27 April 2021

I was born when

I was born when..

Sun was gone by.
Moon was bit shy.

Only stars were
Around to twinkle,
Before it got 
Cloudy and
Rained all night.
I was born when..

With a pinch of 
Yellow and 
Shade of green.
The spring was 
Bidding goodbye..

And from around
The corner,
Summer was 
A proper Hi.
I was born when..

Metaphors were
Cast in volcanoes.
Swords were 
Given to men to
Think aloud and
Pen-down verses.

A revolution brew
In great minds.
A spirit of enquiry
Deep down.
I was born when..

Even gods 
Would cry. 
Mothers would
Laugh and sigh.
Girls still,
Stole hearts. 
Kids ran around
Fine and wild.

Love grew in
Our backyards
And traveled 
I was born when..

Humanity hadn't
Lost its way.
Dogs had an
Equal say.
For the good
Deeds no-one
Took credit and

Heaven did go
By merit.