27 April 2024

What It takes to socialize

For the first time in her life,
Mom asked me for some
Spare money I'm left with.
I wondered, what changed.

She's going to the local market
With the other women,
To fetch vegetables these days.

It took all of her kids to
Learn well, take a job and
Go away from home and then
The husband had to fall ill..
For her to socialise.

I love it when she complains
About the prices of onion
And ridge guard. I'm happy
To see her manage a small

Budget and decide for herself
On the matters she knows well.

I imagine her negotiating with
The vendors over prices of
Brinjal and love it when she blames
The government for the price rise.

And each Saturday, when
The neighboring aunty gives
Her a loud call, I remind myself
The definition of welfare in

Economics as a number of
Choices one makes in a
Day-to-day life.

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