26 December 2024


The tall building on the 
4th street has my book and 
Pencil-- I never gotta 
Go to school.

The villa near the water 
Tank has trophies I 
Never gotta win.

The temple near the Lake 
Has shoes and a uniform 
I never gotta wear.

The High school by
The Panchayat office has 
Memories of my crippled leg. 
Damaged when one of 
The walls fell.

The childhood that's 
Rubbed away by the bricks 
I carried from the kiln-

When I walk these streets,
A streak of nostalgia 
Gets to me-- like I almost 
Met my school crush.

But alas! She too had to 
Carry bricks for the 
New Mall that came up 
In the city nearby.

We can almost hear the 
Sound of the movies.
And the whiff of popcorn 
Popping inside.

Sometimes we sneak in
To get a peek at the other side,
But it seems they always 
Shoo away our kind.

25 December 2024

Grandma's Garden

The marigolds with their 
Yellow for this festival
And jasmines oozing their

The Periwinkles with subtle 
Pink by the fence that's
Always ignored and 

The roses in full bloom
Dancing on the only sapling
That came up well after 
Years of trying-

The blossoms in Grandma's
Garden was the beginning of
New Year back then.

She made Deities with
Cow-dung for the occasion.
Age-old tradition to pay
Tribute to our ancestors.

Anything that was deemed 
As a weapon was washed 
And worshiped that day.

The first time she had
Asked me for my book and
The pen for the pooja...
How I had felt like a warrior.

Fresh bravery in my bones.
Chased away pigs that day
In the backyard by myself.
I was heck of a Knight.


The next time you travel
By bus at night.
May a beautiful girl occupy
The seat beside you.

May you talk all night
And hit it off well.
May she ask your number
Before you could.

Then by next weekend
May she come to meet you
And you two readily
Fall for each other.

May bike-trips happen
To you both. Late night
Convos under the stars.
Music, love, lust, fights.

And worse, a marriage.

May you have a seamless
Happy life. Two kids in a
Big home. One girl
And the other boy.

One afternoon when you
Sleep on the couch.
May one of them throw a
Steel glass at your face.

And when you wake up
Irritated, to the summer of
Power cut. May you curse
The humidity with

The sweetness of what you
Briefly felt in the dream.

24 December 2024

The Picture

Your head rested on my
Right shoulder when we
Sat on the park bench.

A photographer captured
It from behind and gave 
Us the pic saying 

"It's beautiful."
We kissed later that day.
Our first one.

The tendency of that pic
Of turning into innumerable 
Good things-

Travel, food, party, kids.
Sunsets, mountains, beach.
Long walks after fat feasts.

This pic that has no 
Beginning or an end but 
Only possibilities. 

It's a house on lease where 
We no longer live. But I go on
Paying the rent still.

Like a zoned-out writer 
Disappearing in his story.
Drowned and dusted-

Refusing to come back.
Reality fused in fancy,
Your face becoming 

A philosophy, an ideology.
Romanticism edging towards 
A singularity. And the religion 

You've manifested in me-
I'm happy to have become 
A fanatic. 

My bigotry stands stout 
At your service now.
I want a spiritual awakening.

The Hunter

There's a mountain on
Your body and upon it
The weight of a sky.

Then the hungry stomach
And unwavering stability
In the eyes despite all.

It takes patience,
Not the fangs or heavy
Duty arms.

It's the pacing heart's
Focus anchored Against
Titanium locks.

It's clarity in the right
Time. Right pressure
At right points.

A blink of a mistake can
Hail heavy on the stomach,
Even cost your life.

Hunting is not an easy job.
Ready to be steady even
Against impossible odds..

Hunting is a state of mind.
Why do you think a hunt is
Always glorified?

The Hunter doesn't think
About grass despite being

Abandonment to Adoption.

My cat died. No, no. 
She was wounded.
Contracted an infection
That didn't subside.
She had to be done
Away with that's why.

Taken to a far-off place.
She was abandoned there
So she can't find her
Way back home.

She was a good fella.
But inevitability.
That's how things are.

The rats in the house
Started having a party.
We could hear their presence
After the lights were off.

So Dad insisted on
Petting one more.
Again, we got one from
A far-off place so it can't
Find its way back.

She meows around in
Feeble tones. She's fed
And taken care of till she
Become stout.

This gap between
Abandonment and adoption.
The mercy in our hearts
That sinks away and reappears
Like we really care.

