31 October 2024

Validating a Wound

What good is a wound 
That heals quickly?
What good is a wound 
That didn't itch when
It shouldn't?

The helpless fingers 
Compulsively finding 
Excuses to scratch.
Healing seeming like
A petty crime-

What good is a wound 
When it's not inflicted 
By you? What good 
Is a wound that doesn't 
Remind me of you?

The reason to bruise
Myself and the reason 
To heal, when it's you-

What good is your 
Occupancy in my head-
If you don't force me to 
Push boundaries that are
Beyond the visible blue?

What good are the wings 
That don't force me to fly
Close to the sun and 
What good is the flicker in 
The heart that doesn't 
Set the world on fire?

29 October 2024


In the desert of my
Solitude. I watered my
Silence once.
And it sank deep,
Imploded. Exploded..

It grew eerie though,
I could hear it now
And then. A couple of 
Years passed,
I could see it from 
My third eye.

Eventually, when an
Invisible hand from within,
Started to extend itself,
Into the abyss in seek
Of a connection.

The silence touched
Me for the first time.
And that's how,
I found myself.
Redemption at last.

28 October 2024

November Nights

These late November nights, 
And the mild winter that
Caresses with feeble shivers 
On the exposed skin.

My cranked-up bike on a 
Rusty Lonely Road, sailing 
Through the foggy darkness.

Faint chills of a dread- 
Fear of encountering a  
Scary stranger. Hints of a 
Ghost in my head.

Bit of hunger scratches 
The empty stomach- craving 
For a ready hot dinner.

Thank God the tyres didn't 
Give up or fuel didn't run out.
Happy to be home safe.

Bed, quilts, eyeful of sleep.
Appreciate the warmth.

In the morning, I find a pic
Of mine, deep in sleep.
But I live alone! Bonkers.
What the hell? OMG.


The bruises stay,
The soreness in the throat 
Itchingly remains.

The tears that didn't 
Come out, they never 
Go away.

The flowers you once
Preserved in the book,
Seems to have left stains.

Closure is an ancient 

A redundant Deity 
In the third street of 
My village.

Your mind plays tricks like
An excavator often and 
The worship that ought to 

Stay Buried comes out 
In the open.
Demanding you to 

Pray and prostrate.

19 October 2024

Turned Tables

When they lost their language.
Unable to smile at each other.
Unable to pick up signs.

Silence that howled around
Like fragrance. It grew hooks
To pierce their skin.

So they stood at the end of
A road with a doused lamp,
With nowhere to go.

Somewhere down the line,
They knew they had to
Inevitably end in each other.

So they decided to write poems
To each other to open a new
Tunnel of communication.

He says "You shall be condemned
To the shackles of moonlight"
Instead of fuck you.

"I dare you to fetch rose water
So I can drown you in my solitude"
She screams instead of

Giving him a fuck you too.

Another Day Maybe

It starts with a Hi, Hello,
How are you, blah blah blah.
Tea, pop culture references.
A nostalgia trip and
Blah blah blah.

The conversation peeling
Off the layers after each
Spell of boredom.
Uncomfortable silence
Pushing you a step closer
To naked vulnerability.

What a song meant.
A good day before father's
Death. Unexpressed gratitude.
And that random ass pain
That comes cluttering
Through sarcasm at first.

After everything is said
And done. The final layer
Bruising through your
Hesitation past midnight-

Your urge to tear it off,
To cry it all to him-
Then you hear him snore.

Just another day of closing
The floodgates of the river
Behind your eyes-

The invisible knife in your
Hand, a bit more sharper.
The Fourth Blank fired in
The Russian Roulette that
Goes on, in your head.

18 October 2024

Happy Spitting

Most poems are 
Buried in your belly.
You gotta dig them up
With a shovel and 
Pull them up.

Many are stuck in
Throat. You need
To gargle sometimes.
You cough them out
Now and then.

Best ones dance on
Tongue. They're like
Spit. They just come
Out of the mouth 
Without effort.

But the belly needs
To be dug, for you
To drool at ease.
Efforts, no doubt 
Are important.

Some fine ones are 
Stuck in the nose too.
Sneezing is fine but 
Sputum again is not 
A good poem.


Till one day- the bird
That leaves decides
To never return.

This emptiness after
She leaves. Every song
That goes unanswered.

And the urge to sing
That dries here-

Somewhere every cage
Was a home once.
A good host. A rib.

Then the music sinks.
Breathing stops.
The fragrance dies.

The skeleton of the
Flower still stands stout.
But for what?

Meaningless and loud

I like things that are
Meaningless and loud.
Enough imagination
And totally dumb.

A mountain that's ready
To cry. A volcano afraid
Of Butterflies. Petals bearing
The weight of the skies.

I wanting to be you.
You, wanting to be me.
To be parallel lines
Tending to meet at infinity.

Philosophies not afraid
Of math. Spirituality that's
As secure as science.
A villain deriving power

By square root of minus
Nine and a hero defeating
Him by dividing himself
By zero thrice.

