Showing posts with label Write. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Write. Show all posts

26 April 2021

Ink Flow

He can't write,
Thoughts have
Gone rogue.

She has 
Gone away,
His heart chokes
In a morgue.

A drought 
In in his mind, 
Hardly anything 

It's been ages
Any of his words
Have last flown.

He's a poet
With a plough.
Tills himself to
Keep the Ink aflow.

But it has stopped
Raining there.
Is there a 
Way out? Bro.

07 April 2021

War in Head

I sell mirrors
In a kingdom
Of blind.
Words of wisdom
To a crowd
Of deaf.
Finding order
In chaos is
One thing.

A knack for
Stoning the
Still waters is
The other.
Mundane choices,
Usual noises.
Between extremes.
Lost in the grey-

Hot iron's been
Cast in shape.
The sword 
That's cast has
Waged, heck of a
War in my head.

And the blood that's
Split has sung the
Same rhymes again.

15 January 2021

Wounded Pen

My blood gets 
Skin turns thick.
Mind goes blank,
Pain becomes 

Empty walls 
Blank papers 

Solitude turns 
Into a mirror.
My reflection, 
A failed 

I keep stabbing
Myself to make 
My pen bleed.
Ink-trails are 
The only way out
It seems.

Wounds are 
Portals to
When the soul
Does freeze.

Quill is the key.
And the bird that
Flies away is,

A poem indeed.

10 January 2021

Poem is a Flight

Mind took me
Hovered on
Dreamy lands..

Thoughts took
A shape.
A Blue Bird
Was born.

It grew wings.
Was meant to
Fly high..
But my throat
Is a graveyard
Where words
Often die.

A standstill.

Fluttered wings.
Poked my mind.
And hit
Some walls.

A frustration
Set in. 

Each day an
Attempt was made.
But how do
You make..

A Dumb person

A pen
With a paper
Was such a 

And at the 
Behest of 
Ink trails,
Emancipation came.

Thoughts flew
Off my brains.

Peace is just
Another bird.
Poem is a flight.

11 September 2020

Reflective Guilt

Stood in front
Of a mirror.
Didn't like 
What I saw.

Put on a smile.
And cried.

Wore colours,
And a new hat.

Blood throbbed
The same.
Moments passed
In vain.

Mundane is
My thing.
Pretnse stuck
Like side wings.

To start over.
I used an eraser
To rub off my 
Story written in pen.

Mistakes undone.
Mirrors stare,
For the story
That's gone.

For the papers
I have torn.

21 August 2020

Killed Poetry. Poet died.

Last night. 
Maybe be before that. 
My poetry died. 
Or did I kill her? 
I don't know. 
I don't care much now.

She choked on me 
Or I gagged her. 
What can I say?
I couldn't stand her. 
She couldn't stand me. 

Asphyxiation I guess.

Thoughts in head 
Found no words. 
Emotions didn't flow 
Blood turned thick. 
Skin, too smothering
And lapse of purpose.

A good kind of 
Possible. Yeah.

Died or killed? 
Doesn't matter. 
She's just not there.
Turned to dust,
Ashes or memories?
Who knows.

Then the poet?
You may ask.

I guess..just.. 
Flesh and bones.
He shouldn't matter. 

26 March 2020


I was so hooked to
The mundane,
The mediocre and
The obvious. That..

Anything just above 
Ordinary would have
Held me in surprise.

And you were a 
Rain laden cloud
Around my dry land.

An yearning had to 
Come up. Poetry
Had to take birth.

And it did. 

29 February 2020



A poem from 
Distant lands,
A story from
Inner depths and 
A melody from 
I don't know where-

Finds me..

I've to 
Keep breathing. 
Keep living. 

07 December 2019

Her Approval

A story I was 
Brewing for you,
Is hot and ready.

I suppose it's not
Overcooked or spicy.
And the salt is right.

And I hope you like it, 
With closed eyes and
A pretentious sigh.

Do it, even if you
Don't like the taste.
I'd love the expression.

And how about a
Poem as dessert? 
Or rather some
Witty sarcasm?

24 November 2019

Unread Poem

Adrift thoughts 
Were surrounded.
Beat, bullied, tied up. 
Locked them up in words.

With an ink-thirst spear,
Imprisoned on a sheet.

Sougth some attention.
Over and again. Distraught,
Cried for little help.

And finally, when a lover's
Eyes caught them.
Had them linger on lips.
Redeemed they were.

06 October 2019

Brain Harvest

Lingering words,
Unsettled thoughts.

Incomplete lines and
A cut loose desire.

Off my cloudy mind
It just might rain.

Time to harvest some
Words into a verses.

07 September 2019


It's too much.

Legs given up,
Mind suspended.
Ache in the heart.
And crazy intestine.

Shutting your own-self
From yourself.
You just lie dead
On your empty mind.

Yet, a thought,
Pokes out of
Your rigid walls.
Fires-up itself,
Takes a ride with
The crazy wind.

Soaks in night,
Grows wings to fly high.
Basks in the starlight
And when it's back-

Walls down,
Infected with a verse,
You're all filled up.

Too much for a day.

18 August 2019

The Poem I Am

An unfinished poem
Is a hungry,
Restless beast,
On a hunting spree,
For right words.

The finished one
Is a calm
Composed bird.
The one that makes
Heart as light as
A humble feather.

I wonder if I am
Either. Neither.
Or both.

24 July 2019

Butterfly Effect

The sky coughed
A roar.
Frightened clouds
Cried rains.
And the plants
Giggled a bloom.

The birds to
Sing a joyous song,
The son of a man
Surprised himself
With a poem.

15 June 2019

Unsaid. Unheard.

I've questions
I don't wanna ask.
Answers she might
Not wanna know.

So I sit here locking
Things in metaphors.
Knitting wings to
My words.

So that they can
Linger around and
Can never be
Unsaid or unheard.

09 June 2019


Sealed the mouths.
Pens snatched.
Papers seized.
All the poets were
Surrounded and
Burnt to death.

A metaphor was
Born out of the
It radiated poems.
Like it was a
Radioactive decay.

Gags removed,
Chains melted.
Free thoughts
The rest couldn't
Breath the clean air.
It was too toxic.

08 June 2019

Verbal Carnage

Through the darkness,
I stare at the ceiling.
It can't get any emptier.
And the silence spreads.
Smothers my mind
With a blank paper.
A blinding white.

A lonely echo from
Around the corner says,
Darling, you don't need
A pen to carve
Your words tonight.
I'll just make you bleed.

And this carnage
Goes on very night.
And you my friend,
If you ever fall short
Of words, come. Collect.
There's enough

07 April 2019


I'm an
Indebted poet.
And you're my
Greatest lender.


For the words I've
Borrowed and the
Metaphoric loans
You've availed-

The stories I make
And the poems I write.
Are just the
Interest payments.

21 March 2019

Quench the Unsung

I was,
A rhymeless poem,
A wandering tramp.
A stray thought in
An empty mind.

You came in;
Showed a dream.
Wrote a song.
And Pfff! Gone like
A cut lose kite.

Now a stage set,
Guitar is tuned.
My feelings are ripe..
Ahh! In here, It's a
Rampage of desire.

Ye! The angel from
The lands, unexpected.
Stop haunting me
Like an unexpressed

Come over for a while,
Give me a sign.
Poke the guitar,
Sing a song,
To quench the unsung.

19 March 2019

The Unsung

Thoughts are
Running wild
To fall into words.

And I'm tired of
Becoming just
Another verse again.

I want someone
To come, to
Usher some rains.

Not to write,
But to sing.

I want to dance.
I'm tired of
The unsung.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...