Showing posts with label Longing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Longing. Show all posts

09 May 2020


The text I've sent her
Has been marked blue.
It's been quite a while,
I don't think she has 
Gone to the loo...

The Emojis in the chats
Have been fading too.
Clearly she's ignoring.
I don't know what to do. 

You must be a fool to think
She's busy these days.
Bro! It's all about priorities.
Says my friend Poo.

I keep wondering,
About the shit like
To be or not be. And if
Thats how fate wants to woe,
I'll accept that too.

24 March 2020

Will Remember You

On a summer night,
When my lonesome heart
Will be filled and heavy.

And when there will be 
Too many stray thoughts 
To just ignore and bury.

I'll remember you...
I will remember you..
Like the early monsoon rain.

25 November 2019

Wishful Dream

I wish,
The day 
Were my bed,
A blanket.

A blissful sleep.
And you,
A wishful dream. 

23 September 2019

Light Year

I've waited for years
And just an
Hour has passed.

You're gone
For a second
And this yearning-

This yearning seems
Like its

24 July 2019

Make Me Feel

Bring a chisel and
Stab my frozen heart.
Poke it in the eye, or
Maybe pull out my intestine.

I'm numb.
Can't feel a thing.

Wanna tear it out,
And cry it all away.
Can you break me out
And make me feel?

15 June 2019


One day,
You'll go away my love.
Tomorrow or day after.

The clouds will no longer

Come up to usher rains 

But to just spread gloom.

A part will be ripped off.
Songs will be unsung.
Stories will be unwritten.

And there will be
A void left. That can
Only be filled by you.

That will always
Await for you.

02 June 2019

Wish We Were Real

I wish we were real.
Not the two,
Behind the screens,
Thanking and whining
And listening to each
Other's lamentations.

I wish, the thing
Between us, was not
As sublime as the
Words consumed by
The backspace.
Emotions contained in
Characters and
Expressions thrust
In emojis.

I wish, there was more.
Shade of your anger,
An elegant blush.
A comfortable silence.
A talk over tea, fight
Over breakfast, then
A traveling spree maybe.

Drown in dreams and
Consumed by each other.
I wish you were here and
We had some rough
And raw moments.

I wish we were real.
I wish we had a life.

29 May 2019


You're the winters.
I'm the monsoons.

But I know,

For both, the thirst of the
Summer within is same.

Why not quench
Each other?

You get drenched,
I can use some cool.

Global warming is a thing.
And only together,

We can make it through.

27 May 2019


Reading our chats,
I've been lying idle.
And smiling like a fool.

I wonder about love.
About life.
And imagine your
Cute cryptic smile.

I know we agreed
To depart. But
Are you really gone?

Won't you ever ring the
Notification bell and
Peep on my screen?
Saying "There? I'm waiting."

Our story is being
Eaten away by oblivion.
Doesn't it ache?

And now, don't say,
It's destiny. 🙄

23 May 2019


Up on this peak,
Mountains are asleep.
And the sky is
Wide awake. So am I.

The moonlight is
Melting me down.
Streams of memories,
Your face among the stars.

I miss you.
I wish you were here.
To fill my light-years
Deep longing.

29 March 2019

You know what's Sexy?

Why are you silent?

You’re fed up talking?
Or you think
I’m tired of
Listening to you?

Am I not a
Worthy audience?
Or you’ve been
Underestimating yourself?

Can you not carve out
A dagger-like-smile
To slash away,
This Awkwardness?

Between sullen faces
And dodgy eyes..
Angry disguise and
Pretentious smiles..

You know what’s sexy?
A conversation.

21 March 2019

Quench the Unsung

I was,
A rhymeless poem,
A wandering tramp.
A stray thought in
An empty mind.

You came in;
Showed a dream.
Wrote a song.
And Pfff! Gone like
A cut lose kite.

Now a stage set,
Guitar is tuned.
My feelings are ripe..
Ahh! In here, It's a
Rampage of desire.

Ye! The angel from
The lands, unexpected.
Stop haunting me
Like an unexpressed

Come over for a while,
Give me a sign.
Poke the guitar,
Sing a song,
To quench the unsung.

19 March 2019

The Unsung

Thoughts are
Running wild
To fall into words.

And I'm tired of
Becoming just
Another verse again.

I want someone
To come, to
Usher some rains.

Not to write,
But to sing.

I want to dance.
I'm tired of
The unsung.

14 March 2019


Here we sit across this
Unwavering silence.

And there's a lot of
Noise inside me.

Do you feel the same?

Only if you can really listen.
I can pour my oceans to you.

Can you lend your ears
And be my infinity again?

13 March 2019

Wannabe Blues

To have glistened
Daily in your
Elegant shades.

Like a canvas,
I wish I were
The evening sky.

Woven in the blues
Dim, dusky and
Yet, pleasant.

Un-containable Vacuum

Lift that veil
From your eyes and
Ebb away that gloomy
Shade from your face.

Look up, the
Heavens are hung,
The Life around
Has dried up.

Why don't you
Carve a little grin
On your gentle lips
To light it up around.

Can you break
Your silence and
Fill this vacuum.

Let there be a moment.

13 February 2019

Your Gallows of Apathy

I've become
A prisoner of
Your unsaid words.

Before you choke me
In the gallows of
Your of apathy.

Grant me;
My last wish.
Speak to me.

Quench this
Craving and
Absolve me.

28 January 2019


Late in the night;
You come to taunt,
My healing wounds.

Making these scars glow,
You haunt me like
An unexpressed grief.

Powerful; Raging.
A wanna be contained,
Tired storm.

26 January 2019


I'm a wounded poem,
Wandering around;
In search of a
Rhyme-less melody.

If you are one-

Can you give a refuge
To my ailing metaphors;
And aid them with
Your lullabies?

Can you?
Can you be that home?

18 January 2019


To give refuge to
Those 2 o'clock thoughts.
To cleanse your-
Dust stricken insides.

And to set you free,
From yourself.
One day; someone
Will come along.

And all those songs,
That meant nothing.
All those broken lyrics;
Will make sense.

And then, it'll rain.
Past your cheeks,
Wind will blow for you.
And the birds will sing.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...