We're masters of utility.
Aren't we?

If it suits us, we might
Bell our cats and start
Adoring rats by offering them
The fantasy of nine lives.

Then sacrifice cats
To a religious cause to
Appease Lord Ninklim.
And go in singing laurels
Of his relevance even
In these times.

22 December 2024


This secret that lingers
In you and bombards
Demanding a safe carrier.
Day by day, gaining weight
And turning into a rock.

How do you find the right
Ears to whisper it to?
The able shoulders to
Unload it onto?

You can't just throw it
At your pillow.
It's already overburdened
With tears and your drool.

Or you can't just scream
It off from a cliff hoping
The wind would carry it
To a place of no return.

If there was a competition
For bearing such a weight
Of a secret.
I wouldn't win it.

Crushed by even hints of
Such secrecy-
Spread, surrendered
And bled out on a paper-

The urge to unburden
Myself readily. The urge
To shed extra-baggage
In order to travel light.

I want to be a feather to
Fly away when the wind blows.
Or turn me into a quill to
Do the same.

17 December 2024

Fart to Spirituality

Big entrance exam day,
Four puris in the morning
Fall heavy on your stomach.
The stomach growls.

What seemed like a harmless
Fart, seems to tease with
A Serendipitous act.
Your denial earlier grows

Thin and you gotta search
For a toilet. But the
College premises didn't
Bother to build any.

You gotta walk searching
For one. But the only hope
You got is Two kilometres away
In the bus stand.

And you walk and walk
Clenching your
Embarrassment in the ass
That wants to cry.

A five-rupee coin in hand
To pay for the toilet and
An old woman on the way
Asks you for alms.

You don't know what to
Do with the idea that
Flutters in your mind but
You gotta prioritize other
Important things in hand.

There's no gratitude
Bigger in life than your legs
Getting you a toilet in time.
And you're thankful-

The relief with which you
Return. You pay that
Old-woman purposefully.
That day you were more

Closer to God that
Anytime ever in life.

16 December 2024


Black coffee, no sugar- plain bitter. 
A Memoir of Dharmashala: Club from 1850s
when the British found vacation joys 
In the hills of their enslaved territory. 

'Cozy jazz' - playlist on the music platform, 
Plays endlessly, I'm all in even if it's hours long.

It triggers something in me
I think about this life. This damned life and 
The series of events that brought me
Here again. 

A friend who died
And the bike he left me in his will along with
A lot of vivid memories on it across 
Lands, oceans, and hills.

One or two songs from the playlist 
Or even more, tweaking the slow cinnamon 
Burn of our days from the college..

They take me back to pull my heart out
To the life at it's the barest laughter and 
We staring back at it with the coldest eyes.

Then he goes away. Twenty years have 
Passed and I haven't cried it out yet.

I feel like poking my eyes with this pen
In my to nab down every bit of tear that
Doesn't come out. But no. 
I have to drag this life for him.

I gotta feel un-poured rains for him.
And see the unveiled horizons. And experience 
That nightly starlight across the Himalayas.

And maybe someday at dawn, when the sun
Comes up across a snow-laden mountains
In the village of Zanskar, to bring 
Peace to my years of traveling streak.

I would then order two cups of 
Sea-Buck-Thon tea, to say cheers to an empty seat. 
And slowly drink it to fade away in 
The foggy wisdom the same evening.


I scribble my thoughts in
My notebook.
If something comes off well,
I type it and pin it in 
Google Keep for editing.

After regular rounds of
Mending, bending and 
Restructuring of the tone.
I unpin it before posting 
It in my blog.

It's like granting freedom 
To a prisoner. 
Like, an idea was held for 
Trespassing the premises 
Of my mind-

His plea had to go through 
Rounds of considerations,
Before his behaviour 
Was considered apt.

And when it seemed
He lived upto the mark,
He was set free in the
Poetry's realm.

And now that he has 
Earned his freedom,
He belongs to the hearts 
Of whoever reads.


This urge to capture 
Her pics. This urge to 
Scream her name.

The butterflies in the 
Stomach that want to 
Manifest but don't want to 
Make anything obvious-

There's pic of an old man
Walking away in my gallery.
And of a wrapper of 
Cadbury dairy milk.

A leaf of mango and 
A discarded pen I found 
When I was walking her
To the library.

This urge to scribble 
Her name in the last page,
But it goes only till 'S' to 
To become something else.

