29 March 2023

An Evening

To the effect of
Too much heat.
It has rained a
Little this evening.

The taste of 
Coffee is blended
With the smell
Of soil.

What more do
You need?

Scattering through
Sunlight filters
Through the
Eucalyptus trees. 

A halo around
Flying birds.
A painted
Distant horizon.
A suble sensation
On your skin.

What a beauty..

A presage for arrival 
Of good days
Ahead of schedule
It seems. 

This bliss in absence 
Of thoughts.
Disposition of a
Suspended mind.

Each breath is a
Formless hymn.
I seem to have
Become a 
My own dream. 

Ohh! Is this what 
Living in the 
Present means? 

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