12 October 2023


My landlord invited me to
Ganapati Pooja.
Giving the final touch to the
Decorations in the mandap-

He aligns the position of
The statue one last time,
To declare, Bappa can't be
Moved till the fifth day.

Incense sticks were lit,
Aarti was brought, camphor
Was burnt on a coconut and
His daughter started singing.

She shouldn't have but
She did. Even the lord
Seemed pretty scared.
Maybe he wanted to run-

But he was bound by a
Coarse voice's command.

I stood there hands folded,
Imagining situations in
My head. Trying to control
My laugh.

But the laugh as it
Hammers on the wall of
My mouth- unable to
Find an exit-

Rams on my nose with
Heavy cough and drool.
And laugh of course.

The song stopped,
She cried, everyone
Hated me for what
I did.

The Lord wanted to
Rescue himself from the
Whole act- to which he
Sacrificed me like a lamb.

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