I realize. These pics are 
The moments I steal as 
Souvenirs around my 
Feelings for her.

Random, hopeless and
Not so loud pics- 
An attempt to hide my 
Longing, even from myself.

Yet this urge to preserve 
Her presence-
The 'S' that became 
'Seagull' in my pen name.

The unsung part is the 'P.S'
That hides the things
My backspace couldn't.


Sleeping with myself to 
Test my narcissism.
Guess I got an erection.

I saw my face and 
The bare-ugly-chest.
Drooled all over to 
Quench my fetish.

I was my own king
And my own queen.

Orgasm after orgasm 
After the self-admiration.
Finding no one better 
Than the two of me-

The goldy manifestation 
I am, and the others,
High on the voyeurism of
My pious sins-

Should try me. Try us. 
We can gaslight you
At will and feed you to
Your own guilt, so that 

You can come in praise 
Of my wit later on.

Till then, lemme 
Sharpen my tongue for 
My next attack.

15 December 2024

War against Cancer

Me and cousin urinated
In the empty bottles,
Stashed by my grandfather.

Hampering his intentions
Of selling them to buy
Himself packs of Beedi.

Guess who were the
Earliest fighters of cancers
By weaponizing weenies.

Maybe we should take up
The task again to raise
Funds for a campaign to

Piss on the balance sheets
Of cigarette companies.
"Cocks against cigars"-

Such a metaphor for 
What kills and what can 
Give birth.

What can ooze out life
And what sucks it in.

12 December 2024


Beyond this village,
The opportunities.
The lillies beyond the sea
Against the marigolds here.

The weight of a livelihood
Like a compulsive habit
To join an ocean.
Salt, depth, dark- lost?

Should the river be
Condemned to forget
Its own taste in search 
Of something more?

Should the Lotus in the
Village pond go on
Smiling daily, despite being 
Ignored by everyone?

The different worlds we
Fancy in our heads-

One leg, very well 
Grounded while the other 
Is placed in the skies of 

The divide forever keeps
Increasing while we piss on
The possibilities that lie
In the middle.


The older you get,
The less you cry.
You just learn to handle 
The pain well, with time.

Hide hit, mold it or 
Whatever it takes to
Push back the tears.

The skilled carpenters 
We are with our 
Hammers and the nails-

Agile to thump back 
Every drop with no fear
Of damaging the eyes,
Or hearts.

Nails stuck all over the 
Face, a wooden mask
Always in work,
All through life.

The kid within us we
Tried to love. We abused 
Him eventually.
We're our own pedos.

Adulthood really is just a
Funeral where everyone 
Laughs at each other's 
Progressive demise.

10 December 2024

One Last Hunt

The storm in your chest is a
Caged animal, waiting for 
That one last hunt.

Poised on front foot,
Body weight shifted to rear.
Ready to jump as soon as
You open your gates.

But you're afraid of the 
Turbulence aren't you?
Second guessing your ability to
Bear lightening and thunder?

To protect the flicker of
Light that you haven't lit yet,
You go all lengths to contain 
The storm inside..

And the darkness in your 
Life and winter in your legs.
The animal you are, wanting 
That one final hunt..

But you were afraid of the
Taking chances all your life,
And you wonder how you 
Starved yourself to death.

07 December 2024

Ruined Thing

A bird that didn't fly,
Man who didn't try.

Stuck in ifs and why,
Train left the station 
And you stood watching 
Instead of hopping on.

The song was ready,
Guitar was tuned.
The song didn't materialize 
As you chose not to sing.

A perfectly ruined thing
Is the one didn't get
Any taint or bruise.

So afraid of the wound,
Stood infront of the mirror 
All life, glorifying one's 
Flawless skin.

But the mirror only 
Amplifies what you hide.
How do you escape 
Your reflection that lies?

06 December 2024

Carrot Halwa

I hope you say my name
In your sleep. 
I hope your kid asks you 
Repeatedly about the one 
You seek in your dreams.

I hope you've fumbled 
Everytime they all wanted an 
Explanation and I hope
You had decided to never 
Talk about the past.

But not today.
Not on on this gloom ladden 
Sunday of late December.

But how are you gonna 
Say it aloud? 
How are you gonna scream 
An ex lover's name in
Everyone's presence?

So you decide to prepare 
Halwa with carrots from 
Backwaters of Kerala,
The one you had prepared me
When we had first met.

