25 June 2023


Sometimes, it feels like 
My chair has a set of eyes.
That it creepily stares at me
To suck all my dreams.

It feels like the wall clock,
Has a pair of ears.
Makes me uncomfortable,
Thinking if it knows my secrets.

I wonder if the gas-cylinder 
Has a nose that sniffs off
My stink and snorts up 
Whatever ambition I'm left with. 

The metal-lock, perfume-bottle. 
The helmet, the iron-box.
The more I look at them and
Think, the more creepy they become.

I freaked out one day and
Accidentally came in front of
The mirror..

My eyes were a pair of chairs.
Two clocks in place of ears.
I sneezed out of shock and
The gas off my nose caught fire. 

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