25 June 2023


Sometimes, it feels like 
My chair has a set of eyes.
That it creepily stares at me
To suck all my dreams.

It feels like the wall clock,
Has a pair of ears.
Makes me uncomfortable,
Thinking if it knows my secrets.

I wonder if the gas-cylinder 
Has a nose that sniffs off
My stink and snorts up 
Whatever ambition I'm left with. 

The metal-lock, perfume-bottle. 
The helmet, the iron-box.
The more I look at them and
Think, the more creepy they become.

I freaked out one day and
Accidentally came in front of
The mirror..

My eyes were a pair of chairs.
Two clocks in place of ears.
I sneezed out of shock and
The gas off my nose caught fire. 

22 June 2023

Withering Fantasies

My focus goes 
On the eyes first.
Sharp nose next. 

Chubby cheeks, 
Juicy lips,
Waist that brings 
Out the bust. 
Breasts square root 
Of her butts. 

Her elegance in
A red dress, to
Eat away the
Desire hidden 
In her chest. 

She has been
Far away from
So long. Ahh! 
Gets me each time
In the guts. 

Cacophony of
This rush. 
How to contain 
Four inches of 
This lust? 

Simply jerking 
Myself off, to
These withering
Fantasies isn't 

21 June 2023

Give away

Open your palm 
And slowly clench it. 
You may wanna
Catch the wind.

Look at the moon,
And slowly close 
Your eyes. 
You may wanna 
Preserve that light. 

As you sit there,
Reclined. A leg, 
Upon another..
And as you lift one 
To comfortably,
Exhale, from 
The other vent-

Hold your breath. 

You owe the
Moment to others.
Let them have an
To rinse their noses
With primordial 
Gas of your belly
That's scented with 
Hydrogen sulfide.


The leeches, 
That slither down
Our skin.
The vermins that
Eat over the 
Leftover sleep.

We're not afraid
Of the devil, 
That pays a visit
In our dreams.

The wounds, 
Inflicted this way 
Can eventually
Be healed. 

The worst kind
Of pain has certain,
Hidden softness
About it. Like-

The rose petals
That slit open
Our veins..but
We've been happy
About the smell
That has stayed. 

The bygones,
Who left a memory 
Without care and
The nostalgia, 
Has been ruining
Our days in vain. 

Prison is a bad
Place anyway.
But when we,
We scratch open
The scars again.

09 June 2023


I tumbled in the
Sea of sadness.
I had to build
My boat again
To stop myself from

But isn't it 
The task? 

Picking up
Ourselves again
And again till we 
Make it to the 

I borrowed
Handful of water
To make myself
Some tea.

When the sun
Came up from over 
The salt-scented

I tasted a sip
And captured with
My polaroid,
The scene. 

Surviving pretty
Much is a 
Salt and sweet 

08 June 2023


Before I can let oblivion win.
I'll douse cigarette butts on 
The surface of my skin-
To stash you in my sins. 

Before I let apathy take over.
I'll chisel down all my longings 
Deep enough to cast you down
My ribs. 

On the tip of my nib. 
Around the contours of
My whim. 

And before I let you go 
For good. I shall intimately
Weave you into the fabric of  
Cosmic expanse. So when, 

A star dies, every time,
The vacuum left shall set in 
A fiery impact that can only 
Be filled with your voice.

03 June 2023

Solitary Confinement

To all the 
Unheard voices
I have been

For all the 
Unsent letters 
I've been waiting 
To be replied-

Invisible trails
Of ink. 
The Unseen

At a congregation
Of silence. 
I muffle prayers 
In a corner.. 

With a leash
Around my neck.
Blindfolds and
Gags still intact.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...