29 June 2016

Tribute to the 'Holy Word'

It's noun, an adjective,
A verb many a times.

One word-
Innumerable expressions.
A silver bullet to
Move past the troubles.

It has stood by us
During betrayal,
We've embraced it,
To get past our ex.

We. You and I.
Have used it on others,
So have others on us.
On ourselves over a fuss.

It ain't a superlative,
Yet when prefixed or suffixed,
Gives intensity to
Any expression. Any feeling.

Through it, we do vent our ire,
Also exclaim our happiness.

For decades, it has
Outlived other mighty words,
Other are learnt and forgotten,
This one lingers.

It's versatile usage
Can't be a sheer luck,
The word worth
This praise is 'fuck'.

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