Math books felt abused
By listening to this and
The History professor
Turned Pookie to snatch

'The Great' from Alexander,
He's a they/them, now.

17 October 2024

Odds Against a chance?

Do we realize?
We're all a part of this
Giant experiment of odds
Against a chance?

The smartphone in
The hand is a direct result
Of calculus, we learn
In the school maths?

Rice on our plate is the
Result of the first caveman
Who wanted to settle down
With his girlfriend.

Odd probabilities working
In our favor. Series of
Random accidents in
Right time and place.

Millions of moons died before
One got set on the right path.
And the floating debris
We were before the cocktail of

Some elements got high
On oxygen. Now we sell
Insurance to each other
In fear of withdrawal.


There are no new wells
To be dug every day.
Or no fresh trees left
To be cut.

No places to explore
Or names to forget.

A fistful of heart.
A handful of brains and
A tattered soul that's
Never satisfied.

No matter how deep
We fall or how high
Is our flight. We always
End in ourselves.

Tragedies. Comedies.
All the drama, dread.
We're our own
Sunshine, and rain.

16 October 2024


Sometimes when you
Return home drunk.
Father opens the door
And let's you in.

No questions asked.

This thin line where
He doesn't confront and
You don't outrightly
Reveal your habit.

He knows it's harmless.
You know it's not
Beyond manageable.
This boundary you respect.

This line of belief in
One another.

It's a lamp on the wall,
Serving light to both the
Sides. Flickers, dances but
Keeps a balance.

A little rush and there
Would be darkness on
Both sides.

Taming a Local identity

The capital, the city, the king,
The prime minister- they suck
Everything from us.

They make us grow, and
Compel to sell us at a price
Decided by them.

They steal our plates and
Self-esteem. They savour it
To fart in English and Hindi.

And if we hold our noses
In disgust, they hold us
In contempt for talking-

In our dialects, while their
Mouth is an actual ass that
Gives away loads of shit.

One language, one religion,
One spectrum of stench,
At the expense of my village?

With a knife in our throats,
You snatch our Golden Goose.
And in the name of nationalism

You force us to believe,
That we stole your eggs?

Hakuna Matata

The young Bangalorean smiles.
Hakuna Matata she says and
Smiles. Twists that nose,
Curves her lips and I know,

Something funny is on the way.
Hanuna your tatas she says.
Laughs, laughs, and laughs.
I laugh, you laugh, the world laughs.

My adult awareness hits me.
I get awkward to have laughed
So much. It's okay captain!
She says.

Ta-ta-ta, tomata, batata,
She says and laughs.
I laugh, and the world laughs.
Then it Rains-- Bangalore, right?

Hakuna your gotas I say,
She laughs and dances.
What the hell I say to myself,
Before I too dance like mad.

A streak of lightening and
Then thunder. The dark skies,
Slashed with a Rainbow-
A laughable life this.

Colors yet to be defined.

14 October 2024

The World

In a world where there's
More to what meets the eye.
In a world where words
Can be weaponized.

In a world where algorithms
Dance like unhinged zombies,
To pollute minds and question
Feeble intentions.

In the world of FOMO,
Compulsive take on rapes,
Murders and epidemics.
Their expectations to form

Opinions on politics and
Ongoing wars.

In the world where the moon
Hesitates to transition into a
Steady evening- My mom learns
To send pics in WhatsApp-

The first bloom of marigolds
She grew for the festival of
Dasara. The yellow transcending 
Its hues to my face and 

How I smile..

09 October 2024

Sanitization of Words

The moon needn't be in
The poems today.
The bulb in the room
Often feels betrayed.

The swish of cool breeze 
Needn't hail heavy,
The ceiling fan between 
The speed of 2-3 asks 

How does it matter..
If Americans can't catch 
That reference?

Bring in that shabby pillow,
Your bag and socks.
The bucket too wants 
To be hosted here.

The first time someone 
Debuted a TV in verses, 
Victorian era poetry
Felt utterly betrayed.

So bring in your 
Dirty underwear today.
There needn't be any

Sanitization of words
Is just pretense.

If your toothbrush hasn't 
Made an entry yet.
Your poetic exploration 
Hasn't been enough.

08 October 2024


We sit by the river in 
Silence and her eyes talk
About "How we give wings 
To passing moments to 
Make them memories."

My eyes have a different stand.
"The ticks bore each other 
And set one another on fire.
Memories are ashes,
Self-immolation of moments."

She knows it. About my
Cynicism and I know well,
How she always tries to
Fill the gap.

So she asks me to give her
A stone. Throws it into 
The lake holding my hand.
A phoenix rises shaking off
The ash. And she says-

"We're that dip and 
The subsequent flight."

06 October 2024

When Bystanders Wrote History

There was a hole in
The king's immortality.
Pores in his Teflon imagery.

He wasn't that godly 
After all. He too had a
Butthole and his shit stank.

When the bystanders
Wrote history- their hunger
Screamed loud.

Their dilapidated huts 
Against the state's 
Glittery gold-

Their birds with, deprived 
Wings learned to fly 
And sing out loud.

