23 December 2018

Night- Bike- Chills.

My job involves conducting farmers meetings occasionally. Usually, we conduct meetings in the evening. Yesterday, the meeting got a formal start around 8 pm and was stretched up to 10 pm. And I started my return journey on my bike by 10.30pm. Winter night, cloudy sky, empty roads, slow ride and upon it I sat shivering. Counting down the kilometers covered, all I had in my mind was to reach home without getting robbed.

My home was some fifteen kilometers away I suppose; when I spotted a man standing his hands extended. Giving someone a drop at that hour, I was skeptical. As I approached him, he almost tried to block me. So, I had to stop by. He was a well-built adult; in his 30s I suppose. Looked like a farmer. Tough I was averse, I couldn’t deny him the ride. Then the usual conversation began. He said why he was stranded there. Where he was heading. What he does. Then about his family.

He said he will get down at Neginahal, which is five kilometers before my village. As I talked with him and became familiar, I was relaxed. Yet, in some corner, I had some sort of suspicion. Our conversation took a different turn when he said, sir don’t travel late in the night in this route.

Me: Yes, I have heard of thefts. But my job demands this sometimes.

He: Thefts are okay sir. But there are spirits too.

Me: Oh! Come on man. People just tell stories. Tell me if you yourself have seen any.

He: (In an assertive tone) I have not sir. But a couple of days back one of my closest friends did encounter one.

Me: (In a denial tone) Oh like that. (I knew he would tell the story in which I had no interest at all)

He: He was on his bike late in the night; coming back from Bailhongal.

Me: Was he drunk?

He: Yes he was but that’s not the point.

Me: (sarcastically) So, he was on his bike late in the night and he was stopped by someone asking for a drop?

He: That’s what he said.

Me: (Cliché) go ahead...

He: While the stranger sat on his bike and both were deeply involved in the conversation. Suddenly the stranger stopped talking. And there was grave silence all of a sudden.

Me: (sarcastically) Must have fallen down on the way.

Then, he didn’t reply readily. I waited for his reply for a while. His village was another kilometer away and I was waiting to get rid of him. But there was no reply from him. I thought he got offended by the way I talked to him. Then to break the ice, I said, Annara(bro!). Yet, there was no sound.

His village was hardly a minute away when I asked him if he has to be dropped in first bus stand or second one. There was no response. Calling him a couple more times, I said to myself what’s wrong with this man.
I made a decision to stop by the first bus stand. There was no one there. Supposing he is upset with me, I was imagining his knotted face that would bid me adieu. Expecting the same, I looked back. There was no one. I searched around there was no one.

Head full of rushing thoughts. Confusion, anxiety, chills down my spine and I could feel my heated up ears and churning insides. The bike in the first gear roared. I raced the accelerator.

His words were ringing in my head. Late nights... Spirits... Empty roads... Grave silence.