09 July 2020


As the wintry night 
Sets in and the 
Cold seeps in,
To Invade our warmth.

We'll get naked and 
Wear each other,
My love.

Under the refuge
Of love and
Longing of lust.

Let's explore
The universe that
Glows between the
Friction of our skin.

Moving on

The song on loop
Can't hurt me.
A stale thought,
Doesn't dare to
Become a poem.

Evenings affect
Me no more, nor
The long nights
That brooded
Over my sleep.

Ain't no taker of
Pain is just a 
Feelings, a pinch
Of euphoria.

Stark reality has
Take over me.
Looks like, 
Everything fits in 
A bracket now.
Black and white.
Right and wrong. 

And to hell with
What's in-between. 

The Forgotten

On a lonely road
Of bland hopes.
I have taken a job
Of painting the
Forgotten memories.

Well, what can I say.
Hardly, there are
Bright colours.
No dark strokes or
Embellished illustrations.

Shades, Shadows.
Pale colors.
Broken moons.
Fading shines.
And some
Dying stars and
Helpless storms.

Some appreciate
The painting.
Some just make
A smirky face.
Some look for
My comments,

And all I can say is-
I’m a forgotten too.
Remember me.