05 January 2021


I hum over 
The mundane.
Sing when happy.

Seek ink trails 
When sad.
Carry stars in
Pockets to
Swim through
The darkness.
Giggles in the
Not so uncommon
Dark humour.

At will.
Long stare at
The ceiling fan.
You know..
Just incase...
Quite unusually,
The radio plays
An unfamiliar song.
Maybe Italian.
But who cares

Death has 
No color. 
The crowd and
Empty rooms,
Are the same.
Silence and
No difference.

The same strand
Of thought,
Which gave me
Has recocheted 
From the edges
Of my brain.
The fine line
Between black
And white is
Now lost in 

And right now,
Even if you
Stab and say
"Trust me".

Maybe I will.
Right away.

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