Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

23 October 2022


The cheeks of the 
Skies, been intoxicated 
By the Damsels of 

The gushing winds 
Have been tamed by 
The Daisies of
Scented chimes. 

The moon was too
Mellow and the
Jasmines have
Tamed him tonight.

Lavenders have
Replaced the stars,
Roses been luminiscent
For quite some time.

Bless us with your
Elegance dear love.
The laurels are 
Forever waiting..

For the lullabies
Of your glance.

09 January 2022

Dead Poet

Dear poet. I read your obituary in the newspaper. Didn't know how to interpret it. 

Are you really gone or is it one of the instances that you just can't write? 

Are you choking on your words or you have done away with yourself from over a fan? 

I hope it is just a series of miscarriages in your head. I would like to believe that you are in your cave, taking time to come up with something new as you always do. 

I didn't know how to comprehend the headline, "Death of a poet". As it seemed like a beautiful metaphor you would use.

Hope everything is fine. And you're working on your next piece.

06 January 2022

Tainting Apathy

The papers want
To be tainted.
They pray for 
Redemption from
The blinding of
The blank.

The pen is a 
Messenger of 
The god.

Rescuing the 
Poetry is a 
Warrior knight. 

05 January 2022

Cosmic Job

There's a strange 
Feeling that's 
Simmering on the
Tips of my fingers.

An unusual quiver
Passing beneath
My feet. 

I feel a layer of skin
Upon me and 
Someone is trying to
Break it free.

Looks like something
Is in wake. 

My pen wants me
To go on a ride.
A piece of paper
Must be praying
For its redemption
From the blank.

Cosmic forces may
Have chosen me
For the job..

To balance the
Let me write a

30 December 2021

Shower Some Starlight

Shores of the sea
Are cleansed by
The touch of your

Winds seek 
At the behest of
Your cheeks.

The moon 
Has been jealous,
For over an 

The sun has been
Chasing the dark
To give meaning 
To his fondness. 

Feed this celestial 
Universe has been 
Lonely all along.

I've wished for a
A glance of you a
Million times..

Pass me through 
One of your 
Thoughts and shower 
Some starlight. 

06 December 2021

Aid of Divine

Her face is
Her heart,
The blue sky.

Eyes are wild,
Tone is mild.
Her blush is
A killer when 
She becomes
A child. 
As sweet as
A butterfly.
As brave as
The late night.

Down the
Alleys of my
Confused mind
She seems to be
The Answer...
To all my
If and Whys.
She's such
A joy.
A touch of
A miracle,
I'm not gonna

A reason for
My loneliness'
An inspiration,
Who makes me 
Beyond the 
Close to Gods.

She's a fantasy
Divised by 
The aid of divine.


These bruises 
And scars.
Half-cut smiles, 
And broken stars.
Little insides that 
Die daily to 
Humiliation and

The taints we 
Nourish to grow
A slang from you,
An Arrow from
Our palette,
Full of blame 
Is pretty much 

We're poets sire,
We paint in words,
Take on nerves and
Live in shadows.
You may not 
Recognize us.
We don't reside in
Hearts that are hollow.

Come and see us,
If you've time.
We're just a 
Thought away.

If you peep in 
Your head, 
In search of aesthetics 
In the dust 
Of your mind..


07 September 2021


Between your ears
There is a prison.
Down your throat
There's a whistle.
Clenching your chest
A pump dictates
Terms of your life.

The thing between
Your thighs cries
Purpose of your life.
While two beans around
Same region has
Mocked it all the while.

The words that 
Quiver in your hand
Are in search of a
Place to safely land.
And how nice it is
If your redemption
Comes via the verses
You write.

06 August 2021

Story Barter

Each time sea-waves
Break on the beach.
A story is left to be

Well stirred.
Well thought and
A well crafted story
Is left in the sand
To be gone.

I dipped my feet
To forget my own.
Ended up writing
Another instead.

A story absorbed
To abandon another.
Against the one I wrote
To let another float.

The one that came 
Out as ink is fine. 
Mine must be a
Giant-sad-wave by now.  

30 July 2021

Got a Quill instead

I'm no bird that
Can soar high,
With flap of

I'm no animal
To survive the
Wild and breath

I'm no mantis 
To disguise my
Prayer and
Find my game.

And I'm no microbe
To to grow my
Appendage at

I'm just a human 
With aspirations.
Myriad dreams 
To fullfill.