Everyone enjoys it to 
The last bit. 
Your in-laws say it's the best 
They've tasted.
That's the closure everyone 
In the family wanted..
That's what you thought.

But your kid still goes on 
Aking about me and you never 
Realise when he started 
Referring to me as papa.

And what shocks you more
Is why the hell is he referring
To your husband as mama.

05 December 2024


I like the Third-Person-POV 
Of mine who goes on 
Scribbling word after word.
Sentence after sentence.

Stopping for a while to
Search for words and then 
Go on in rhythms with a 
Set flow.

This simulation that runs
In my head, flowing around 
Like a river in search of 
New oceans.

I feel the tones, the pauses.
Breaths taken when I 
Run out of words and swish of 
Wind when a good sentence 

Strikes my head.
It's an unstructured play of
Aligning lines, before something 
Translates on the paper.

While I stood looking at
The burst-crackers in the street
From the previous night's

I toppled over an idea and 
The subsequent stream of 
Thoughts landed me in this 


The day I died,
My soul came out holding 
Its nose, like it could
Not bear the stench.

It didn't look back or wait. 
It escaped from gap between 
Unbecoming of my name
Into a corpse.

What will this bird out
Of the cage would do?
For I haven't taught her
Any songs too.

I already see a limp
In its wings,
Can sour to the heights 
It wishes to reach?

But then it enters another 
Body before I could 
Empathize with it a bit.
Souls have no loyalty, ain't it?

Flaunting its body-count 
Like it's a Manther,
It goes on lusting for better 
Cages and skeletons, 

To collect bounty in terms 
Of carnal misery of the body 
That comes with every 
Mortal's mortality.

04 December 2024


Woke up, and went on a walk.
Made myself a cup of coffee
And had a good frothy bath..

It could have been otherwise.

Watched a movie later on,
Wrote something for myself.
A good lunch. A deep nap
After a long time..

It could have been otherwise.

Plugged in the earphones,
Hopped on an old playlist and 
Remembered an old friend while 
I sulked alone in the evening.
Called him this time.

It could have been otherwise.

He joined me later on.
A bike ride to the distant bar.
A beer, kababs and biryani.
Talked for long.

It could have been otherwise,
But I called him, and we had a beer.
Can live in relief for another 
Month at least and maybe 
Many more.

03 December 2024

Good Night

Bridges from where to
Where and why?
Why they're always in
The proces of building or
Burning in the stories?

Today, in mine, everything 
Lies flat on the floor.
Reasons I don't know.
I mean, on this winter night 
Why the trudge?

Why build something 
Out of sweat? Or burn
Something to cough out
The same?

It's lazy, hopeless and
Mindless freak this night.
Lies flat with wanting 
No help or support.

Loses control and withers 
Itself to sleep.
This story is sleep deprived.
And I badly need it.
Good night.

02 December 2024

Sense of Humour

At first, parents will come to
Snatch your sense of humor.
Then those teachers and 

Advisors and other elders, 
Who can't handle your wit.

Sometimes the siblings and
Some friends. Your dog,
The family deity, who can't 
Take a little offense.

They can't handle the ridicule. 
A bit of sarcasm seems
Like a mirror, and they don't 
Want to be exposed.

Then there's the government.
The most afraid and intolerant.
Anything that reeks of life,
They want to tax it.

Sales tax on whoever laughs
And slabs of GST on whoever
Makes them laugh.
They love you on crutches,

Don't they? A compliant mind 
That doesn't question.
A "Yes sir' without any arguments
And you're a patriot.

If only all the leaders were 
Comedians, and 
In the next world wars, 
Jokes would explode..

Not that they aren't jokers now
Or not exploding stuff.
It's just, no one is laughing. 
As the joke is on us. 

01 December 2024


Somewhere, there's a memory 
Of waiting with Mom for a bus
To her maiden home.

Somewhere there's a memory 
Of Dad carrying me on his 
Shoulders to buy me chocolates.

Grandpa, showing me how 
The buffaloes are milked.
Grandma, giving me 25 paise
After I help her with chores.

A memory of running around 
With cousins and bruising 
My knees. Mama gifting me my 

First pair of Pargon-chappals
As I tagged along while 
Harvesting paddy.

The brief shudder of calm in
My veins every time I remember 
My childhood. Feels like,

I still sneak into those orchards
To steal mangoes. So delicious
That I'm forever thankful.