Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

06 January 2020


She thinks I'm a 
Thick skinned perv.
Two inch thick fat 
Under my dermis with 
An inch of apathy.

But I'm sensitive,
You know.

A tiny needle can 
Easily puncture me.
Few sharp words 
Can tear apart.

And all the same,
A sign from her
Can melt me down.

But you see,
A warm disguise 
Is good sometimes.

Needles, words 
And smiles
Can be really cold.

21 December 2019

Ma Mind

My mind ponders 
Over things.
Climbs mountains,
Dives into the seas.

Grows wings sometimes, 
And then, knowingly
Falls right into traps,
To strangulate itself.

Finds quantum theories 
On empty walls. 
Also, slaps a void 
Onto purpose of my life.

Shows dreams, 
Builds castles and then
 Shatters them down,
Just to show that

I've a life. 

08 December 2019

Momentary Refuge

The night welcomes me
With empty songs.

Laden with stooping thoughts,
Caught off guard,
I just gaze at the not so
Colorful past and a
Not so promising future.

Looks like breathing is
My only purpose.
I want to believe it.
Right now, only that 
seems to make sense.

And that's how I've taken 
A refuge in this moment.

24 November 2019

Unread Poem

Adrift thoughts 
Were surrounded.
Beat, bullied, tied up. 
Locked them up in words.

With an ink-thirst spear,
Imprisoned on a sheet.

Sougth some attention.
Over and again. Distraught,
Cried for little help.

And finally, when a lover's
Eyes caught them.
Had them linger on lips.
Redeemed they were.

06 October 2019

Brain Harvest

Lingering words,
Unsettled thoughts.

Incomplete lines and
A cut loose desire.

Off my cloudy mind
It just might rain.

Time to harvest some
Words into a verses.

23 September 2019


Borrowed the green
From the trees.
The blue from the sky.
Red from myself
And some yellow
From the flowers.

Orange was reserved.
The violet was blue.
Didn't know what’s
A Indigo hue.

My painting was 
A personified ruin.
Yet, she accepted it,
Her love is pure.

Rainbow wasn’t just
In the palette.
It was in her eyes too.
Some realizations
Are bit late,
Even for the sky
And the moon.

07 September 2019


It's too much.

Legs given up,
Mind suspended.
Ache in the heart.
And crazy intestine.

Shutting your own-self
From yourself.
You just lie dead
On your empty mind.

Yet, a thought,
Pokes out of
Your rigid walls.
Fires-up itself,
Takes a ride with
The crazy wind.

Soaks in night,
Grows wings to fly high.
Basks in the starlight
And when it's back-

Walls down,
Infected with a verse,
You're all filled up.

Too much for a day.

18 August 2019

The Poem I Am

An unfinished poem
Is a hungry,
Restless beast,
On a hunting spree,
For right words.

The finished one
Is a calm
Composed bird.
The one that makes
Heart as light as
A humble feather.

I wonder if I am
Either. Neither.
Or both.

24 July 2019

Butterfly Effect

The sky coughed
A roar.
Frightened clouds
Cried rains.
And the plants
Giggled a bloom.

The birds to
Sing a joyous song,
The son of a man
Surprised himself
With a poem.

18 July 2019

Bare Walk

When the coating of
These superlatives
Strips down and

The curiosity
About each other
Is no more a thing..

Will we be able to
Live with the

With the usual talk
And occasional silence,
Will we  be able to

Walk down the aisle?

15 June 2019

Unsaid. Unheard.

I've questions
I don't wanna ask.
Answers she might
Not wanna know.

So I sit here locking
Things in metaphors.
Knitting wings to
My words.

So that they can
Linger around and
Can never be
Unsaid or unheard.

See You There

If you see beyond
Your pompous 'I'.

Before the horizon
Of your ego.
There's a place that
Holds your attitude.

To the left
Make a diversion.

Don't take the bend
Beside the prejudice.
Or the one that's
Opposite to gratitude.

That one leads to an
Island of arrogance.

Take the one that's
Left of hate and to
The right of envy.
And just beside love-

If you find yourself
At a place called 'us'
Let me know.
I'll see you there.

05 June 2019

Sail Away

You fix my wings,
I will fix yours.
And one day,
We will fly away.
Just like that, we'll
Go away my love.

Somewhere far.
Beyond the horizon.
Beyond the clouds.
Beyond the
Shackes of logic.
Beyond the
Ironclad morals of
Right and wrong.
Let's fly away.

And we'll ride a
Shooting star to
A place in eternity.
We'll camp there.
Let's bleed pain,
Let's drink love.
And smoke time
To breed
Some memories.

We will fly away
My love.
One day
We will fly away
And live.

08 April 2019

Let There Be Rain

It's scorching.
I'm done with Sun.
I'm frozen.
There's emptiness around.

I but pray for some rain.
Crave for some love.

To find myself stroll
On a drenched road.
Maybe to laugh on myself
And kick a stone.

Let the moon sigh
And wink at me,
Let the safe crowd
Under roof smirk.

I don't care.

Just wish to walk
And walk and walk,
Kicking, singing, jumping,
Dancing and screaming-

'Let there be rain'.
'Let there be life'.

07 April 2019

The Incomplete..

Remain incomplete.

Some don't
Have answers.
For some, answers
Can't be found.

Some are answered
By wrong person.
Some right-answers,
Come in a wrong time.

Some just remain
With a question mark.
Most of the time,
They're meant to be
Incomplete maybe.

And they're beautiful
Incomplete. The,
Stunning mysteries,
They behold us.

26 March 2019

Let it Rain..

Let it rain,
In the barren lonely lands,
Of the aloof;

In the darkness laden
Corners of minds of
The ones smothered in
The dust of dismay.
Let it rain.

Breaking the walls of
Empty thoughts and
Suspended emotions-
Let it rain.

To clear the haze
Of melancholy,
That has stalled lives.
Let it rain.

In the hearts that might
Bear fruits and
Spread wisdom.
Let it rain,
To prevent a bitter,
Cold cacti invasion.

Oh mighty rain!
Pour down.

Pour down,
Ebb away this monster,
Feeding on emotions.

Pour down to blossom
The souls shrivelled.

Pour down to usure hope.
Pour down to assure life.

Pour down to spread love.
And pour down to spread beauty.

14 March 2019

Where are you from?

I am from
A place with-

The longitudes
Of heart and
Latitudes of mind.

I'm from
Within myself.

Where are
You from?

13 March 2019

At Ease

The smile hidden
In my mind faces
No hassle to make
It onto my lips.

Breaking the ice,
My words dance
On my fingertips
With utmost ease.

I don't know if
It is the weather but
Today, I feel as light
As a humble feather.

What a disposition.

12 March 2019


While waiting alone
At a lonely bend and
The time was passing by
Having no ears to lend.

On the long nights; to
Keep your demons at bay.
And some empty
Thoughts away.

Sticking around the neck;
To shield you from toxic men,
The earphones that stood
For you, like a hazmat suits-

Are also called buds for
A reason my friend.

06 November 2018

Infinite Love

Mountains are
The love letters,
Written by the ocean
To the sky.

Rain is a reply
From the sky.

And that's how the
Highs and the vast depths,
Make it possible to create
Something infinite....

Something infinite....
Like LIFE.