Erstwhile blasphemous 
Acts oozed wisdom.
Earth was no longer flat.

Sun could not revolve
Around the earth.
The crownless could be

A prince in the stories,
And the last princess did 
Marry a poet of her fancy.


The Periwinkles and 
The other small yellow 
And white flowers.
The names you don't know.

But their caress when you
Walked barefoot.
The impression of their color,
On the blanket of green.

The feeling that wafts past
Your nose..

This act of smelling the
Moments that have passed.
The bloom of spring in
Your heart.

Her face, which once had
Eyes, cheeks, lips.
It's all fragrance now-
Rose. Jasmine. Rain.

September 22

This girl who's bday is
Due tomorrow.
She times blowing the
Candles at exactly 6pm.

Cuts cake exactly half 
So that, the day and
The night are equally 
Split in half.

She's obsessed about 
This day, maybe 
Possessed. Equinox 
It is she says.

Half of her 'should
Have been height',
Confused about cutting 
Her boyfriend laterally 

Or vertically to call
Him her better half.

The stuff she explains 
Sometimes pervades,
Halfwit of the humans.
So she writes verses 

Like they got a half-life.
Never-ending, infinite,
Almost finished,
Yet something left.

Half you get, half you
Can't. There's always half 
And half of something as
It's equinox.

But Hey

Your smile is imprinted 
On my chest and heart
Beats differently now.

The urge to steal your 
Glances, longing to imagine 
Your name beside mine.

I wished for your love 
That night and watched
A shooting star.

Wore a yellow T-shirt 
The next day, wishing 
You'd wear something 
Of the same shade.

The coincidence seemed 
Odd to you maybe but 
Hey, you smiled again.

The weight of your elegance 
On my weak shoulders-
I'd to forget gravity to

Match your grace. But,
Now I levitate. None of 
This has to make sense

But Hey, you smiled at me
And I smiled at you.
The world became 

Insignificant and I've too.

04 October 2024


The wet floors and
The banana peels are just
Excuses. My fickle heart
Likes to slip and take leaps.

The sunsets, the moon.
Colors and the melodies-
Spring is here and my
Garden hasn't bloomed.

Body fancies bruises that
Only you can bless,
Gleam of your eyes to cleanse
The clutter in my chest.

The pen bleeds but for whom
It doesn't know yet.
But I wait for you to smile.
A cue enough to levitate-

My fickle heart likes to
Slip and take leaps, and
Now that I've seen you,
Maybe, only at your behest.

02 October 2024


October comes scratching 
Some buried graveyards.
Glimpses of forgotten face,
Traces of a path to an
Abandoned place.

Smoke from the ruins of
A house lost to a deluge.
Bday of a close friend whom
You don't want to wish.

Your own teenage self that
Seems distant..
The child in you who's not
Ready for the incoming 

You sit counting the falling 
Leaves of the almond tree
In front of your home.
The hope that someone 
Would come along to paint
That last leaf-

The cynicism of adulthood 
Gets the best of you, and 
Those who came along were
More interested in gathering 
Your ruins to 

Warm themselves first by
Burning the fallen leaves.


Who's gonna stop this story?
Who's gonna stop the flood
Of these emotions that are
No more weary?

The legs have mustered
Courage and eyes are ready 
For unshamed stares.
The lungs swoon with pride-

Blood flows thick, 
Head held high. Hands sway
Seamlessly and we're ready
For a riot of dance.

Who needs your approval?
Validation doesn't matter.

The songs that bombard 
In the belly are strong enough 
To make it out of our throats.
Wings are as fierce-

The cages stand molten, 
We're ready to fly away now.

01 October 2024

Last day of Delhi

After we talked for long on
Your terrace- last day of Delhi.
The half-beer against the
Full meal got to my head.

I didn't gather myself to
Tell it to your to your face,
So I sent you an SMS,
Can I Hug You..?

You didn't say anything.
Made excuses to sneak
Down the stairs.
Aloof, dejected..listening to

'No Surprises' I spread
Myself on the terrace
Cursing the shooting stars
That aren't in my fate.

Then a sudden brush of hair 
On my face and the warmth
Of your lips on my cheek.
When I opened my eyes-

A fading image of yours
As you rushed back down the stairs.
The sudden blues in the sky,
A bloom of roses and it played-

'What a wonderful world'.

Train to Your City

In December of that year,
I came out of Chandigarh
Station. The first glimpse of you.
Happy, awed- Butterflies.

We hesitantly hugged.
Unable to talk clearly at first.
Like learning a new language,
Saying stuff in chunks.

What a day it was.

We roamed around all day.
The rock garden, rose garden,
Skipping the lunch-
The street food marathon.

In the evening, while we sat
By the Sukhna lake, eating
Ice cream. I wanted to Kiss you.
Couldn't muster any courage.

Months went by thinking
Should I have? or otherwise?
The un-met longing, like smoke
Raising off burning desire..

The 10 pm train to your city
From Dharwad, it took a couple
Of years before it stopped
Mocking me over that

Un-kissed evening.