They said, I can't fly. 
To prove them wrong,
Stretched my hands.

A wish for wings
To go wrong..
God offered me a
Quill instead of
A fancy frill.

09 July 2021

Freedom Paradox

Can there be 
Freedom without
A sight without
Shade of the

Life without
Fear of death?
Or a desire 
Devoid of 
Incessant threat?

Isn't poetry a
Bondage of
Music confined
In pauses of

A white page
Is of million
Plain paint,
Of myriad

Standing still,
How withheld
Is a tree?
Cut-lose kite can
Ever be free?

Liquor isn't the
Only tool,
Eyes are 
Intoxicating too.

Birds can be 
Prisons too 
Can be
Someone's envy.

21 June 2021


I sleep in a 
Wake up
In a bubble.

Eat for
My day-to-day

All my plans,
Hanged to the wall.
They wriggle.

I don't have
A wand, to be
Done away with
My troubles.

Magic is a 
Luxury sold to us 
For us to watch
And giggle.

Hey there, 
Wizard, under the 
On the streets-

I'm just a Muggle. 

27 April 2021

I was born when

I was born when..

Sun was gone by.
Moon was bit shy.

Only stars were
Around to twinkle,
Before it got 
Cloudy and
Rained all night.
I was born when..

With a pinch of 
Yellow and 
Shade of green.
The spring was 
Bidding goodbye..

And from around
The corner,
Summer was 
A proper Hi.
I was born when..

Metaphors were
Cast in volcanoes.
Swords were 
Given to men to
Think aloud and
Pen-down verses.

A revolution brew
In great minds.
A spirit of enquiry
Deep down.
I was born when..

Even gods 
Would cry. 
Mothers would
Laugh and sigh.
Girls still,
Stole hearts. 
Kids ran around
Fine and wild.

Love grew in
Our backyards
And traveled 
I was born when..

Humanity hadn't
Lost its way.
Dogs had an
Equal say.
For the good
Deeds no-one
Took credit and

Heaven did go
By merit.

10 January 2021

Poem is a Flight

Mind took me
Hovered on
Dreamy lands..

Thoughts took
A shape.
A Blue Bird
Was born.

It grew wings.
Was meant to
Fly high..
But my throat
Is a graveyard
Where words
Often die.

A standstill.

Fluttered wings.
Poked my mind.
And hit
Some walls.

A frustration
Set in. 

Each day an
Attempt was made.
But how do
You make..

A Dumb person

A pen
With a paper
Was such a 

And at the 
Behest of 
Ink trails,
Emancipation came.

Thoughts flew
Off my brains.

Peace is just
Another bird.
Poem is a flight.

05 April 2020


I feel exposed
In the light.
Threatened by
The dark.

So I lurk in
The shade,
Cast by the

04 April 2020


I'm blinded
By the light,
That's no boon. 

The darkness
I was seeking,

Has been 
By the moon.

Lonely Moon

The Moon is 
Lonely too.
He confessed,
The other night.

Earth has 
Engaged the sun.
The stars are 
Far away and-

The girls who
Fantasized him 
Are taken away
By the boys. 

26 March 2020


I was so hooked to
The mundane,
The mediocre and
The obvious. That..

Anything just above 
Ordinary would have
Held me in surprise.

And you were a 
Rain laden cloud
Around my dry land.

An yearning had to 
Come up. Poetry
Had to take birth.

And it did. 

It Shouldn't

Today the sun has
Come up in the west.
Someone has 
Intoxicated the air 
And the peeps are
High on weed and
On top of the world.

I roll on my couch,
Complaining about
The heat, choking
On mediocre poetry and 
Hating myself more.

Tomorrow all the same,
He'll set in the west.
Peeps dry and dumb
And world yellow again.

Same couch,
Same poems and with 
Same kind of hate,
I conduct myself here.

The peeps, the world 
Mean nothing to me.

In fact. It shouldn't.

08 March 2020

She, Me and My Will

Sometimes, I'm 
As light as a feather 
And all I wish is, 
The wind from east 
To just blow me away.

Also, there are 
Other times-
Days too long
To pass by.
The moon too lazy 
To come up. 

And I'm all assed up
Like a big rock.
Just to put myself
To test, against-
The mighty forces. 

Then there's she,
To keep my feathery
Heart grounded.
And the resolute 
Mind afloat.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...