Has spilled enough blood on
A paper- a poem is carved.

A pair of wings can be
Cooked in the kitchen,
Redemption now has a recipe.

Existence is cold but we're bold.
Art is our mark, against the
Challenges cosmos throws--

Drums and guitars against
The raging fire. Flutes and
Pianos to choke the volcanic ire.

If the apocalypse is the
Bigger picture--

The music that's brewing in
Our cookers shall be our
Preferred mode of answer.